Survivors abusing new Dead Hard

Why is 3rd health state a thing? They literally get out free card when hit a survivor they to dead hard into you get punished because of single perk? Animation feels inconsistent as well when to hit or not compared to OG one. At least original dead hard was an exhaustion perk not second wind bullshit.
Using a perk is not abusing it
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I also want to add that using a perk is not abusing it.
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Yes it is. Have you read the killer rule book for survivors? Clearly on article 34 rule 128, it states that “survivors using Dead Hard to dodge a killer’s hit and using it the way it’s intended are toxic and not good at the game.” You need to educate yourself!
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i found problematic only the auto dead hard users... those are the issue
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yeah your right. I also forgot got the rule of “dont do gens” yet i see killers camp and tunnel when its a 3v1 at five gens. Also the other rule that never play in swf since it is “cheating and abusing gameplay design”
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Old DH was stronger.
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I mean, you're a new killer right? Cause as a killer main no one who suffered old dead hard could make this post.
Dead hard is fine as is. It's a good perk for good players. It just sucks for them that we are so used to baiting it that those who don't have good timing it's worse than nothing.
Off the record is far more annoying than DH now
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this can't be serious
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I mean please and thank you?
I follow the survivor rules of never downing the same person twice I a row, never patrol the 3 gen you made. And picking up every survivor I down even if there on pallet or friend behind with flashlight. Oh and never being within sight of hooked survivor even tho there was a friend hiding/not hiding in that bush.
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When they hade behind a pallet. Swing at it, should proc DH, annoying yes. But once you know it's easy to play around
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Survivors just pulling an item from an already opened chest... They gotta stop abusing Appraisal!
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i was referring to cheaters actually who timed perfectly dead hard every time that you swing (you can be behind them for 30 minutes but they'll activate it only the moment that the killer will swing). even otz made a video about this
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Swinging in a manner that wouldn’t hit will still proc their auto dead hard script. This happens in Otz’s video too
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I am also. It's a hack bit. That auto dead hards when detects killer swing within hitting range. The trick is. That it only cares if the killer is withing range it doesn't care of a pallet is dropped or not. So if you swing at them while they are behind a dropped pallet, the hack can't tell of there is a Object in the way and will auto dead hard thinking that the killer is about to hit.
It's the most definitive way to tell if person auto DB
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Nice, i never even run dead hard, i never teabag, and never use a flashlight (unless there is a challenge), so we are fine on a 1on1 basis?
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how dare they
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I mean sure, you loop me just means I got to get good. I mean I think 95% of the people complaining about this game are just people who don't know /can't apply gen pressure and survivors who can't loop/ take a hit for teammate to let up pressure.
Honestly the main problem is each side has a strat that hits above weight class. A killer who tunnels kills teams his level till he gets stepped on. By good solo or medium swift. And a swift destroy similar skill killers till they go up against a toxic one or a good one.
Both get mad and instead of solving the problem just get more toxic cause it's never there fault.
Sadly no matter what solo survivor get rekt.
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Wait, there is a challenge for teabagging? I always thought the survivors wanted to say hello to me with this gesture.
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Actually i think that the new one is stronger. Old one was hit E and either the killer got a miss or the survivor reached the pallet through the small boost.
With the new one you get hit and have to mend. BUT the killer also has the full hit/cleanse weapon animation. While the survivor gets the on hit speed boost, which gets him more distance than the old DH gave.
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Does that make up for losing Dead Hard for distance?
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Since you get additional distance then just the meter from the old DH. Uhh yes?
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No, I mean like.
Dead Hard for distance where they make it to a loop you would have beaten them to and there was nothing you could do about it.
We didn't forget that was a thing, right?
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Yeah... instead of getting 1 meter of distance and not mending. You now get 15 meters of distance and mending. You now get to a further away pallet with it.
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..are you intentionally misunderstanding or am I having an age-induced dyslexia fit and i've been typing in gibberish this whole time?
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Of course there is, although the text reads "be chased by the killer for XXX seconds".
No, just kidding. I know some survivors do indeed use it as a "hello" or "thanks you", but i avoid teabagging, because it was invented to be a toxic insult, and the thought counts (at least to me)
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I liked old DH. Everyone complained about old DH. I told EVERYONE that if they change it, people are going to get even angrier and won't stop complaining about the perk. I'm glad that I was right. Enjoy the new DH. You guys earned it.
