Remove ability for downed survivors to see team aura. Solo Q snitches, and doesn't make sense.

A downed survivor is almost at death, they shouldn't be able to see the aura of teammates at all. It serves no purpose. A downed survivor should crawl around on their own, until a teammate saves them
It only enables trolling by salty teammates who tell the killer where you are and work with the killer when it's down to last 2 people.
Im a 100% solo q player. Sometimes you can be in a game and the entire team is almost dead already, and now there's only 2 survivors left - you and the other guy. The other guy gets downed. The killer refuses to pick him up to scumbag their way to 4K and refuse to give you a shot at the hatch... and now the downed survivor starts crawling towards you, letting the killer know your direction. Or even worse, the Survivor starts shaking his body on the ground telling the killer "no please" and then snitches on you because of the aura. Or the Killer is scummy and refuses to hook the 3rd player to slug, and intentionally recruits the downed survivor to help find the other one.
I have been victim of Killers breaking Terms of Service. If I had a good game by looping and frustrating killer so he can't catch me, and then it's only 2 left.... I've seen Killers literally communicating with the other Survivor, non-verbally. By picking them up and down a lot, and letting them know they won't be hooked... if they snitch on where the final survivor is at, to deny me the hatch attempt. I HAVE SEEN THIS HAPPEN TOO MANY TIMES IN SOLO Q!!!
This makes no damn sense and needs to be removed immediately for the health of the Solo Q experience.
There are plenty of ways to sandbag that don’t involve being on the floor. All removing that would do is make solo queue even more disadvantaged compared to swf
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What the hell is the advantage of you being able to see your team when you are downed. Crawling to them? It's dumb. Just hide and wait for someone to come. The cons outweigh any tiny pro's.
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Imagine asking more nerfs for solo-q. 😂
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sadly, this nerf would somehow be a net buff for Solo q in a messed up way.
Not saying I agree with the idea though.
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It's so helpful when in dying state to see aura's, you can tell if someone is coming to get you up for example so means you can make a decision whether or not to use your perk to get you up or save it - Unbreakable for example.
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This is a semi cooperative game for survivors. Sometimes your teammates will turn on you at the end in hopes of the killer giving them mercy. IMO that's part of the fun.
Now, a survivor working with the killer the whole time is unacceptable and reportable. But end of game betrayals? They're fine.
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Nah, i use it to head towards where another survivor is after I've recovered as much as I have. If I see the killer on me, I stop moving. If I'm not being stalked, that's me allowing the other survivor time to do what they're doing before they take one second to get me standing. The amount of people who use it to reveal the location of other survivors to the killer is small, and doing that is reportable anyways.
Making it so that a downed survivor has no idea when or where help is does not improve the health of Solo Queue, but actually impairs it.
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people are insane sometimes.
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Lets make solo que worse😭
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This mindset is completely toxic and only makes me hate my teammates. If you think end game betrayals is fun, then I won't ever save anyone towards end game and let you all die because "they might betray me anyway"
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It's a buff for solo q. Solo Q is RAMPANT with people breaking Terms of Service. I CONSTANTLY see killers intentionally not hook the 2nd to last survivor, and pick them up and put them down alot, trying to communicate to them to work together. Or they nod their head up and down, etc.... and then survivors who are snitches and people working with killer at the end.
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You do you. 🤷
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I use the aura to set up for pallet saves, flashlight saves, etc. this would be a total nerf.
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Before the hatch nerf, teammates could tell me where hatch is.
Even now, it gives you information, for example, if someone is chased.
If you had bad experience about this, doesnt mean it needs to be removed. It has it advantages.
Sadly nearly everything can be abused in a negative way. Sandbagging both killer and survivors can do that. etc
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no, it's not a fun experience. people don't want their team betraying them. we need to foster more teamwork in the game design, not less.
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Any benefit of you knowing someone is chased is irrelevant. You are downed and dying, and have to wait for someone to save you anyway. It doesn't make sense lore wise, and it would help TREMENDOUSLY towards the rampant cheating going on with Killers and Survivors working together at the end in Solo Q.
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No. This would remove so much ability to coordinate and set up for saves, or close the gap towards a player who's coming to heal you. This is especially useful when the killer is trying to camp two slugs at once and you need to know which direction to crawl.
