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General Discussions

What are the two perks for both sides that you think are slept on?

For me its certainly tenacity and fearmonger.

Fearmonger's exhaustion effect is really strong and blindness stops them from knowing where the survivor got downed.

Tenacity is the second best anti-slugging perk. Don't know why it's so slept on

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  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Surveillance for killer and Wake UP! for survivor.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Fearmonger as well, pretty broken. Havent seen anyone try my build yet of Fearmonger, Jolt, Knockout/Thanatophobia/Any Blindness/Agitation for hook pressure if you get the chance to slug and to top it off Discordance for snowball. Only works on Blight and Nurse prob. On Blight I'd use Plaything

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I see some streamers call for well make it nerf. its honestly really good and the fact that it lasts for 90 seconds is awesome and can be used aggressively

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I rarely get more value than healing just after unhook, but yes, it's an incredible perk ! Just earlier my lobby pulled off an endgame save with a 5 second heal (We'll Make It + Yellow medkit + 16% healing speed add-on) against a killer that was proxying the hook and nearby door.

    (Streamers calling for nerfs ? Color me surprised !)

  • Member Posts: 46

    I think Coup De Grace is quite underrated right now tbh. The increased Lunge range can actually end chases quicker, and makes some decent loops nearly unplayable for survivors. Only issue is that you can only get it when gens are done which sucks, but its super powerful in the right situations.

    on Survivor, i think Any means necessary is kinda gimmicky, but its a good perk for solo que, as you get info of where the killer is chasing someone due to the dropped pallets, and the ability to reset some pallets (Espically shack pallet if it isnt destroyed) can be massive for survivors, as you can reset the loop essentially.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I also think Resurgence is underated aswell for survivors. Saving time is always huge, and cutting the time to heal after unhook is quite significant, and it synergizes with other healing and unhooking perks decently well.

  • Member Posts: 341

    Breakdown is extremely underrated. It's a good counter to tunneling, it's a good counter to scourge hooks, it's a good counter to camping. Getting rid of a hook for 3 whole minutes is massive, especially on indoor maps like midwich and RPD. While I don't think it's really slept on, corrupt intervention is still really good but I see so many people go for the first down instead of trying to injury everyone and make the most of the timer. I use it on clown with with the sulfuric acid vial to make healing take longer and i try to injure everyone. With 3 gens you know they can't be on, you only have to check 4 and they are all on the same side of the map usually. By the time Corrupt is about the expire I'm usually midchase and can safely down having made the most of the timer.

  • Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2022

    repressed alliance is a game saver in 3 gen situations

    and for killer i'd say monstrous shrine, idk if this perk is actually underrated anymore though

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Ooh i never thought about Breakdown vs Scourge Hooks.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Fear monger sucks ass imo. I think it's opposite of slept on but overrated. I think for survivor plunders and balanced landing, and for killer I would say dying light

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Don't you love seeing your homies working on an exit gate from across the map

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I've been using it lately and I agree. There's also the benefit of saving medkit charges. A common brown medkit usually has one full heal, but using Resurgence extends its life to two post-hook heals.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Bamboozle? I assume most people know how strong it is, but I am always met with this attitude that they want to mind game the survivor themselves. It is like... Sure, but Bamboozle could still save you from a lot of atrociously designed maps regardless. Not to be rude, but I do not feel a compulsion to outwit a survivor. I kind of just do it on the reg. 😎

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ll say Third Seal might be a sleeper because Windows of Opportunity is currently the most used survivor perk and Third Seal hard counters it on top of other aura effects. Yeah it’s a Hex so it doesn’t always last most of the match but while it stays up it’s totally negating the whole reason survivors run Windows, not to mention makes finding slugged and hooked survivors more difficult.

    And on the survivor side I’ll go with Breakdown because it directly counters Scourge Hook Pain Resonance, the most used killer perk at the moment. A single rescue from a Scourge Hook in someone with Breakdown removes it from play for a three minute stretch which is quite a long time in a game that only lasts maybe 10 minutes or so on average. Basically if a Pain Resonance hook gets broken that’s potentially denying the killer a significant source of gen regression. And the more survivors who run Breakdown in a match the greater he potential synergy they have.

  • Member Posts: 901

    Blood Favor for killer and Autodidact for Survivor

  • Member Posts: 46

    I do agree with Blood Favor, espically on m1 killers.

    Ending chases early and keeping up momentum is always huge on killer, and this perk does that. Issue is that its a hex and can be destroyed, but you should get value out of it atleast once per game.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Rancor, for the following reasons:

    (1) If (like me) you struggle to keep gens from being done quickly, pair it with NWO. When you get to 1 gen (or 2 when you know one will blow quickly), find the obsession and stick on them until gens are done. Mori, and with NWO you still have time to claim another scalp. As long as you find the obsession at broadly the right time, this is a pretty much guaranteed 2K (at least).

