A solution to avoid the body block of a survivor on the killer near a hook

When a killer is carrying a survivor near a hook, the bodies of survivors within 5 mt. of a hook can be overwalk.


  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113

    But you are forced to use an advantage slot to avoid this unpleasant situation, but, with my solution, the killers can use more imagination for their constructions...

  • CTN
    CTN Member Posts: 6

    No, your idea makes those perks near worthless as survivors will almost never body block again. There is no problem with survivors body blocking at the hook. Learn to play better.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Just because you down a survivor does not mean you get to hook them for free.

    That is why there is a wiggle out mechanic, thats why hook sabotage is in the game, and why survivors can bodyblock to stop you from hooking. These are built in game mechanics that you as a killer need to overcome through skill or with the help of perks.

    It would be like you as killer interrupting a heal and because you interrupted the heal it finished itself automatically, how fair would that be?

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I can care less if Survivors are willing to exchange health states or even free downs, feed my STBFL tokens or any "Anti Body Blocking" perks like Forced Penance, Starstruck, Mad Grit, Agitation, etc.

    If I have a problem with Survivors bodyblocking in general, my problem is the whole Endurance bodyblocking to protect the Rescuer in general. I personally wish Basekit Borrowed Time and Off The Record and perks like it; would instead make the Survivors collision be completely transparent so that the killer can walk through them and actually down the Rescuer. It would definitely solved the "OMG, the killer is tunnelling me" even when they are aggressive protecting their teammates with their Endurance status effect.

  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113

    What advantages are you referring to ?. However, I know how to play and even for a long time, it is not necessary to provoke just because I have made a suggestion to improve the game...

  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2022

    I understand, but it's not fun to use particular perks just to hook more often and with simple attacks you don't always manage to land a survivor who is blocking you if he uses perks that avoid hooking the survivor to the killer's shoulder without the killer knocking down another survivor during the blockade. However, the action of the healing, it has nothing to do with my suggestion.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    I don't like that killer can get me when I am looping him. I have a solution for that. Make killers same speed as survivor. That would make things way more balanced... Right? Right?

  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2022

    What a trivial example... make fun of someone else, with all the advantages survivors have against the killer, my advice would be the bare minimum to ensure a few more hooks and a little more fun for the killers. So defensive towards the survivors... Have you ever played a killer? Do you know how it feels? or can you play only survivor?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited September 2022

    Survivors advantages? Have you not seen patch 6.1? Have you played soloQ lately? Do you even play this game at all?

    No my friend. It's you who is joking around. Buffing killers (I mean en mass - because some specific killers could be buffed) at this point is trying to murder the game. And if you really thing I am wrong... There is just 1 number you can basically check at any time... Look who has incentives to actually still bother with the game. I presume me seeing it always on survivor (most of the time 100%) means killers have all the power at the moment.

    And yes. I also play some killer. And it's WAAAAAAY too easy now. At least compared to pre-6.1 killer-fantasy buff.

  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2022

    Obviously I play this game otherwise I would not have made suggestion AHAHA and the SoloQ do not exist in this game, then, would I be the one who does not play this game? AHAH. I read the details of all the patches my friend AHAH. Too easy to play with the killer? against bots or against those who cannot play it is obvious that it is too easy AHAH. Anyway, I disagree, I play a long time Killer and if you meet certain survivors who know how to play, they know how to combine team advantages..., they don't even make you do a hook, with the support in a good part of the body block.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    If you dont want to use perks to shore up a deficiency in your skill/startegy then you need to adapt to compensate for them.

    The healing example was to illustrate breaking the mechanics of the game to get an advantage (like you're suggesting) for the other side. Gandor game you another one with the speed as well.

    TLDR, bodyblocking the hook is fine.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm not convinced it's necessary to further punish bodyblocking, survivors who overdo that are leaving themselves at high risk of getting downed if a killer decides to just follow up on hitting them. Just tonight for instance I got a 4k in part because one of the survivors stuck around after their unhook to bodyblock. If they had just run away I would have simply downed the unhooker, but since they wasted time and intentionally tried to get me to hit them I simply did that, chased and downed them, and got an easy follow-up hook.

    Honestly the survivors I worry about more are the ones who after an unhook are smart enough to get as much distance as possible from me so they can more safely heal and do gens. And just generally speaking I lose more often when the survivors all split up to different parts of the map rather than hover around each other and me when I get a down or am about to get into a chase.

    I'm not saying bodyblocks can't be useful in certain situations, but it's definitely something that carries risk and is overused by some overly altruistic, "tanky" players.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited September 2022

    That's a skill issue. The difference is, that you sometimes meet a team that stomps you. Casual soloQ players (acording to some OP here on forum) had 1 escape out of 10 games... That was via hatch. Is that balanced? I don't think so.

    And when I say killers are waaay too easy. What I mean is, that even when I am an avarage killer at best, I still do win (3K or more) more often then I loose - going against survivors with more hours in game on avarage. That my friend is not balanced. That is what I call 6.1 killer's dream patch.

    And you would know that if you played both roles at least a little. Or you checked that killer Q time suddenly got way worse

  • CTN
    CTN Member Posts: 6

    I never even mentioned advantages, only that your idea makes perks that punish body blocking nearly worthless because no survivor will body block any more. And no, if you can't realize body blocking is an important counter play tool then you don't know how to play very well. That or you're one of those people that never play survivor and only think from from one side