Survivors are really bad. Do better.

basblater Member Posts: 20
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

I’m so fed up of having a team that are just….terrible. Don’t do generators or if they do they’re missing skill checks everytime, are trying to get you to heal them while they’re being chased which goes in hand with running straight to you when they’re being chased, drop every pallet they come into contact with, don’t unhook you or if they do they attempt to heal you underneath the hook while the killer is on them, the list goes on…😂

Maybe this is all to do with soloq. I just don’t want to carry the entire team every game! I’ve just had 8 games in a row where I did every single gen while every other survivor died after I healed them repeatedly, and it’s tiresome. 🥹

I play both survivor and killer and with all the complaints about tunnelling and face camping - I feel like majority of survivors just ask for it sometimes ngl!


  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    It's the weekend. There are a lot of new and casual player on.

    And I agree with you 100% lol

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I'm an Iridescent killer and a bronze survivor. Bro the difference like my teammates in survivor are totally useless my opponents when I play killer are apparently proteges of Splinter Cell Sam Fisher. And the survivors I actually team with in my lame ass bronze ranks are the ones calling for killer nerfs like ######### bro no.

    You suck.

    Survivors beat my Nurse.

    My Artist will get stomped.

    Cenobite will wish he were back in hell..

    Stop asking for killer nerfs because you couldn't do that "one cool thing" your fellow toxic survivor main streamer did. Just play the game and get better.

  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    There should totally be a part in the tutorial about what to do to avoid being annoying 😂

  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    I’m a gold survivor, and a bronze killer! Really nothing special either!

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2022

    That is actually a really good idea😂🤣😂🤣😂

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337
    edited September 2022

    That or being good at the game. I can run the killer as survivor for like a minute tops. When I play killer that survivor is going down inlike 10 seconds.

    Survivor main

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2022

    That's funny.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    I don’t have an overinflated opinion of my abilities either lol.

  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    Oooh okay my bad! Sorry haha. But I generally don’t get annoyed if they’re actually trying but if it’s someone that’s prestiged their survivor X amount of times I assume they have some familiarity with the game and know what not to do if you get me. Maybe that’s on me for assuming 😂

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited September 2022

    This is going to be an extremely hard pill to swallow, but its always much easier to focus on bad teammates as a way to excuse bad play from ourselves. Bad teammates can and will ruin games regularly, its the nature of teams in PVP in genreal, but thats something we all have to deal with. Even if meg stood in front of myers poking him in the chest waiting for him to get T3, that one dwight keeps leading chases vs bubba right back to a hooked survivor, nea's urban evading in a corner somewhere, all that means is that you aren't able to carry them. **which is perfectly ok.**

    The most important thing is whether you can get out of that game and honestly answer yourself if you could have done anything better, and use that as your point of evaluation. You might have played great but made a pretty big mistake at one point, which might have even been the catalyst to the loss even if the rest of your play was very good. Thats the kind of thing you want to focus on with those kinds of losses. If there isn't anything, just go next.

    I just honestly feel like a lot of people's frustration with solo queue is a combination of being upset with bad plays from teammates, but also from their teammates not carrying them. And many can't tell the difference, which then causes them to have the same effect on other survivors, and so on.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Sorry, I suck at skill checks still. 😥

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    I have we'll make it/botany knowledge. 90% of the time if I want to heal you under the hook, you'll be healed under the hook before the killer is on us.

    it frustrates me so much when people insist on running to the other end of the map to a random corner to get healed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Nah, I always play Plunderer Ace the times I happen to play survivor. 🙂 (Plunderer's Instinct, Open-Handed, Ace in the Hole, Appraisal). I bring in a toolbox, head straight for a gen near a chest, use up the tools, then open the chest and hope I don't get a flashlight or key. (Or if I do I Rummage for something else.) Then I keep playing, using my tools or med kit or maybe map as chance permits, and get a new item when they run out. It's definitely not a meta loadout or anything but there's something fun about digging for loot and using what I find. 😄

    That said I do like to use the brown toolbox add-on that prevents skill checks for the tool use. One less thing to worry about when I use up that first one!

  • botany_nerd
    botany_nerd Member Posts: 123

    im guessing you just got done having multiple bad games in a row with potato teammates and i feel you, but you have to remember that the mmr system is a nightmare and it keeps placing survivors with only 100-200 hours into matches where they don't belong. i have over 2k hours and having 2-3 teammates with barely any hours is a nightmare since the killer is almost always around the same amount of playtime as me. my dwight wasn't designed to have to baby sit the team, fix all the gens, and loop the killer at this point my dwight is just a hollow shell of what he once was.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The frustration is understandable but I fail to understand the connection between a bad teammate and killers tunneling and camping.

