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Member Posts: 7,777

What do you think of the current state of Generators/Repair Times?

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Thanks for the Otz warning. Needed to set aside a 5 hour time block to watch the video :P

    Okay, the section with Tombstone Piece got a genuine laugh out of me.

    On the unpredictability - we have gotten some outliers recently, but a lot of those things have been in the game for a while too. I think the thing that's changed is that it was mostly items before, which are visible from the start, and now more perks are moving on that territory. So while I don't think Otz is wrong, the takeaway I'm getting isn't that gen/heal times are more unfair than ever, or that survivors being able to stall hooks is a bad thing. I'm more concerned about what he raised with subtle cheaters having more room to get away with things. A 45s solo gen would have been bullshit before, but now it's possible. A 4s heal mid-chase would have been bullshit a year ago, but now it's possible. And the report system is dysfunctional enough when cheaters are getting properly noticed and reported.

    With gens themselves... I'm starting to feel like the only way gen times could be balanced is to change gen times depending on aggregate survivor MMR. There's just no universal way to balance the game for good and bad survivors at the same time. Certainly not while the game fails to account for comms efficiency.

  • Member Posts: 61

    I understand that, but realistically this is looking at the game with a viewpoint that everything must be of perfect balance. DBD is not that type of game and will never be that way, so I don't understand these repetitive nerfs to survivor when killer is staying relatively in the same spot (or being buffed), especially when solo q is really hard these days. I don't often swf tbh so that's my point of view, but perhaps a person who swfs more often may view the matter differently.

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2022

    Medkits and Brand New Parts are the major pain points for me. They both just save the survivor team way too much time without a tradeoff and medkits make it so that injuring someone without downing them is basically a waste of your limited time. Medkits letting you heal yourself once or twice at normal speed for free per survivor is absolutely insane imo.

    I don't really think toolboxes are a problem but BNP is a bit too strong and the toolbox skill checks shouldn't work with Hyperfocus.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    It is not about wanting nerf or not. They called this combo problematic but yet they did not add any prove.

    They can remove Hyperfocus anyway, perk by itself is garbage. The problem part is toolboxes, they need to be looked.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Idk why people forget about C33. In fact I would say C33 is far stronger than Alch Ring. Alch Ring doesn't make it easier to hit survivors with lethal and you still have to be somewhat good at Blight for it to be impactful.

    C33 not only hinders survivors making it easier to land lethal rushes, but also completely invalidates pallets. As an added bonus, you can't hide around a C33 blight because the blight also gets a score event for hindering you.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Simple solution...Remove Medkits and toolboxes from the game. Just give survivors Flashlights, Keys (Useless since hatch is only when 1 survivor is left), and maps.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I play solo queue Survivor mostly. My thing about removing toolboxes and medkits was sarcasm

  • Member Posts: 487

    This dude literally complain about everything

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Ah yea... These videos... But nobody is showing the part they are charging Stake Out stacks. Nobody is showing they are wasting time while doing that. Every time video is starting they are on gen with full Stake Out stacks! They probably wasting very good time while doing that. But no! This combo is problematic, it has to be!

    I already said the problem part. It is toolboxes, they should not make gens faster. Without toolboxes, Stake Out + Hyperfocus combo is pretty meh. And Prove Thyself has counter perk, use Discordance. But no, burn the all survivor perks! Decent survivor perks can not exist.

    Yes, i am doing good. Thanks for asking. Are you doing ok?

    I think i was pretty kind. I did not insult them or i did not mock them. I don't know what was wrong but alright. I will be "nicer".

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Getting those stacks is pretty simple to be honest. Also hitting good skill checks can be done without stakeout, so hyperfocus isnt completely useless alone.

    I just think that they increased the gen speeds for a reason, which was kill rates were too low, and now they just simply erase that fix with 1 perk that stacks with toolboxes and stakeout.

    Not everyone plays nurses and blights in this game. Slow killers and M1 killers are still struggling on the big maps and this perk isnt healthy for the game. You can disagree with me but i'm not a killer main nor am i a survivor main so i see both worlds and i have seen what good survivors can do with this perk.

    Why do you think killers use 3-4 gen slows per match? Tunneling surely wont get easier with this.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited September 2022

    And again, you are going to blame wrong mechanics.

    I already said toolboxes are problem and they should not exists with current statu. BHVR should rework them because i know fast gens are problem for most of killers. I am not ignoring this part.