Sandbaggers are going to sandbag whether you like it or not.
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"need to know which direction to crawl"
lol, just crawl away from the killer. not hard. made up reasons.
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They should at least make this ability togglable, so that I can become invisible for my teammates' aura reading at will. Or at least add the ability to make your last teammate instantly bleed out. Because this end-game trolling is out of hand in soloQ. Every time I want to play survivor I have to think again about whether I'm ready for something like this to happen all over again. We already have to hide from our teammates more often than from the killer, something must be done about it.
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Wow, it's almost like knowing your teammate is waiting over by shack instead of in the pallet loop on the other side is useful.
Your teammates will sandbag and sell you out to the killer you regardless of whether or not this is a feature. You can't stop people from being awful. Quit trying to nerf survivor information for the sake of one edge case.
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i prefer to see where they are, don't know about others but after i recover, and if the killer isn't picking me up, i'll just make sure to crawl away from the lone survivors position. Better yet, I'll crawl to a random locker and wiggle so the killer checks it, rinse, repeat. Have to have some sort of fun in that boring scenario ha.
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Funny you say that it doesnt make sense lore wise, while first you were complaining about the abusing part.
The information is usefull, you can relocate yourself. Maybe you play with someone else and can give additional stuff.
Your passive perks still werk, maybe help someone who is in chase.
Maybe you want a good timing to stand up (because you have a perk for it). etc
It doesnt happen 100% of the time. Nerfing doesnt make any sense.
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this is punishing everyone else for the actions of a few
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I’ve nodded at the last survivor or 2 before to indicate I’m going to show mercy and let them go, but not in exchange for anything. I’ll then track down the other(s) and nod at them too (if they stop running long enough to notice I’m not trying to catch them)
I don’t think I’ve run into anyone trying to sell out hidden survivors. I have had some survivors presumably indicate I should attack someone standing right beside us which results in a complex dance of trying to figure out what specific challenge they’re trying to knock out. Hook save, heal a health state, trigger some perk, flashlight/pallet save, desire to be a jerk and t-bag their downed compatriot, etc.
When I play survivor I find the information useful. Among other things, I can plot out where they can intercept me while minimizing how much they have to break cover to do so. I never crawl right at anyone unless they’re right there anyway but in solo queue I could see that as someone not thinking through their actions being the more likely motivation than intentional sandbagging.
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You're in the minority. I should start recording all my games to make a compilation in a short amount of time. There are MANY scummy killers out there, that have no issues not hooking the 2nd to last survivor, and using them to find the last one.. ESPECIALLY if you looped the killer well during the match or were hard to catch.
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The only minority here is you, mate. Between this and asking survivors buff because they lost, it's quite clear you're mainly here to stir the hornet's nest. But please, make your compilation in KYF.
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This is a great example of the misuse of the term toxic.
The "hatred" as you put it for your team mates completely outweighs the outcome of some endgame shenanigans.
Basically toxicity exists when people can't separate the game world from the real world and they hate the other player over something relatively meaningless in game.
Don't let your in game emotion spill out into your real world that is genuine toxicity.
It does suck to be outed by your team mate if you are trying to avoid the killer, but unless its a determined effort by killer and survivor to collaborate, which is a reportable breach of game rules then its really not that common and not that big of a deal.
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You should have seen the Bubba threads
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This happens to me often as well. Hate it.
I've even suggested a perk in a "Create Your Own Perk" thread that hides your aura from slugged survivors if you're the last survivor standing. ( )
Post edited by Nos37 on1 -
That's working with killer still or at least helping him. Usually the killers just take the 4K then.
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If the game is over and I want to give a certain survivor hatch I will go out of my way to focus the last survivor till they are found, not reportable if the game is over imo (multiple gens left)
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see ^
and the criteria to "if i want to find a certain survivor" can be completely petty and based on saltiness if you looped the killer well or were hard to catch
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True it could, I just do it if I think one survivor played well
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Just played a game. Guess what.
