Reassurance and hook states

Is this perk working as intended? Scenario here:
Bubba facecamping because bohoo he couldn't get a down fast enough and 1 gen popped. So me and a friend took turns using Reassurance to pause the hook timer for the first hook stage. Ok first hook stage has passed and now they're in struggle phase. We go to pause the timer again but it won't let us. Why is that? This is now a second hook phase but the game is considering it only one since they weren't unhooked?
Best Answer
Once per hook instance means once per actual hook. If the survivor progresses to stage 2 on their first hook, that doesn’t allow using Reassurance a second time. It only works a second time if they are unhooked before struggle phase and then hooked again.
I guess. Still feel like they should revert it to the 40's CD and allow us to reuse it. How else can we punish the facecamping? Thats just my opinion though.
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There were obvious alternative solutions. This change was done to protect hard facecampers specifically.
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It is in a good state now because it is no longer punishing camper. Now all camper killers are happy because this perk does not do anything.
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An extra 30 seconds per a hook still punishes facecamping.
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I do honestly think you should be allowed to do it again on 2nd hook even if it's 2nd hook coming off of the same hook instance. Hardly a broken or OP use case. Just makes it slightly more effective at doing what it's supposed to do. They're already only tackling camping with perks instead of actual game rule changes that make it unviable. Least they could do is keep those perks actually decent at addressing the issue.
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Yes, same good state as no mither
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Literally just limiting it to 3 tokens would've solved the problem. And if you're worried about end-game camping, just make it disable in EGC. The nerf they went for was specifically chosen so it would not work against facecampers anymore.
And for all this talk about how 'unhealthy and abusable' it was on the PTB, does anyone actually have any footage of an actual game where it was an actual problem?
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Because outside of the forums, this mentality of 'the killer can't win' doesn't get reflected and never has been. Kill rates, whenever they were shared, were consistently over 50%.
Besides, that argument hinges on competence. The worse you are, the more you can use that argument to justify bad balance changes. It's individual skill. It's not that killers can't win without camping or tunnelling, it's that -you- can't win without camping or tunnelling.
Add to that that no changes to balance can be made as long as killers get to keep their crutches. You wanna keep camping in? Fine, but you don't get to complain about not being able to 12-hook.
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It literally says "per hook state" or hook instance, something like that.
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It says Hook Instance which mean a single hooking. So if the survivor goes into struggle while still on the original hooking then Reassure can't be used again. They have to be unhooked and rehooked to use it twice on the same survivor.
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There's some truth there, you can win without camping and tunneling in many situations, but not all, regardless of how good you are. Especially at higher levels.
I don't camp pre-egc ever (I think facecamping is a blight on the game; you could make reassurance last 2 minutes per hook state for all I'd care), and only tunnel in dire circumstances, but I promise you that if it both were magically removed from the game, overall kill rates would plummet, and not because killers use them as "crutches". One simply cannot win consistently at higher levels without at least occasionally tunneling.
You see even the best killers there are do it.
Which is why I prefer to play in the mid-range; I hate doing it.
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I just hate that because a new killer is released and not many are used to his power that most - not all but most of my games have had camping and tunneling and slugging just because 1 survivor ran the killer and two gens popped. I was really looking forward to this Reassurance perk to punish these killers in this instance. I'm all for EGC camp to secure your one kill. I get it- but 3 gens left? Go patrol. Go and actually engage with the other members in the match instead of camping the hook and slugging everyone around it.
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"Camping has to be done sometimes" LMAO
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No lmao
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No lmao
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I love this one, too.
'Against competent survivors, you HAVE to tunnel and camp', married with 'Against competent survivors, tunnelling and camping don't work'.
Which is it?
Legitimately, this whole 'I can't win without camping' became a more prevalent argument after 6.1.0, where killers got a collection of compounding baseline buffs.
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So basically the perk which was suppose to end camping does almost nothing? Hmmm. I don't think it's working as intended 😂
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If you want to punish a killer do it. Repair gens.