    But Hyperfocus + Stake Out combo is far from being problem. It is pretty meh combo. For each token, you are wasting 15 seconds in killer's TR. And if it is not multiple floor map, killer is probably know you are on gen. They can just chase you. Or you can hide in killer's TR for 4 stacks but you will waste very good time with that.

    So i am saying again. This combo is meh, it is not good. Toolbox is the what makes this combo so good and they need to be changed.

    Maps are off-topic but we both know, maps was always the biggest problem of DbD. They still are. Maps still need nerfs, so they can feel fair for both sides.

    My problem was that with your comment. Hyperfocus does not need any nerf, it is alright perk. But toolboxes are not and they 100% needs to rework.

    I hope my points are more clear.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Oh no I agree. C33 is better than alch ring. I just mentioned the addons in the other person’s post. But I’m all for C33 nerf as well, it’s unbelievably busted.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    The game may not ever be perfectly balanced especially now with how much content there is and that’s ok. But we can still try to make improvements regardless.

    Fwiw, solo queue absolutely needs some improvements, and soon. Not in 2 years from now.

  • Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2022

    I actually like this, if they have different uses based on rarity that don't affect gen speed.

    Perhaps for a limited time, prevent regression/explosion/more skill checks.

    I almost never bring a toolbox because it's a boring item to use (yes, a FL/flashbang abuser), unless i find one in a chest and quickly drop it afterwards :D

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    Heres an insane idea, both extremes should be toned like, hm, idk, the doubling of base BT given to survivors on the last major patch. Tunneling and camping should continue to be weakened but so should survivor outliers like doing a gen in 45 seconds solo.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    The point he's making is its like a basekit spirit vs a MDR spirit. One you have plenty of time to hear he make the corner and move but if she has MDR boom she's there already.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Agreed. Back in the day a toolbox could be used on more than one gen & BNP was indeed busted. Imagine the reaction to old toolboxes these days.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited September 2022

    BT was a needed change. It didn't affect balance since the game was never based around tunneling 1 survivor out of a match. That was created early on. Its almost a guaranteed trade at a hook if a killer is camping so taking the trade, shouldn't allow the unhooked to easily be taken down quickly also for 2 free hooks. The fact that tunneling and camping is a thing PLUS killer perks to exasperate that on top of slowdown perks. "Streamer doesn't get another 100 3k-4k's so lets make a video about how busted a perk that actually can do something about it". You know most survivors switched to mostly gen perks? Its because of the tunneling and camping has gotten so bad that you cannot even get all the gens done if you're in Solo Q. This is a problem that some of the killer base has created and now has a ripple effect on EVERY killer. Fix your playstyle instead of trying to nerf survivors.

    If I see one more person complain about a medkit that can heal you 2-3 times WITHOUT A PERK THAT WAS NERFED INTO THE GROUND, I'm gonna bust a blood vessel. We've come full circle. Nerf literally EVERYTHING a survivor has until you can easily sit in a corner and win. The Clowns' perk is fine, remember? That stupid fast skill check is fair? This perk is fair. I cannot heal then I can do gens. Nerf things that killers do before you look at the others' perks and items. Dude has over 100 wins in a row with each killer but we need to follow this video like a religion to nerf anything that a survivor uses? Final thing, if you think 10 seconds of BT to help survivors who are HELPLESS as they get unhooked from a killer is a buff instead of a QOL that was needed, don't talk to me about balance.

  • Member Posts: 358
    edited September 2022

    Gut hyperfocus, gut medkits, gut toolboxes, gut everything at this point. Maybe, maybe after all that solo q will finally get those HUD icons.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    I'd be on board with nerfing the number of charges on toolboxes and add ons, but if you nerf the speed they'd just feel useless. You can get up to 52 charges, nerf them so the max you can get is about 36. Even if that just involves nerfing commodious and the add ons sligtly.

    Also BNP is way too strong still, 25% of a gen instantly. It's nuts.

    They could remove the first 15% entirely and it would still be worth using for a bonus 10% after hitting skillchecks.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    This could be even worse. Time it right before a hook to prevent Pain Res, or before a down to prevent Jolt/Eruption, you're deleting killer perks.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    Gen times were a real issue, the problem is that simply making them take longer was never the solution. Changing them from 80s to 90s was a bad move. Things like toolboxes should have been looked at instead, along with buffs to certain perks like Corrupt, things that slow the early game, but don't hamper survivors ability to knock out gens late game.

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