2 players left, the Dwight got downed. Instead of hooking Dwight and giving me a shot at hatch, Killer refused to hook Dwight and decided to slug to get 4K. I waited for Killer to stop camping downed Dwight, and then I picked up Dwight. Then... Dwight snitched on me and Killer worked with him and let him go after I was killed. I recorded it.
This is how Solo Q goes. It ######### needs attention.
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Okay, and? Who cares about the reason I want a specific survivor? It is usually because they didn't participate, by the way. What does it matter if that is petty? I can go for them if I want. If you are that serious about escaping a game that you did not contribute in, I would say you need to get better at hiding from your teammates too.
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I had a game 2 days ago that lasted 40-50 minutes because the Claudette refused to snitch on me and the killer could no longer slug them without them bleeding out. The killer had to manually look for me, and it took 20 mins for the Claudette to feel comfortable enough to do the last 2 gens. Not sure why it took her another 15 mins to open the gate, but she finally did it we both got out.
I felt bad for Claudette, but not enough to just hand myself over to the killer for such BS. The game effectively ended 30 minutes prior, but the killer wanted to take full advantage of mechanics not meant for taking the game hostage, just to avoid the race for hatch.
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sounds to me you're salty someone ratted you out to a killer after you were hiding and not doing any gens. How about stop using meme escape builds and help your team escape.
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your insane for thinking to remove aura-reading from soloq. the guy who got slugged just wants to move to the next game and not stay on the floor for 4 minutes. the aura reading is super useful.
Its weird how you get global bond when your on the floor/hook but no aura by default. the aura is a tool. a tool can misused. sandbagging can be unfun in games but it is not the aura-reading fault. its the player.
the slugging for 3rd to get 4k highlights a problem in end game where killer wants to get a 4k and both survivors want to escape, but neather of 3 players want to surrender. its little amusing because it describes patrick's mmr rank for survivor with the 1vs1vs1 problem, instead.... treating the game as 4vs1. current system describes this problem where as team-based mmr system describes the problem of being stuck in elo hell i.e if your team is bad, its hard to carry a team to victory to move up in mmr(in a team based mmr).
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lol at pretending im making things up. These are clear issues that everyone who has played enough Solo Q knows about. There are people ITT that are confirming what im saying. Maybe spend less time with your SWF bubble and go out into Solo Q to see how the game really is
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Yeah I suppose you're right. But what about sandbagging during the trial? Like a survivor with Bond running the killer by a gen being worked on to get the killer off of them and onto the repairing survivor? In that instance it's kind of like temporarily working with the killer
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You are toxic and breaking ToS by doing that though. Play the game the right way and stop ruining gameplay for others.
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Bold of you to assume I even have friends to play with, sunny. I exclusively play SoloQ.
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Im not sure about that killer can still choose which chase he continues but that kind of behaviour is sabotaging your own team and they're being selfiss.
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If you see an Ace and a Kate trying to heal each other and constantly messing up, just know they are having one of their world famous arguments about who's getting healed first and leave them be please, lol
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Oh no, killer slugs for the 4k... terrible
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yknow, i actually had a game as wesker the other day where some salty guy was sandbagging a mikaela, so i chased him only and then when he was down, he tried to rat out the mikaela. so being the team player i aspire to be, i followed mikaela around until she realized i was friendly, picked up the other guy, dropped him in the fields, and mori'd him while the mikaela rightfully tbagged the guy before giving her hatch. mad disrespect for the people who try to save their own skins bey being a dick
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you are in the very few minority. most killers take the information and get the kill
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Unfortunately, its just up to people's morals. When playing an online game, people aren't seeing other players as people too, but rather as characters in a game. So more likely than not, you look less like a human being and more like a sacrificial pawn to your teammates. As messed up as it is, there's not really a way to prevent this besides filing a report and hoping something happens. They won't nerf auras due to the usefulness they provide, like the one dev said earlier. Hopefully you get luckier with not having to deal with these situations though. Also I noticed you made another post about the same topic. The eagerness for change is present, but too much repeating your view will only devalue your argument.
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no, it's up to game design
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I don't believe I follow. The game design may allow this to happen, but that is unavoidable. The real factor that decides if this will happen is the player who decides to be the rat. You are seeing the game design as guilty by association or by enabling when in reality its just an issue with a group of players and their choices.