Dead by daylight on Switch

GabrielMad13 Member Posts: 26
I've seen a lot of hate against the switch version of Dead by daylight, me for the other hand got really excited , and I plan on buying it for sure!, What do you guys think? Do you also plan to buy?.
Thank you Dead by daylight team for bringing it for the switch!


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    No, because switch will bring more issues to the book

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    No, because switch will bring more issues to the book

    They haven't even fixed all of the existing console problems and now they are expanding to another console?

    They are expanding like Rome, and we all know how well that went.
  • CJsDBD
    CJsDBD Member Posts: 85
    Other than the probability of new issues, I am probably going to buy it! Most switch games have motion controls, so im excited to see if they will be able to add them to this game. Could make things more interesting! 
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Like i said in an another thread, they are pulling an "overkill" on us and are going to release once more a buggy console version with ######### framerate and call it a day and barely even update the thing.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    I imagine The Trapper’s cleaver as Shulk’s Sword