Even if the balance issues are slowly getting adressed

this game will still propably go down because of cheaters. The Anticheat we have is terrible and we pretty much don't have any report system. Its a pretty significant issue and I really don't understand why this isn't talked about more.
"I don't understand why this isn't talked about more"
Where have you been for the past 2 years?!
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Not playing this game, that's true. But I haven't seen anyone mentioning this at all and its not like I'm new here.
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It's literally been everywhere the past year and a bit except maybe the previous 3 days. But don't worry it'll kick back up into high gear as soon as yet another vulnerability is discovered.
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According to insider sources, DbD's version of EAC was greatly improved recently (albeit now very similar to another popular game's version of EAC).
It is generally easier for the new version of EAC to identify and ban cheaters, so people that subtle cheat on main will be getting banned more often without even getting reported. Blatant cheaters can just use one of their 100's of alt accounts tho. Basically just need a way to identify if someone is using a code injector or hex editor and then boot them if they are.