The 3 Biggest Issues in DBD

In no particular order:
- Player attitude: People being toxic to each other just for playing the game (doing gens quickly, tunneling, bodyblocking, camping, using Discord, using certain killers, using certain perks/items/add-ons/offerings, etc). Quitting the moment something doesn't go the way they want. Taking out frustration from one match on another. So on and so forth. Seriously, grow up.
- The gap between solo queue and SWF: Trying to juggle balance while both are as different from each other as can be is how the game ends up with situations like things that are useless for/against SWF, things held back so they aren't overly oppressive against solo, so on and so forth. Solo queue does not mean bad at the game. SWF does not mean good at the game. SWF only means the ability to tell each other information that SWF cannot. So solo should be buffed to have the same level of info and communication possible. For instance, a ping wheel with preset messages on a short cooldown to prevent spam: "Killer nearby"/"I’ll go for the unhook"/etc. Then, all survivors will be "SWF", meaning no more juggling balance between solo and SWF.
- Map design and tile spawn logic: Some maps are far too large. Some maps are too small. Gideon has too many pallets, all of which are way too safe, but basically no good windows at all in addition to being too small. Midwich has basically no good loops and is a pure hold-W benchmark test map, and probably has the worst gate positions in the game for survivors. So on and so forth. Tile spawn logic allows for absurd generations such as two long wall jungle gyms connected into shack, which is horrendously overpowered. It also allows for absolutely giant deadzones where there's basically nothing for a survivor in any capacity. Both bounds need to be condensed so it can't be so extreme in either direction.
I am of the mindset that generator slowdown and second chance perks are both bandaids for map and tile design. If maps were more evenly-sized and tile spawn logic was a lot more balanced, it would take less time to traverse the map and chases would likely end quicker. Which in turn means pressuring gens become easier, which in turn means generator slowdown perks are less incentivized and that strategies such as camping/tunneling are less incentivized, which in turn means second chance perks are less incentivized.
I am of the mindset that if all maps were genuinely well-designed and balanced, generator slowdown perks could be pretty much entirely removed, and most second chance perks could be removed while some anti-camp/tunnel measures become basekit. People who don’t care about strategic value will camp/tunnel/etc no matter what, but those who do will have less incentive, because they can do just fine without relying on those strategies at all. And by handling it this way, trying to tunnel or camp through built-in features against that will be less incentivizing than just playing normally in a game and map that doesn't even need it to play fine on.
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4: Not enough Spirit players.
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I agree with 2. and 3. 1. is also fine, but I would like to add one thought. The attitude of the players is a direct result of the structures of the game, which are toxic in themselves.
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Issue 4 : not separating competitive from casual.
Most times the problem I see is a very sweaty killer being put in front of survivors just trying to enjoy the game, or a meme-build killer being put in front of a comp swf team. The game does not have a stance on whether it is competitive or casual-friendly, and it can't and shouldn't pretend to be both at the same time.
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- Ban people for being toxic. I am not talking about perma-bans. But give them 24 hours ban for example. (I am talking about end game toxicity btw, game mechanics are not toxic even they used for this way).
- Solo survivors needs love, we all know that. Hope we can get good buffs soon.
- Honestly the last maps were not that bad. Garden of Joy has strong main building but rest of map is good. Haddonfield is fair map. I also loved new RPD, it feels fair both sides. But we have a lot problematic maps and they needs to be balanced tho.
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Everything is true except putting "camping" and "tunneling" in "just playing the game" category. Camper/tunneler DENY picked survivor to play the game. Same as, for example, cheater does. That's the main issue. It's nearly an exploit, that is frustrating. And, opposite to cheating, it's not a killer-player fault (people tend to use the most cheap and easy ways and always will), it's responsiblity of devs, that provide "playground" and set rules.
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It is just playing the game. It’s an accepted part of the game and a strategy the devs balance this game around. Being toxic cause people use strategies is utterly stupid and indefensible.
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Would make sense to have two separate modes, especially if there were exclusive rewards for rank in competetive
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"Camper" and "tunneler" deny nothing. They are doing their job, they kill survivor.
Playing most time as a survivor I do not enjoy killer that camp and tunnel. But it is part of the game and you can counteract it, as I've proven 2 hours ago: repair generators.
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Kinda agree. But that goes for almost every post I read from you these days.
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Aw thanks, that’s sweet of you <3
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I will ask you the same thing I ask BHVR in their Player satisfaction surveys. Do you think that players play this game just to get tunneled and face camped all the time? The fact that BHVR chooses to not only ignore it but to then encourage it by calling it " A legit strategy " is counterproductive to the health of the game. The game needs to be fair and balanced for all players, not just killers.
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Gardens trees blocking numerous killer powers is an abomination.
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I don’t think you understand my point. Being toxic to people because they tunneled/camped/etc is unacceptable. It is a strategy accepted and balanced around by devs, whether you like it or not. Take it up with devs if you have an issue, not players. The in-game built in counter to camping and tunneling is pressuring gens and splitting up.
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I pretty much completely agree with all of this. In regards to the first point, repeat offenses should eventually lead to permanent bans, and unacceptably severe content should skip tiers. For instance, slurs/bigotry/encouraging suicide/threats of harm/etc should be a non-negotiable permanent ban on first offense.
