What power and design would you give a paranoid killer who is afraid of the survivors?

Awhile ago I had the idea of a killer who's whole concept was that they suffered from paranoia and schizophrenia. They see the survivors as horrid monsters, similar to the monsters Dwight's boss hallucinates in the cutscene for the Dwight tome. They only attack since through their POV, these are horrid monsters trying to escape into the world. They are the only one who can stop these monsters from escaping. That's why they kill.

Now I wanna know what you'd do with this concept. What perks, powers, backstory, etc? Cause I'm good at base concepts, but always struggle to expand upon them.


  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    I don't like the paranoid schizophrenic idea of a killer, because it's just a really isolating and hurtful stereotype of an already horrible mental disease.

    I think something similar in concept of SCP-096 would work, though. Where the beast get's agitated by the survivor's presence. Still, it'd have a big flaw of survivors just ignoring the killer to do gens for an easy win. I don't think something like this can work.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710

    A killer like this would require fundamentally different gameplay than DBD, because the killer gameplay loop of DBD is find survivor, chase survivor, down survivor, hook survivor. Every single killer in the game works that way. I don't see a way for this kind of idea to be implemented that doesn't turn that around, where the killer is running from the survivors, and that seems like it would require too many changes to core gameplay elements to work.

    I do love the idea, though.

  • ThatOneBloodyBoi
    ThatOneBloodyBoi Member Posts: 44

    I mean they have a reason to try to find survivors and prevent them from escaping. To stop the "monsters" from escaping. So it doesn't have to be changed up that much.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Being afraid would be a little difficult to portray but they could make like a corrupted holy knight that sees the survivors as demon spawn

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500
    edited September 2022

    Maybe something that's turning the game concept on its head.

    They have the paranoid phase were the killer gets shown via Killer instinct to the survivors and they must catch them and tap/touch the killer. On the same vein, while survivor's are 30+m away from the killer, they gain stacks of darkness or soul pain and when it's full get get injured.

    By touching the killer they get rid of ends for a while,allowing then to freely be doing gens. At some time the killer will fly into a maniac rage, being a traditional M1 killer with some kind of killer instinct on far away survivors.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    He's like Victor but he never dies. Survivors gain 5,000 bp for each kick and gens do themselves.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,714
    edited September 2022

    Lore wise, it would be really cool to have the killer be Dr. Otto Stamper, the man who the Doctor (Herman Carter) worked under. The Doctor's lore says "Stamper was found with his head peeled open and an array of electrodes and sensors inserted into his still working, but annihilated brain."

    I like the idea of Stamper being a victim of the Doctor, who miraculous survived a traumatic experience and was driven into madness by the Doctor. Fueled by the paranoia of his past experience, Stamper would think that everyone and everything is out to kill him, and that he needs to strike first.

    Mechanically, maybe he sees survivors as super grotesque and disfigured. Similar to how Illusionary Doctors appear for survivors, Stamper would see illusionary injured survivors appear to be running from him (borrow the bot AI). For every illusionary injured survivor he downs, his paranoia-driven rage would grow and so too would his basekit power.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't really like the idea of a schizophrenic killer, since it's already a hurtful stereotype.

    However, a paranoid killer that is afraid of survivors could be interesting as a concept. It kind of reminds me of Bubba being afraid of trespassers, thinking they're here to come after his family.

    What kind of powers though ? I think to make hurting survivors possible despite the fear, it could be some kind of wild thrashing in a fit of panic...

    I'd also like the idea of a timid shadow/ghost that would be afraid of living people, and that would interact with them (chase/hit/hook) through possessing a corporeal shell. Could be old-timey armors, golems, skeletons... Something like that. The shells would remain on the spot when not possessed, which could give some psychological pressure (like repairing a gen in front of a locker agaisnt Dredge, or a tv in front of a gen with Sadako)

    Maybe the shells could be slightly sabotaged when inactive, to give a slight initial debuff to killer (think Hindered for a couple of seconds) the same way you can lock a locker once against Dredge.

    I don't have any more ideas but something with these themes I guess !