I feel like Sadako has been pushed under the carpet by BHVR

I understand new licensed killer is priority but you had more than enough time to look at her place on the tier list. She's really fun to play but underpowered. I feel like she has a lot of potential but BHVR is afraid to do something about her.
Seems like all licensed killers tend to be weak. I think Pyramid Head was the only one who turned out really good. I hope you will announce some changes regarding Sadako's power. I don't think she should stay the way she is.
I get why they didn’t have much time for her last midchapter, but hopefully she is looked at soon.
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What I don't understand is how afraid bhvr is to let sadako be more powerful because of her ability to Mori, and then you have tombstone Myers who's allowed to kill everyone with very little cost.
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From what's been said, they haven't forgotten about her, it's just been delayed a bunch. Hopefully we'll get more news soon.
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We can only hope.
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Condemnation mori is rare. At higher level it will most likely never happen. I played against so many Sadako players and I barely had to do the tape. I'd have 2 to 3 stacks tops. So her condemnation thing is neglectable.
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Hopefully they fix her next midchapter patch. It's taken long enough.
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I hope so too. She deserves more.
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Too long!
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Exactly.... If Survivors chooses not to do the aby interaction with Tapes, they can get away with not worrying about being Condemn and keep in eye on her approach when necessary. Even if she brings stronger addons to make Condemnation more likely to happen, a Survivor and simply go for the tape and just simply remove mire then Half of their Condemnation.
It nor like Tvs are everywhere, especially facing gens; and passive builds up Condemnation all the time. I wish it does that, as well as allow Condemnation to be much more easier to build up, the more TVs are active and if the Survivors witnessed the killer exiting a TV they build up more Condemnation then if they look away. Something to make Condemnation a threat and Survivors needing to regularly turn off tvs and seek tapes more often.
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I agree with you, completely!
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They need to tweak the condemned mainly. Also bhvr do not look at tierlists when they consider how to change a killer.
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Sadako, Freddy and Twins need a look from the devs.
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Condemned is currently underwhelming.
If they could make it feel more like a threat then she'd feel so much better to play. The slugging Sadako build + the ring drawing add-on is really good though IMO. It actually makes survivors worry about their being condomned.
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I like Sadako. She's my killer main. She's easy to play for me since I only have one hand and partial use of the other hand. I have customized my XBox controller buttons to play. I like that she has just a basic attack. I hope any change don't include having to use a special ability with a bunch of buttons and tabs to hit just to ever come close to landing a hit. I agree she needs more power.
And I kill survivors with condem all the time. Maybe because I'm still a lower level player.
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that is her main playstyle. its how they intended her to be played i think. its just that they went too safe condemn build up. they just need to buff that play-style a bit more by improving her base-kit and I think she will be more playable. i think 2 changes that would help her would be +1 stack on m1 and less cooldown after projecting from a TV.
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Twins is on there list for changes and they did say Sadako is getting changes
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Sadako needs to be looked at in some aspects, but in other aspects, there's going to be the looming factor that she is outshined by The Dredge, and that is a problem currently. Dredge overshines her in almost every single aspect, because to play him properly, or in a viable way, you don't need to dedicate a build to him. As someone who mains Sadako primarily with the forceful condemn build (with addons of course), it's a very stressful experience at high level play.
She's one of the coolest killers with the most potential to be something greater (aside from Freddy in my opinion), but her playstyle is just very predictable at high level play. In my opinion, the very first change they should give her, is:
- Remove the 'ring' around survivor portraits from the survivor POV (until you get a stack of condemn
This would give her a less stressful early game, because she can utilize her stealth to find someone (much like Ghostface and Tier 1 Myers)
That would be a brilliant start in my opinion. But they'll prioritize Wesker and his broken hitbox first (rightfully so).
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Where did they said that?
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Was literally just talking about this! I feel like she was super powerful when she first came out but now it seems crappy to play her or against her. When I'm a survivor, I can go through entire matches against her without even having to grab/return tapes unless she has a specific add-on which is different than before. When she first came out I had to grab tapes at least 2x per match so now I feel like power is not equal to that of other killers :/
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On there Q&A when the infamous hockey joke was born they said after Ghostface and legion get updated Twins is the next killer getting changed.
then on one of these posts A dev did say Sadako is getting looked at and it was pushed back.
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Thank you!