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Those bushes can go ######### themselves lol
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You're splitting hairs. You're telling me not to be bothered by scummy tactics used by killer just to ensure their precious 4k just because BHVR said its ok. I don't care how many times BHVR or Killer mains say it is. It isn't.
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Okay, tough then. That’s a you problem, get over it. But you are part of the problem in this community, not them. Being upset about it is fine. Taking it out on players is not fine. Grow up.
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That is your personal opinion. Okay, now we know. Get on with it.
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Welcome to the first category of the OP.
I wish I could upvote you both more than one time.
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I'll never understand the gate spawns on Midwich. They could at least offset them so they are diagonally across from each other and obscured a bit by the hallways. It's clear the devs did this as a design choice because there is no variation. But why? Why design something that so obviously favors one side?
Edit: and I just straight up hate The Game, full stop.
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Not a bad post at all but I don't see how the gap between Solo and SWF is more of an issue than the matchmaking itself. Whenever I see this topic come up I always expect to see matchmaking mentioned because its the root cause of most of the issues within Solo. Obviously having Discord or a party chat and stacking perk builds is infinitely stronger than 4 random Solos, but I really don't think its more of an issue than poor matchmaking
Does nobody bat an eye to the fact that we're constantly told this is an asymmetrical party game where you shouldn't expect a fair chance to win every match yet they destroyed multiple ranking systems in favor of "
Skill BasedMatch Making" that still doesn't even accurately represent skill???? The system only track Escapes and Kills but then everybody acts surprised that you have really talented players in low-mid MMR against players they don't belong with and then terrible players at the the top end getting boosted by this binary system, also everybody is hyperfocused (no pun intended) on slamming gens within 4 minutes or 4king at 4 gens because the SBMM and Devs literally encourage you to devalue everything besides Escapes and Kills. Do you guys not remember 'Its like Hockey'?If matchmaking was actually accurate and considered other important factors besides the end results then the gap would shorten between Solo and SWF because you would no longer have a 7,000 hour player matched with default Jake Park 06 that goes down in 10 seconds and then gets tunneled out at 4 gens. There are hundreds of highly-efficient SoloQ players that can beat Nurse/Blight with the sweatiest builds possible because they have good game-sense and awareness even without comms, so I disagree that Solo by itself is the issue. The gap between the 4 players on a given team is way more important than being Solo or a SWF. If you have multiple good Solo players on the team then you can easily dominate even at higher MMR, but this doesn't mean they shouldn't still buff it because they definitely should
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Yep, they deny. Because they are allowed to do it. Like cheater "doing his job" by using cheats to achieve victory.
It is part of the game, so, if you had read my message to the end, you would have see that it's not a killer-player resposibility, but devs.
"You can counteract it" is the weakest excuse untill SoloQ would be officially denied. Or DbD called as "pro tournament hardcore game" where casual players are not allowed.
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You are wrong with regards to SWF, providing more information to Solo Queue is not the way to go. Plus, that is not what makes SWF powerful, indications, emoticons, etc. Does not make SWF powerful. Discord does. Real time communication with no effort.
In my opinion, SWF should be nerfed, buffing solo at the SWF level would not be healthy for the game and would cause further issues trying to balance things and releasing perks that make sense.
You may as well kill half of the perks and literally automatically display information without the Survivor information.
What you are asking for is for a Tesla Autopilot for Survivors:
"Keep doing gens, don´t worry"
"Careful, there is a trap nearby"
"You have Head On equipped, a team mate will go there, hide in the locker and prevent the hook"
"A team mate is about to be captured, prepare Flashlight"
"Go for the rescue now, it is safe"
"The Killer is running this perk and this one and this one"
All automatic in your HUD without even pressing a key.
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To your first point, you should add a point about people's horrible attitudes when they don't hold the same opinions on the video game. I think that is also a very important issue worth putting on your thread
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There is a saying here. It says: sometimes you lose, sometimes the others win.
And there are sometimes days when you even win. Today I had 3 survivor matches in solo Q and 3 escapes, yesterday I had 1 escape out of 6 matches.
You made it clear what you play, how you play and what your mindset is. I don't need to elaborate.
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The gap between solo q and SWF is way bigger than people think. I can't imagine the meta if you couldn't group up with people or if they added voice chat. It would be entirely differnt and some perks would be either better or useless
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You can throw pseudo-phylosophical sentences, but no, I didn't say anything about win or lose. Fact is a fact: one role (killer) can deny gameplay of another role (survivor) and not otherwise. It's a video game which everyone play for a process. If someone deny other in participating in gameplay, that's the issue. Cheater, exploiter, camper, tunneler, no difference (except first one is responsibility of player, and others three are responsibilities of devs as service provider).
What if survivor could get to unreachable place for killer and deny him of gameplay? "I don't need to elaborate".
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DbD is far from perfect. The devs are far from perfect. Solo Q desperately needs some love.
And as for your point that camping and tunneling is like cheating, the problem is in your mindset.
And now I will not respond to you anymore. I am wasting time that I can use better.
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Oh, you come to that. "Mindset". "Wasting time" That weak excuse about time and "insignificance" of opponent after so many responses, usually when there is nothing to reply. I did not waste my time in this empty dialogue, because others could see how unsustainable "justifications" about camping and tunneling are.