Dear killer mains, is Hyperfocus bothering you?

Then Equip Gearhead.
Just adapt :)
And that solves a solo survivor doing a generator in 40s how exactly?
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You realize that it only gives a 10 second aura once after each injury you do. That doesn't exactly do anything in the long run.
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I guess old undying was fine! Just equip small game ;)
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By giving you the opportunity to interrupt the survivor?
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I take it Hyperfocus builds are the new overpowered meta?
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I didn't know that survivors have 4 tokens of Stake Out (bc it is paired with Hyperfocus) from the beginning of the match, if you can't hit survivors when they are near you, maybe it's just a skill issue? :)
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Stake Out is only if you can't hit great skillchecks consistently naturally. For someone who's decent at it, Stake Out isn't even necessary more than a few hiccups here and there.
By your logic, old instant heal medkits are fine because you can run a perk or add-on to inflict Broken so they can't heal.
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Is tunneling bothering you? Well then, just git good.
..... wait thats an actual solution
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"For someone who's decent at it"
Yeah, like 90% of players can consecutive hit great skill checks with increasing speed.
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You don't need a single token of Stake out to hit every great skill check. I'm not even that good at skill checks in my opinion but I've gotten Hyperfocus to 6 stacks and stayed there for several skill checks without Stake out.
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Good for you I guess, some people got 4k in less than 3 minutes but I don't think we should nerf all killers because of it.
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I take you think NOED was just fine before they changed it, just bring an iri map, right?
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Gotta love these forums. You people always insist on stirring the pot lmao.
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Killers encouraged survivors to adapt, nobody said "just do bones" on this forum for like 5 years because of it? 🤨
If Hyperfocus bothers you, just adapt.
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An overpowered perk/addon/combination thereof being countered or somewhat countered by some other perk/addon/item/etc. does not make it less overpowered.
It’s like telling a killer to play Plague if they have a problem with coh. That does a lot for someone when they’ve already come into the match as a wraith for example. Or telling a solo survivor to bring toolboxes and prove thyself when going against a decently strong killer with 3-4 stacked slowdowns. It’s not like you can change your loadout AFTER you see what your opponent has.
Oh, and gearhead is not a good perk either.
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Was thinking the same thing tbh. <3
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Yes, gear Head and discordance are good options, about Hiperfocus, a nerf I would give it is that the perk could only be used when a surv in the match died, or the maximum token limit was 2 at the beginning of the game and the limit of tokens was increasing with each hook the killer made, up to a maximum of 6, but you don't earn tokens, it just increases the maximum capacity you can have tokens
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And there's plenty people that love to take the obvious attention bait
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That's precisely the problem though. It is too good in the hands of good players.
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So does basically the majority of perks and killer powers.
Should we punish good players for being good?
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So why is Nurse still in the game?
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Because good survivors will do fine versus an equally good Nurse (uneven map/etc aside), since her counterplay is done via mindgaming, but something that can be 40s as long as the killer doesn't happen to come by in 40s (which means it's guaranteed if all 4 are using it for up to 3 gens) does not work the same way.
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"Because good survivors will do fine versus an equally good Nurse"
No, they didn't.
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per usual, what's new?
Killers will always find a way to complain about something, at least this can set games back and make things alot easier for Survivors to y'know, do their tasks instead of being oppressed back to the stone age.
And I LOVE the irony of this comment, it seems like the killer can't take it when the joke used against them; suddenly, now it isn't funny anymore.
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I hate this trope. Can you really load into a map like RPD or "The Game" with a 4x wallhack perk build and tell me in good faith the survivors can just "mindgame" their way out of it?
There's no skill involved, stop trying to say there is. You blink on top of people from BLOS (beyond line of sight) and collect free hits
Sincerely - former nurse main with 5k+ hours
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Sorry, but you are objectively wrong.
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not even that, the moment the 6.1.0 patch dropped, the forums were FLUSHED with killers telling survivors to adapt.....and then immediately 180 and had them screeching at the top of their lungs when survivors did so in various different ways......Hmmmm, seeing a pattern?
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Also before Hyperfocus drama killer mains were screaming about Prove Thyself.
Like... Equip Discordance if PT bothers you?
If I don't like Scourge Hooks, I bring Saboteur.
If I don't like Coulrophobia on Wesker, I bring Bothany or Bite the Bullet.
If I don't like slugging, I bring Unbreakable with Tenacity.
Like literally, why do fun perks have to be nerfed?
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"Fun" does not justify broken.
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If Gearhead didn't have an injure requirement per aura reveal I'd definitely equip it. Anybody with Hyperfocus and Stake Out would light up like a Christmas tree. Then saying Gearhead is a counter might actually have some merit.