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😂😂 stop complaining bro, it got nerfed (and the endurance went to 0.5 sec) and here you are still crying about it
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Deep wound them prior,makes DH useless. The issue is that DH is more or less the same thing from before except done differently,hell I'd argue that BHVR dropped the ball on making it less Favorable in the nerfening patch. Still see it at least twice per survivor.
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At the end of the day, Killer's have equally powerful perks/powers so is it not only fair that survivors have something similar?
Working on your premise: "why is a 3rd health state a thing"? Why are instadown perks/addons a thing? I have no problem with it personally as it's a basic game mechanic, but you can't complain about third health states when killers are given substantial opportunity to get insta-downs through their powers, perks, and addons.
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What seems to be the issue here?
Old DH = you move this .... far and don´t get hit. Possibly reaching a pallet that is close.
New DH = you get hit, enter endurance state and move this ....................................................... far. Reaching a pallet thats further away but having to mend at a later point.
Getting hit but not downed is more beneficial than simply a missed hit. Since you get speed bonus, run further and killer gets slowed down because of the hit anymation.
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Dead Hard for distance. Where you would be about to beat a survivor to a window/pallet, except he Dead Hards pre-emptively to use the dash to make it to something he otherwise wouldn't have. The reason everyone, as in everyone, as in every single person, would scoff whenever anyone said the patently stupid "Just bait it out". The thing everyone hated most about Dead Hard since forever, every single person would mention it in the dozens of Dead Hard threads.
Like.. you know this existed. Everyone did. And now you can't do it anymore, you don't dash and you're locked in the animation for longer than the Endurance lasts.
Was it suddenly not a problem and never actually existed now that it's been fixed? Am I being gaslit right now? What's happening?
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I don't get complaining about a perk that requires a precise timing of .5 second, which both is delayed and can be screwed over by latency.
Or complaining about a 3rd health state when killers have instadown perks.
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Your point is?
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Okay, that answers that.
Have a good night.
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You are arguing, that people used DH to gain distance to a pallet. You are absolutely correct. No one is claiming otherwise.
BUT the new DH is stronger in the regard, that you gain a longer distance after getting hit. Its superior in that regard, than the old DH.
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It still requires you to get hit though. You can't just use it to get the pallet or window like you could with old dead hard you have to BE HIT. That's their point. Old dead hard didn't require you to properly dodge a hit to make distance you could just make distance.
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You forgot to mention all of secret rules that people make up in the forum and how we are supposed to read every post to learn about them.
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Thank you so much for this info. I'm not big into streamers and community content so I miss a lot of practical tips like this that seem damn near essential like any loading screen tip for the convoluted reality of game these days.
Does the hit need object collision or can I trick their scripts by just whiffing into the air at close enough distance?
If it needs collision, then does it need to be a special object like pallets or would, say, hitting the edge of a wall as they loop around it do the trick?
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Old Dead Hard was used at distance to give a small booty scooty to make loops they wouldn't otherwise make. It was fairly low skill, and only required basic game knowledge.
New Dead Hard REQUIRES the Survivor to use DH right before an accurate hit from the Killer lands in order to then give said Survivor a massive speed boost and distance compared to old DH.
You are both correct, however, Old DH was much more maligned because it wasn't nearly as dangerous to use and required far less skill from the Survivor. Many saw it as "more powerful" despite the newer DH actually giving much stronger benefits because it had a low barrier of skill to use and came with almost no risk.
We good?
Post edited by StibbityStabbity on3 -
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The deal is that the current DH provides a better reward with far less consistency - it needs to be very precisely timed, and the killer can always bait it. Old DH, when used for distance, wasn't baitable.
The old DS was low risk, high reward if you were halfway competent. Current is high risk, high reward if you're pretty competent. Killers are much more content with the current version because it's generally their mistake if they get Dead Harded, whatever chase extension benefits the survivor gets. Previously it wasn't something you could do anything about, and so people got frustrated.
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An interesting choice for your first post.
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agree, give me my f** old dead hard back
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Love it xD
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Old DH more powerful for lesser skilled players.
New DH more powerful for more skilled players.
This settles it. Yeah, we good.
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See message above.
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Love it xD
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Without question. Worse yet, it was cheap.
This version is fair. Zero issue with it.
And yes, there are auto-DH users, but that's not new.