Sprint perks need a nerf

Unknown2765 Member Posts: 1,921
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

When i do play killer, 90% of all survivors use some kind of sprint perk, and its too powerful.

I often have to choose between giving up the chase or the whole game, because as killer i waste too much time to catch up with them.

With thanatophobia nerfed into the ground, its not worth the chase in most cases, because even if i get to wound them efter a long chase, they get the On-hit Sprint. And i have to start over catching up with them, while gens suffer no repair cooldown. And once you get a down, gens start to fly, even with Jolt.

idk, prob its me who suck and need to find another game instead, in that case.. sorry for my brain fart

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