    Some of those complaints come from people who do gens, people who do take aggro, people who do heal and go for saves.

    Like, just because one is frustrating doesn’t mean the other is a result of that. Especially considering that most killers camp those who run them for a longer amount of time. So I don’t see how bad survivors are “asking for it”.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    I mean...Sounds like your MMR is really low...I've started playing Surv after 6.1 from scratch in possibly the lowest MMR and none of the games were as bad as you're describing. Sure some games are bad and everyone knows SoloQ makes it harder than it should be but there's no reason to come to the forums and flame on people who are probably new to the game or just not as good.

    Aside from actual trolls, they're still doing their best. Playing survivor is not as easy as it seems and it takes a lot of time to actually get the hang on things.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178


    You said "I did all 5 gens"...well maybe that's the issue. Sitting on gens entire game is NOT carrying. If you see your teammates struggling with chases maybe you should let them do the gens while you go for unhooks and take the aggro from the killer?

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2022

    Changed 'that is really funny' to 'that's funny'? Why? Did someone report me for using too many words?

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    I'm Iridescent 1 and still find a lot of this kind of survivors that's just running around, not doing gen, hiding in the lockers for 5 years, attempting to unhook themselves, dropping every pallet

  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    I was doing unhooks on this night lol. As I said I was also healing. I was just triggered this night and decided to vent in the forums.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314
    edited September 2022

    People forget that this game is extremely niche and the way to play it efficiently isn't something the tutorial tries to teach you in any meaningful capacity.

    When I picked up this game I literally thought it was hide and seek for the first year I played it. Then I randomly saw a noob3 video recommended in my YT feed. Up to that point I had no idea you could even play the game like that lol

    For the first year I played this game I was a solo survivor who thought urban evasion was the best perk in the game second only to self care lmao

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Just because people have prestiged their characters doesn't make them good. I've seen high prestiged survivors go down in seconds against a killer that is bad at the game, lol.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Prestige really isn't a good metric for how experienced a player is going to be in a killer or survivor role. Example: I'm a killer main with a survivor at P3. I have 500+ hours as killer, but I've played maybe 6-7 games as survivor and am pretty terrible at it.. I just dump points into the survivors occasionally for the rare occasion that I try them out...someday I do intend to play survivor seriously, but I still have goals to hit on the killer side.

    The inverse can be true as well, especially with the new prestige system and particularly for survivors. Someone may have most of the other survivors at P3 and is very experienced in playing survivor, but has just started prestiging that particular one, so they may have hundreds or even thousands of hours in, but just haven't spent any BP on that particular toon. So that P0 in your lobby is actually a superstar.

    Hours played is a similar situation. If someone sees my survivor in their lobby, looks to see hundreds of hours played, and expects me to be competent in that match, they are in for a rude awakening.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    EXACTLY, THANKS FOR THE POST. Survs are in a bad state because of themselves, most of them play AWFUL, if kindred were meta and just as used as old dead hard, it would be great, if they had game sense, would be great, if they did gens, would be great, if they were NOT afraid to play safe they would not struggle. Playing killer i see a lot of good survs because i have a high kill rate at the expense of sweat, but the difference between good survs and bad is frustrating. Survivor gameplay is perfectly balanced now.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I think everyone who plays Solo Q has had that moment where you yell "######### ARE YOu DOING?" at the screen to the Dwight that runs the Killer directly to the exact corner you're healing at behind the rock, or that Nea who fiercely teabags, demanding heals at the hook while a hatchet flies past your head so close you get an impromptu Huntress haircut.

    So no, Nea. I'm not healing you here. RUN you fool.

    One issue is with BHVR's precious SBMM. I wonder what the point of it is now, since survivors are mis-matched together regardless of skill to fill a lobby more and more + matched with a Killer who has 2k hours or something. So I don't get too cheesed off at team mates. A lot of them are newer/less experienced and it's not their fault they don't have more game knowledge yet. It's the stupid system that throws them out of their depth.

    At the same time we've all made mistakes. I'm the absolute king of the "let go of gen- BOOM surprise skillcheck!". And I think in Solo Q we've all been guilty of running the Killer around the map, get caught up in surviving and accidentally run past team mates working on a generator "Ooopppps!".

    Solo Q is the Clown World of Dead by Daylight. You just gotta put your fav survivor in their funniest outfit and laugh at it all sometimes.