National Tunneling Day

Is it Today? It feels like it's today. Literally EVERY SINGLE GAME maybe with 2 exceptions has been hard tunneling from the start of the match.
No way of getting killers attention, even giving them a free hit didn't help. Just hard tunnel the person that's been unhooked.
I know it's not killers job to make the games fun but it's also not their duty to make the game as miserable as possible for others...
I don't mind camping and tunneling from time to time but when it happens THIS often...There's no point playing. No wonder player numbers are so low now and Survivor queue has a perma 100% bonus.
If I see a survivor with a toolbox, they're getting hard tunneled from the jump. Odds are they have on the complete bs BtL hyperfocus stakeout , so no anti tunnel perks. You wanna tunnel gens, I tunnel you
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It is? Damn I better go tunnel someone right now.
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Can you please explain how tunneling a gen is different from doing a gen?
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Lol. Projecting much?
So you tunnel them because of the gen perks they probably don't even have or you tunnel them because they don't have the anti-tunnel perks? Which btw do pretty much nothing.
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I think they are talking about gen rushing but you have to hang around the killer for a good minute or two just to activate stakeout so it isn't that great
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So survivors can't bring an ordinary item anymore without you targeting them to ruin their game? How bizarre.
What is "tunneling a generator"? You mean working on it?
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I made a post about this earlier today. It got worse since the killer buffs it feels and I think that's coz they don't fear DS anymore and the rewards for camping ie gens take longer - so less punishing. the gist of it in my post responses is that tunneling and camping is the most effective/easiest way to win. So I don't think it matters how many killer buffs there are, the majority will go for tunneling and camping coz that is still the easiest way. :/ I think people will play survivor less and killer q's will get longer.
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See, it's kinda weird to me because killer is a walk on the beach right not without needing to hard tunnel like this. I've literally stopped playing killer after 6.1 because it was just kinda too easy/boring. And I never tunneled or camped unless when someone asked for it just for the memes.
So you'd think with all those killer buffs people will tunnel less because they can win matches by not playing like a douche...
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A) You should google what projecting means.
B) Some toolboxes are pretty busted so I can see why survivor carrying one is a priority. Also if you're speeding trough gens then tunneling is necessary for killer to even have a chance.
Its true killer's don't play nice all the time but do you think survivors do? How fun do you think it is to lose 2 gens because they brought busted items? Or play for 12 hooks, get genrushed and told "Ez, baby killer" in the endgame chat?
TLDR: Don't blame only killers for "unfun" games
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Speeding through gens has nothing to do with it. I understand the concept of pressure etc, and if you're losing gens fast then I guess tunneling is a good bet.
But we're talking here about tunneling at 4-5 gens, right from the start of the match.
Nobody is asking to play for 12 hooks. And I wouldn't call toolboxes by themselves busted. I find it even odd complaining about gen rushing with the nerfs and so many good slow down perks available to killers now.
Yes killers don't play nice ALL THE TIME. And that's fine. The problem is they're not playing nice at all recently.
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There are basically only 3 items survivors can bring that are of any use;
Med Kit
Tool Box's (and even at that, only 2 of them are remotely useful. Brown tool kit is only good for carrying lunch).
Devs nerfed keys and the hatch into oblivion so you never see them anymore. The idea that Killers specifically and intentionally target a survivor to remove from the match for bringing a random tool box is nutty. Of course you will see them regularly. It's literally one of the only items we can bring in. Gen repair time was increased, and Killers stack gen regression perks like no tomorrow. My God this whole Stake Out/Hyperfocus build freak out is so overdone. I've scarcely seen it used in Solo Q.
If you lot are so mad survivors can use a toolbox, why not bring Franklin's?
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And yes, the person earlier straight up assumes that any person with a toolbox has a busted Gen rush build and needs to be tunneled out no matter what. Which I guarantee you is not the case 90% of the time.
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Oh well then thats my bad, I misunderstood your post. Yea tunneling at 5 gens is a petty thing to do.
