SoloQ is unbearable

The amount of teammates crouching around the map, working on Gens while all 3 of their teammates have been downed is bot behavior. They have to be bots, sarcastically speaking. There seems to be no difference between DBD's tutorial bots and human players at this point. Some of these killers are also new, and it is extremely frustrating to lose versus beginner killers because the entire team collapses within 5 minutes of the match starting. I am now going to be playing killer. LOL.
Solo is awful. Best thing you can do is find a swf because you will have more fun having a chance to actually escape
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Matches might be pairing people up with newer Survivors as the Survivor base has taken quite the hit going from always being the over populated side of the game by quite a margin to straight up being the underpopulated one. I think a lot of people who play solo are getting paired with newer (or really bad) Survivors to help fill matches for Killers making extremely lopsided matches in a current era where certain Killers are straight up busted and camping/tunneling is rampant. This also will tilt the solos and make them more likely to KOBE or DC adding to the problematic matches.
AKA Survivor side sucks atm.
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Yes, after patch my MMR was decent and I was going against 6000 hour bully squads finally but before and now it's toned down quite a bit. Newer survivors are being introduced to my nurse (400-700 hours) so pretty sure MMR is at a very low gate currently again
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I really wish there was some kind of matchmaking/MMR floor so that it wouldn't grab a 3k hour player and put them in a lobby with three <50 hour players and a <100 hour killer. It doesn't matter if they had a string of bad matches; there is no way that 3k player ever belongs there. Newbies should not be playing with or against players with hundreds of times more experience than them.
And yet this constantly happens to me. I'm almost grateful for lobby prestiges despite it being a horrible and abusable feature, because at least I know when to dodge a completely brand new lobby. And the newbie matches are always busts - your teammates rarely do anything useful, frequently sandbag or hide the entire game, and go down like dominoes.
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Exactly. I started playing as Spirit and I am having an enormous amount of fun. I'm not toxic in any way, I try to play fair as possible too. It is way more fun than survivor at the moment. Something needs to be done to buff SoloQ. This game is now a choice between SWF or die.
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Exactly, honestly playing Killer feels so much better right now.
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When you get hooked and you're using Kindred
Like please save me, it benefits everyone
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I mean, we still have more survivor players than killer players. It's just the 4:1 ratio isn't given anymore.
I hope they continue to improve survivors in the next midchapter update. Camping needs to be nerfed as well. I sometimes feel like the survivor side could really need a better tutorial as well, as it seems there are a lot of survivor players that have no idea on how to play survivor efficiently.
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The bots in the tutorial are actually pretty good tho
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Except they don't flash the peace sign. They just disappear.
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I looked at the 'looking for friends' posts for DBD on xbox today. It made solo queue look appealing. People are requesting that other players have at least 10 hours of dbd gameplay under their belts and half of them are ages 10-14.
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Dead af.
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I bear it just fine every night.
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They need to add vc for solo queue. It wouldn't solve the problem completely, but even one person speaking, calling out killer location, giving advice would make a huge difference to a lot of matches
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People suiciding in first hook or DCing is very common for me, it sucks....
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They'd need to add passive information sharing before that, though, to make sure that everyone is on the same page in solo queue.
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Solo is for those who prefer a challenge. It's not impossible, you just need to play smarter. And yeah, teams can fall apart fast. But that was the point of the game in the first place. If you want a game to hold your hand and have your team make bad saves than you do you.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Its supposed to be challenging. A team of randoms will always carry some pro's and cons. Some teams will gel, some will fall like a deck of cards. I simply have no problem with it.
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Oh, stop. You know very well what I am talking about. If you want to remain oblivious to the obvious problems with this game, then YOU do you.
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So, you're not providing any viable solutions to the "problems" that you're having. And anyone who disagrees with you is "oblivious"? You seem like the kind of person who can't play a game unless they win all the time. Well, this isn't the game for you than. And everyone was new at one point, so if you're on their TEAM you need to get over it since they're learning.
There are definitely problems with the game, but with an attitude like yours nothing the devs do would ever be enough for you unless you're winning 100% of your games.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
First of all, I don't need to offer any "viable solutions" before complaining about a broken MMR system if that is my prerogative.
"You seem like the kind of person who can't play a game unless they win all time." -- If that's what you've convinced yourself to believe within the breadth of one forum post that has zero relevance to what you're insinuating, be my guest.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I'll admit the pacifier comment was a bit much, so I apologize. There was no purpose to this thread other than complaining. There was no discussion to be had since you were rude to those who disagreed with you. So all I can take from that is you don't want a discussion and came here for an argument.
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Talon, respectfully, my comments were not meant to be taken personally in any shape or form. I called them braindead because their actions in game are nonsensical, it was a harmless rant. I did not call out anyone specific, I am allowed to make these kinds of judgments based on how my teammates play. It's not like I verbally harassed them after the match. I do want a discussion and the purpose of this thread is my own. It was also to discuss how unbearable playing SoloQ has become, but your reply was not constructive and was very offensive. I was rude to one person who replied because I misinterpreted their words; they cleared up the confusion themselves. You don't need to take it upon yourself to speak for them when they did it themselves. You can accept responsibility for how you jumped at me without trying to place blame on me where there is none.
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Bots are OP. This Claudette couldn't care less:
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It's been proven many times devs don't often care about viable solutions anyway.