General Discussions

General Discussions

trapper is op and needs to be removedf or nerfed

just had a game againt trapper and he camped me and i get off and get sucked into a trap that i was nowhere near!!! when i think a bil saved me, i got sucked into another trap! i was nowhere near! trapper is op there is no counterplay!

this is why ur game is dying bhvr, you need to fix this!

btw congrats on dbd for switch!!!

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  • Member Posts: 686
    You're just mad because you got camped plus you can see a trap miles away.

    He's one of the weakest killers.
  • Member Posts: 571

    They can't remove him because he is the mascot of the game, and they will certainly not nerf him because you had ONE bad game against him. Just learn to adapt against his killer and then you'll surely become better.

  • Member Posts: 1,456


  • Member Posts: 571

    @Plu said:


  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Quit trolling and git gud.

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited February 2019

    Pls NeRf sO oP hE cAn KiLl anD NuRsE CaNT EvEn gEt 1 PeRsOn. I cAnT BeLiEvE tHeY eVeN lEt hIM HaVe A tRaP. A ChAiNSaW tHaT iNsTaDoWnS Is WeAk bUt A TrAp ThAt InJuReS iS So BrOKeN.

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    Usually I complain about some dumb stuff, but trapper is not op, and is nowhere close to op

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