Well I did specify that only some are. And while its true not every survivor brings those, most toolboxes look identical. So there's no way to tell. I'm not saying I'm gonna out of my way to get that person out of the game. I'm just saying that if I see 2 survivors and one has a toolbox while the other has nothing, I'm chasing the first one.
I'm not complaining about getting genrushed on the regular, I was merely trying to point out that you don't like to get tunneled and I don't like Brand new parts. Both sides have something.
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You'd think. But no :/
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I mean sure but you're really jumping the gun here.
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Only reason I bring a toolbox is to get those crappy brown ones out of my inventory, but tunnel away - you'll be in for a surprise.
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Well... if the killers are tunneling so easily, it's a sign that the anti-tunnels are not doing their job right and need to be adjusted by the devs, or you need to train a strategy to not suffer so much tunnel
Now if the killers are tunneling for rancidity of Hiperfocus, it's not the perk's fault, like, the killer campa or tunnel because a perk is strong, it's a sign that the camp and tunnel need a bigger nerf, the hyperfocus will certainly have some adjustment, but it is necessary to take the boredom out of genes that never end
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There is no such thing as tunneling gens. If you're that worried about genrush builds, bring Franklin's.
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Nah, Otz "the God" (to some people lol) released a video on how Hyperfocus + Stake Out are overpowered or some such thing and the threads on the forums on it are increasing.
You explained yourself in another post though. If you see two survivors and one has a tool box it's entirely reasonable to go for the one with the tool box. I don't have a problem with that. Shouldn't have really aimed my comment at you specifically, just the concept that a Killer would tunnel a player out at 4-5 gens for carrying one! My bad.
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... I just need to do a sabo daily, jeez
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Spreading hooks out as killer is not a walk on the beach. However, targeting one survivor in soloq is a walk on the beach.
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Tunneling is short for tunnel vision. So, you know, the same difference between just chasing the unhooked versus tunneling them. It is all about determination.
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Its okay, no harm done.
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"I know it's not killers job to make the games fun but it's also not their duty to make the game as miserable as possible for others..." Now I can't speak for every killer player but not every killer player is out there to make a game miserable on purpose. Still as some killers the best pressure is getting someone out early. Also the fact that the basekit changes really didn't do much in changing how the game plays out.
If survivors split up on gens there's still little to nothing a killer without mobility can do. Pair that up with how unbalanced 90% of maps currently are... yeah you can see where it goes.
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I very often bring brown medkits and brown toolboxes without add-ons. It's just to get them out of my inventory and I like Killers running Franklin's. It gets the clicky clickers to stop trying to annoy the Killer and actually touch a gen.
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Just run Hyperfocus build. Its really good and it helps when killers tunnel hard. They want to get rid of someone quickly then just get rid of gens quickly. Balanced as all things should be.
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Ok, i have to say that i thought the term gen tunneling was stupid, but you explained it quite well, i can get behind your definition. Never did it myself, because i still do totems (if noone brought boons to a game) even if noed is almost never seen in my games now. (although i never seek the killer out, i am more of a stealth player, and the ability to juke a killer and thus lose him in a chase has been highly nerfed by map reworks and the iron will nerf)
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This like on mmorpgs where you tunnel the healer we tunnel the repairer.
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Get hit, keep working on gen, take another hit with Dead Hard, finish gen and get downed. That's tunneling a gen.
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"Do nothing"? Bologna. I've taken killers on long chases after using Off The Record and DS on them. Don't know how I'm the only one who can do this.
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Don't worry man, NOONE has the anti-tunneling perks. Getting 2 seconds (after the 1 second of animation) to escape your nurse or blight doesn't really do anything.
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How about not doing gens before a hook? Sounds stupid? It's what youre telllng killers to do.
Ever swap between muktiple gens just because? What, focusing on one gen is more efficient/better? Sounds familiar.
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In principle, I do not want to tunnel. It doesn't amuse me in SoloQ, so I don't do it as a killer.
However, right now almost every one of my games has a Survivor that forces bodyblock with BT from being unhooked.
After a while, I want to be nice, but not stupid. I tunnel to death from there.
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Ohh, probably you feel powerful