Instead of making 17 million crutch perks to deal with tunneling

why not just make DS basekit and automatically happen, and reward killers for spreading out hooks, I was think a +5 percent bonus to gen kicking regression for each unique survivor hooked as well as adding back BBQ's bp bonus as a basekit mechanic, that would be more than enough to get me to start playing nice again.
Woah actually suggesting mechanics to benefit the game in the longterm thats new
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ofc everyone here is gonna tell me the same "PeRkS ShOULdNT bE BaSekiT!"
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So a free Pop Goes The Weasel on top of multiple gen regression perks? No thanks. If they add BBQ BPs back, then WGLF should also get it back.
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Did you read the first part? This would heavily discourage tunneling and camping, while supporting playing the game in a way that allows all players to have chases(the only part of the game that expresses skill from both sides), the values could always be changed, and regression perks can always be nerfed, but you would prefer this over getting tunneled and camped, correct?
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I don't think you all understand that change is going to be needed if you want the perfectly balanced experience. I actually think that threads and suggestions like these are in the realm of possibilities if people just stopped crying and coming up with logical solutions, and this is one. Its because knee jerk reactions are forced because NO ONE IS WILLING TO SEE MAJOR CHANGE
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Would be a great quick way to really get killers to camp and tunnel less and play more fairly. Though a few gen regression and slowdown perks would have to be looked at in that case as well. Mainly just certain synegries between certain perks, like Call of Brine and Overcharge.
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They already did a LOT to encourage that. That just made it worse. Rewards are not working for people who only focus on those 2 elements of DBD.
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How about Survivors just learn to not get found? if you decide to heal under the hook you made your choice and you deal with it.
Dont punish the Killer because you are unhappy with your choices.
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Tunneling and camping will always be a part of the base game because the hook is a flawed core mechanic of the game.
The only way to stop if from happening is to either remove the hook and make a different mechanic entirely that's not as easily abuseable and not as boring for the other side or to just outright make it impossible to do by changing other core mechanics.
I personally think it's well past time they added a new game mode with different core mechanics.
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I feel like the direction they've been going with for basekit anti-tunnelling is a perfectly fine direction. With the latest buff to both the duration and the Haste percentage, I feel like this should be enough to get to a loop in almost all tunnelling scenarios.
As for encouraging killers to spread pressure, I feel like those numbers are a little high, but I don't mind the idea. Really, I think that's an area where perk design would be a better place to look- with perks like Grim Embrace, but like... better lol.
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Half the people on here are little kids. Over half the people playing this game are probably little kids, as well. Therefor, a lot of the solutions to problems that people generally come up with might be short sighted.
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What have they done exactly? The only things they've as of late is encourage people to stay at hooks by removing the info from pain reso and making BBQ useless to most killers, but at the same time adding reassurance as a bandaid fix to camping.
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just add BBQ and WGLF bonus bp back.
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The massive buff overall to help killers end chases faster and to improve kill times so tunneling and camping would not be so great but all it did was increase both.
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Actually considering a reasonable improvement to the situation for both sides, equal parts carrot and stick. I like it. Dunno if its exactly what i'd go with, but it'd absolutely be an improvement for everyone vs how things are now, and how they continue to address them.
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I find it funny how I'm always debating killer and survivor mains at the same time in my threads, for some reason people really struggle to understand that both sides have problems that need fixing.
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Its understandable to a degree, people will always value their own perspective over another. Unfortunately they tend to consider their perspective infallible and anything that exists outside of it (even when not directly contradictory) feels like an attack on their logic. The issue is that it turns into arguing rather than discussing, and nobody really takes anything away from the exchange. Just makes you appreciate when you see open-mindedness, i guess.
Like this very topic has people jumping to argue "the other side can't have nice things" and ignoring that they got an equally nice thing. If thats because they don't believe they are evenly valued, its understandable, but they're ignoring that their appraisal might not be correct. They might not have the insight to even accurately appraise the entire suggestion.
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i would still tunnel through ds because its still fastest way to kill someone than spreading out hooks.
If you want to make DS base-kit, just equip DS every game. 40% of survivor pre-updated equipped Dead hard, DS and BT, so these perk were base-kit on 40% of the survivors. One of meta perks(Borrow time) just became base-kit. That means survivor have 1 extra perk slot from before. You can use this extra perk slot in any way you desire, but one way to use it is to just equip DS every game. They no longer need to use Borrow time as a stronger version of old borrow time is now base-kit.
with 22.5% regression per kick, this almost encourages me to hook 1 person in a 3 gen at 5 gens and just camp. If they hook trade, My base-kick regression goes up therefore my ability to 3 gen and punish gen-tapping goes up and every time a person taps a gen in my 3 gen, i get 22.5% regression for free. base-kit pop goes weasel with 0 negatives on every kick. what could go wrong?
I would rather make every hook into scourge hook and give me default scourage hook pain resonance. Perhaps 25% regression on every hook. If you dislike hold-m1 on gens longer, an alternative suggestion is giving killers 3rd effect of devour hope where after 5 unhooks have been performed, The killer can mori any survivor after downing them. That also incentive me to leave hooks and speed the game-up.
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Wow, a rational human being on forums like these, you sir, are a diamond in the rough.
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3 gens are completely the fault of survivors, and also, if every survivor is alive at that point, you can just bait out the killer with gen tapping and then unhook the survivor, now what does the killer do? Maybe a cooldown of 30 seconds would be needed, but even then there's counterplay to be had.
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not really. some run overcharge+call of brine+eruption as their go to meta-build for killer and their entire strategy is based around 3 gening since bvhr buffed it last patch, you can even add corrupt intervention to make sure your first chase doesn't break your ideal 3 gen.
Killers can force 3 gens automatically in the game right from get to. in fact some killers such as trapper and hag are highly encouraged to do this because of their secondary objective of drawing traps on the floor and picking-up traps as if the killer have too much time on their hands.
Survivors can only prevent 3 gens if the killer blindly commits to chases at the start of the match. common perk used to do this is prove thyself because prove thyself allows you to decrease the total gen-time of specific generators which allows you to target gens that are least safe in the map and its entire objective is to use map-size as detriment to the killer's time. for example, if you finish 1 gen on top side of suffocation pit and 2 gens on bottom side of suffocation pit, you have large distances for killer to walk between the remaining suffocation pits gens such that even if the killer was to leave hooks, they'd lose to just pre-drop pallets & walking to gens. conclusively, doing gens as survivor is not just doing gens. its doing gens in correct order on every map, but skilled killer know this, so it isn't that easy. Alternatively, this is another reason many killer player blight & nurse because their mobility allows them to ignore this strategic element part of the game.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
Finally an actual idea? But let me counter with this.
Predators don't hunt healthy animals, they hunt the sick/weak/wounded. The same goes for killers. So if the killer downs someone who was just unhooked unsafely, why should we punish the killer for it? The person who was hooked should be mad at the person who "saved" them. And adding more gen slowdown on top of what they did would make more angry survivors unfortunately.
What killers need is a passive buff that works like Devour Hope (without the same effects). The problem is any bonus/perk that makes this something worth doing is going to be complained about by survivors. The reason Devour Hope works is because you're getting a powerful bonus that offsets leaving survivors alive longer than you normally would (back before they "ruined" hex totems).
Is tunneling fun for the person it's happening to? No. Does that mean it's a bad strategy? No.
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The game feels like a mess right now. On all sides. Lol