Why in the world RPD

Ever since they "reworked" the map I feel like its a collage of endless pallets and windows but not only that its the ONLY map that matchmaking will give me. I have played nothing but that map except for one time since the update and I just want some variety. This map makes me feel like I'm playing in the newer days of DBD where all the maps had endless windows and pallets. I will admit that I just got out of an RPD game where I lost miserably so that might be part of the reason I'm posting this but still, feelings don't change towards the map.
Not every map has a set layout, but this one does. If y'all are still getting lost around Midwich and RPD, or can't learn the loops, that's on you. Windows Of Opportunity is always an option.
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Because suffer, I guess.
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Posted after a KILLER match. Windows of Opportunity is a survivor perk, and knowing where the windows are wouldn't even help me when I have to loop certain tiles at least 3 times, only for another tile to be present right next to it. I'm not sure your point.
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I'm pretty sure it's got an increased occurance rate right now, I get it 50% of games.
Weird that you're finding it to have too many pallets and vaults though, it's been VASTLY killer sided in every game I've tried it on, both as survivor and killer. Unfairly so.
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For me there's just a MASSIVE amount of pallets and windows that are side by side. It seems like every single corner has a pallet or window and I've noticed this playing survivor as well. Don't get me wrong I've not lost every killer game or won every survivor game on the map and I really think it sucks for both sides in different ways but as I said in the post it was mostly posted out of anger at the time, though I do still stand by the problems I listed in the post. I'd say the worst thing as far as survivor goes is the amount of completely unsafe pallets/vaults that will kill you more than help you, though there are a couple god pallets on the map so as I said I believe the map sucks for everyone in different ways, especially depending on what perks / character the other side uses.
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If you're tired of RPD, start burning map offerings. Thats what I'm doing. I aint goin back onto that map anytime soon, lol.
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Well which is it? Is the map horrible for killers or survivors? Because it can't be both, even though many here will try to argue that.
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It can definitely be terrible for both. It really varies depending on the type of team you go against as killer, and the killer you go against as survivor. There are a lot of stupid places in the map that favor one side or the other. There are many pallets that are better off being ignored than being used because they're so unsafe but then there are parts of the map that have two pallets and a window that can be looped for a long period of time with little to no risk against certain killers. You act as if a map can't just be purely badly designed and be not fun for any side.
I'd also like to add that I never said it sucked the same amount for both sides, I believe it is more survivor sided but can still be unfun as a survivor especially with how much it is being spammed right now.
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JFC, this. Who thought three pallets in a row was a good idea?
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Your analysis of this map can be applied to basically any map. Some pallets are weaker and some are stronger. No, a map cannot be badly designed for both sides. That's actually impossible.
Is there any other reason besides bad teammates or getting the map a lot that make it bad?
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I said the map can be unfun as survivor, which I've found it to be especially if you're caught in some areas, but it is worse as killer as I believe at core the map is survivor sided. There are so many loops that have multiple pallets and windows right next to them and can take ages to catch a survivor at depending on which killer you're playing as. I'm really confused where you pulled "It's just as bad as killer as survivor" from in the first place because I never once said that in my original post so it seems like a made up argument. I said it's annoying as both in my opinion, because I overall just don't enjoy playing on the map, but I never said "It's horrible for both equally!" as you seem to think I did.
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Not horrible for both equally, but you did say it sucks for both sides in some form or fashion, which I don't get. If there's weak areas as survivor, don't go there. If there's strong loops as killer, it's not a guarantee because survivors can bring you to those areas, but try not to chase there.