
Is there a reason you can't see your connection to the server in the lobby anymore? I just had a super fun game with a 180ping the entire match because I couldn't tell it was putting me in a server 5000miles away from me.
BHVR's idea of improvement. They added new icons to the game so people can see who's having connection issues, but took away your own lobby ping reading. Now you won't know you're having issues until you're in-game and have 90ms+ lag before you even get the yellow icon.
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Been raging about it for awhile now.
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It's borderline unplayable for me. Played two games just now and both games were jumpy and laggy whenever around the killer. I'd run directly at a vault and it'd slow or medium vault instead. Try to run through a doorway and just run into the wall next to it. Wth