Please consider changing the Achievement "Outbreak Breakout"
Simply put, escaping 20 times on a single map is a huge task. Needing to be the one who opens the gate is an even bigger hurdle.
When you factor in the part where RPD is among the most hated maps, you need to rely on 4 other strangers to not disconnect or throw the game once the map comes up. Even playing normally, you still need to make it to the endgame scenario.
Not to mention that RPD can only show up 2/38 times with all the maps included. (the appearance rate may be boosted now, but after the chapter ends, it will be an uncommon occurrence)
This would be a terribly designed achievement even if it was for a Realm like Coldwind Farm.
Wait wait wait, you need to OPENT THE GATES BY YOURSELF? Please tell me you're joking. Please!
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Me watching the devs make the most ass achievements to ever be created.
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Nope, not joking. This is an awful achievement and needs to be changed.
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I did not escaped a single time in RPD and I didn't know that. I haven't realized it is much worse that I could imagine, and I imagined a lot (
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The counter really should be lowered to 5. 20 is way too much to randomly hope you get the map, while also having to escape by the gate. I hope this gets considered.
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I keep throwing up RPD Badges and every time, someone dc's while loading so its an auto-escape. How can we get an achievement for 20 damn escapes after opening a gate if NO ONE wants to even get in the MATCH?