    (2) If you have someone on hook at endgame, the obsession can't hook bomb (they will probably never risk being farther than 5m from the open gate). That means (unless you have the obsession on hook) you are dealing with at most 2 people - and if you also run STBFL, which I do, 2 survivors can't rescue anyone without a hook trade.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    I've actually started seeing a lot of Fearmonger. It pairs really well with Pain Res/DMS--to prevent survivors from counterplaying the Pain Res/DMS activation combo. Fearmonger is also really good with Call of Brine and Overcharge, for shutting down 3-gens, as survivors will be less likely to gen-tap before taking you on a chase.

    And I agree with @SpaghettiVase that Breakdown is massively slept on. Like Vigil, it is one of those perks that starts to break the game if all 4 survivors are running it.

    For killer, Play with Your Food has been slept on as of late. Every killer who depends on Bloodlust should be running this perk.

  • Member Posts: 280
    edited September 2022

    Empathy for Survivor is amazing for tracking killer and making sure your team isn't hiding hurt doing nothing. Let's you know who to save and ignore since they aren't being a team player

  • Member Posts: 222

    Rancor is a perk that provides great utility and lethality as well.

    Any Means Necessary is a surprisingly effective information perk along with a situational but powerful resource tool.

  • Member Posts: 509

    For survivor its easily built to last and hyperfocus.

  • Member Posts: 217

    I think many people underestimate the power of Cauldrophobia (it's especially good when survivors have boons or self-care and you have Dark Devotion).

    We'll Make It is such a nice perk to have and came clutch several times (some matches without it might have ended if I hadn't had it).

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Make your choice on high mobility killers.

  • Member Posts: 418

    For survivor, I absolutely love We'll Make It. You can heal a recently unhooked survivor in half the time, and in a matter of seconds if someone else is healing with you. It's seriously slept on considering you can make such a good comeback from pressure applied by the killer. I get value out of it every single game and it's even come in clutch at times. One of the best altruism perks in the game I think.

    For killer, I'd say Thrilling Tremors. Just a solid perk that gives you critical information when carrying a survivor. I see it a lot against Ghostface seeing as it's his teachable, but very rarely see it on other killers. Very underrated in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Forced pennance and built to last with medkits

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Whispers... and IDK I guess Fearmonger for Killer

    Vigil and Leader for Survivor

  • Member Posts: 359

    Distortion, used it for the first time, killer had awakened awareness and bbq. Thank got it gets charges back (why I never used it before)

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    This varies on the killer but lethal for killer cutting out the search time for killer is massive

    And for surivor distortion not only dose if make the killer question their Information but can be used tactically to hide your scratch marks and recharges mid chase

  • Member Posts: 980

    Lightweight for Survivors if you're interested in juking the Killer and hiding. I ran Self-Aware for a bit, and the reduction in scratchmarks is massive, and the time they stay lit up is microscopic compared to normal. High ranks, probably not as useful, but mid ranks it's amazing how many chases you win, and the Killer just moves on, because they can't find you.

    Aftercare if you're not in an SWF. Just make sure you're active and healing/unhooking, and you have eyes on every member of your team anywhere on the map. It's disgusting how much information you can glean from it. When to hook heal, when to bail and find a safer place, being able to intervene in a chase at a good time, and whatever else you want. The number of times people have met me halfway for heals, or came over to my gen to push them faster at 1/2 left is shockingly high. If you're solo queue, this Perk will help you stay alive.

    I've been running BT, Guardian (that Killer aura read is amazing), Aftercare, and Lightweight/Plunderer's/some other random perk I want to play with, to good effect. My survival rate actually went up post-patch with this, and I'm helping get others out more often.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Aftercare - It's such a nice info perk with unlimited range AND two-way communication. It sucks that you can so easily lose it, but it can make playing soloQ much more fun and bearable.

    Spies in the Shadows - I don't knew why this perk gets such a bad rep? To me it gives constant value. I can't count how often I walked somewhere when suddenly a crow tipped me off. Or when I lost a survivor and already want to leave, when suddenly spies shows movement in my back.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Fixated and Distressing.

    Increasing terror radius makes it a far less reliable tool for survivors to discern the killer's location. If your TR covers the entire map, it's functionally indistinguishable from Undetectable.

    Fixated is an amazing stealth perk, as it increases your action radius for scratch-less movement. If a killer comes to check on your gen, they'll check the immediate vicinity, while you're a distance away, wasting a ton of their time.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Deja Vu for survivor, and Thrilling Tremors for killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    For survivor; Flashbang. Able to single-handedly save you where no other perk can. But has a very high skill ceiling.

    For killer; Disillusion. Shuts down safe pallets and forces whoever you hit to run to a different loop.

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2022

    Zanshin tactics for killer. Cutting your first chases shorter by knowing the shorter routes in chase is only countered by smart windows of opportunity players.

    Lucky break. If all survivors played lucky break all our vs nurse games would be so much more feasible.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Hex: Blood Favor and Hysteria for killer.

    Deception and Repressed Alliance for survivor.

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