The real issue as to why gens fly in the early game

I've ran discordance on wesker for the better part of my games on him,one thing was always consistent,survivors spawn too close or ontop of gens.
It's not just 1 survivor either,it's either 2 or 3. This essentially ensures by the time the killer gets there,that gen is done or about to be done. It also makes sense as to why blight and nurse are heavily valued as well (I will say wesker can be as well if they fix his bugs) because they can easily travel the map within a time that's reasonable for them to stop the gen.
This also brings up the idea of a basekit corrupt intervention to mind,similar to how survivors have a free BT,killers should have a 50-60s CI. Another fix could be just to have survivors spawn more in the center of the map or anywhere that's not near a gen,this way the killer has some time to find a survivor or help set up killers (Trapper,hag,etc).
And to survivors or people that say "ThAts tOO oP!",well,I remember hearing that you shouldn't need to give up a perk slot to just have a normal time...
(Also yes,I understand nurse will most likely get this nerfed or scrapped altogether if BHVR ever actually read this. Unfortunately that character Bottle necks a lot of things,that's on BHVR to figure out because a majority of perks suffer because she uses them too well or is too oppressive with them. Look at Awakened Awarness for an example,that perk was solely nerfed because of nurse.)
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for mentioning my main squeeze hag . I know surv would hate this and I’m not even one so good luck lol it would make hag and trapper better but would make nurse & blight way too OP for people who have mained them since 2016
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A question... which is you kill rate?
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My favorite is running Lethal and seeing 4 survivors all spawning on 4 different gens. Basically an auto loss unless they go down in 5 seconds in chase. I've ran Discordance before and had more than a few games where it didn't proc once until there was one gen left. High MMR sucks