Fewer survivors = faster gens?

Just an idea to maybe combat the tendency many killers have to focus and kill a survivor as early as possible. One dead at 4 or 5 gens is basically game over and the rest of the match is just a bloodpoint farm for the killer. Additionally, 2 survivors alive in a 3-gen situation very often leads to boring games that refuse to end. A boost to repair speed for every dead survivor could help alleviate these issues and give survivors a fighting chance even after a weak beginning.


  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I thought about it, but doing it like this could lead to punish not only tunnelers, but also killers playing properly.

    One solution would be to only give this repair speed to survivors who never got hooked.

    So if you tunnel someone out of the game while ignoring other survivors you'd be giving them a HUGE repair speed that would probably lead to your loss. But if you hook everyone once then kill someone you have no malus.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Agreed on proposed part (to make the game still at least a little interesting).

    But this will destroy standard game. If you get rid of a person at 4 completed gens and killer is trying to secure his 3-gen, then this change would basically give unfair advantage to the rest of survivors.

    If I have to choose between the 2, I would rather give killer advantage (current state) for a job well done.

  • Relix_Fichter
    Relix_Fichter Member Posts: 17

    I really like your idea.

    I wasn't clear in my original post, but I was also thinking of this as a way to prevent matches from grinding to a halt when someone is dead even at 2 or 3 gens, basing it on the assumption that survivors are supposed to be distributed as such: 1 repairing, 1 being chased, 1 hooked, and 1 going for the rescue / heal. Removing one survivor from the equation usually results in a cycle of hook/rescue/heal that eliminates all chances of escape unless one of them is a god looper and the killer focuses on them exclusively for like 2-3 minutes. As a killer it means I can stop putting in effort because I know I've already won, and as survivor I get bored because I know I've already lost. Speeding up gens could keep matches exciting until the end. However I understand this has the potential of putting the killer at a further disadvantage against a competent team.

    You're right, honestly I hadn't thought of that since in most of my games at least one person is dead by 2-3 gens remaining, and a variety of slowdown perks in combination with high mobility / anti-loop killers basically makes it impossible to finish the rest. Maybe the repair boost would only apply if more than 1 gen remains to be completed?

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 385

    Problem in this would be, that you as the Killer often dont have any other Chance as kill someone quick. If all Survivors would play smart you would have nearly every round 3 gens on after the fist chase. The only reson, why Survivors do not winning every round is, because they dont play as efficent as posseble. Sometimes you as the Killer can 2 hook everyone sometimes you can barly get a kill. Its all about the fist chase, Survivors splitting up and the Map.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    There's literally perks to already help you with gen speeds. Stop crying for changes that will hold your hand more so you can have other perks as basekit. Same goes for any killers asking for nerfs to newer perks and their synergy. Synergy is what makes the game interesting and with the amount of perks in the game, there's a ton of possibilities synergy wise. The times that they have nerfed something for synergy, it always ended up absolutely terrible. DMS and Pain Res, great synergy. Nerfed it, making both perks basically useless as Pain Res's instant regression could be put right back on and survivors didn't have to worry about killer getting there before they do that or even at all. They then revert most of that nerf and both perks are great when used together.

    Huntress Iri Hatchet synergy nerf with her belt addons was and still is HORRID. Why? Because the issue was never that she was able to carry up to 3 instadown hatchets. The issue was that she was able to instadown while being right next to you, which is an issue that is still there today. Slinger's Iri Coin only instadowns if the survivor is reeled in from 12 meters or more and absolute luck that there's no object around to collide and eat up all the charges of the chain in 2 seconds. Clown's Pinky Finger has a small hit box and requires a direct hit with an exposed status that only last seconds. Iri Hatchets should only down from 24+ meters. Then there'd be no need for taking synergy away from them.

    Sorry, got away from the topic. Gens can already fly by with just one or two people running gen speed perks despite a killer running heavy regression. BT is already basekit, if killer runs NOED, survivors will have basekit always on map so they can see the totem. More perks or items do not need to become basekit for either side. And while I have experienced games lately where I just get tunneled and camped out of the game, OH WELL. Most of the time I'm running the killer enough to allow my team 2-3 gens. If someone else gets first chase, I'm on gens and gens continue popping. Play different perks than what you are if you want faster gens.