(Before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I do think Hyperfocus should not be usable with toolboxes. Other than that, I don't have any issue with the perk)
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Typical whataboutism.
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People don't seem to realise Stake Out ALSO gives an extra 1% of gen progression from a great skill check. That's a big reason why it's run in the build, not only for the safety of missing a Great or two.
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I'm sure many people have told you, but gearhead only procs on good skill checks. Hyper focus procs on greats. Not to mention just knowing where they are isn't going to solve its issues
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It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Also, I totally forgot that perk existed xd
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I do play only killer and this perk is honestly a high risk high reward which is perfectly fine. If you are good survivor and you can constantly hit greats - with hyperfocus picked it greatly rewards you, however if you equip hyperfocus and DO NOT hit greats - bad for you, you just lost a perk slot.
Answering your question - no, it does not bother me. I feel like it is an example of great perk design.
Also very good point with gearhead as potential counter :) Appreciated.
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Ah yes, the hyperbolic hitting of every great skillcheck flawlessly. Just like the ever so common merciless storm pain res people were complaining about. Be careful what you wish for cause they have a way of changing things in ways you don't expect.
And no, I think it's a perfectly fine skill that requires lots of focus without being interrupted by the killer and prone to the rng of never getting skillchecks when you want them.
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Even tho I barely see hyperfocus used in my games, I agree that perk shouldnt work with toolbox.
Same as Botany should not work with medkit instead of having penalty but thats another discussion.
Either way I feel this whole Hyperfocus drama is overblown because Otz made a ideal 47s gen clip, yet failed to replicate it on his stream in solo queue. Unless he made it later, cause I only watched for few hours.
Tldr, make Hyperfocus not work with toolbox and its fine
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Whether or not you think hyper focused is balanced can we at least give it time to settle in the meta first?
Due to people crying about them the devs nerf new survivor perks hastily leading to the stale meta most people complain about
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Oh good its as easy as that
No more survivor mains complaining over the new balance then, just adapt.
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We don’t need to wait. It doesn’t matter if it’s this month or 3 months from now, people can already cut off 30+ seconds off of a generator. Even if they aren’t perfect, they’re cutting off 20+ seconds.
BHVR nerfed the pain res combo and the overcharge combo because they felt it was too powerful. It’s fair for them to also nerf the hyperfocus combo.
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And survivors don't complain? Really? The stupid amounts of dcing after the 90s generator patch speaks otherwise.
Can we all agree the everyone complains about things? Whining is a universal thing.
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I wish the devs could shake up the slowdown meta but with PT and Hyperfocus staying the way they are I guess they really want killers running 4 slowdowns perks.
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Alot of players can... thousands can... old ruin legit forced you to hit great skill checks just to progress a gen as normal ones would regress it.
So yes people can hit greats often and consecutive
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People really blaming Hyperfocus when a max charges commodious dumped on 1 gen with streetwise accounts for like 23 seconds of that time saving. Normal great skill check bonus another 4-5 seconds. Stake out another 4-5 seconds. But yes that entire 30 seconds time saving is all from one perk. Then never mind the minute of being in terror radius to recharge stake out and the time running to a locker and waiting for built 2 last to recharge the toolbox.
And the entire time saving can be undone by one Eruption. An entire build countered by a single use of 1 killer perk. And it could theoretically do this to 3 survivors at the same time (as long as we're going with edge case situations that seldom actually happen).
Yea seems fine.
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You lost me after your first few words "good survivors will do fine vs equally good Nurse"
Wow even good nurse mains will disagree lol
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If it's just 1 person sure I can see it helping but what if it's 2? or 3? even 4? How does gearhead help?
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Gen speed perks should be deleted off the game ,,it's disgusting how prove / hyperfocused + stake out makes gens fly ,,i like how devs were like " gens were a bit too fast for weaker/ m1 killers to keep up "
Also devs a bit down the road
"here's a stupid perk that allows a solo survivor do a gen in 40 seconds"
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hilarious bait post om g
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I wonder, though, if Hyperfocus actually becomes more popular than it is right now if a Gearhead and Lethal Pursuer and Fearmonger combo would be a fun counter? You would see the aura of survivors who hit Great skill checks for 12 seconds. That’s quite a while, long enough to get across the map and chase them before the aura ends, and with Fearmonger they’d be Exhausted at the start as well.
Personally I went back through my matches this week and I haven’t even seen a survivor use Hyperfocus yet. 🤷♂️ And in general in the stats it looks like it hasn’t caught on too much, it’s seeing maybe 6% useage which is a little above average but not in the top 10-15 perks.
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Eh. My main problem with Gearhead is it’s too easy to miss it. There’s no sound cue or anything when it activates you just have to notice the perk icon/notice the aura. Also hard countered by distortion which I’ve been seeing fairly often.