Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

So when is BHVR going to accept that they overbuffed killers?



  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    Yeah, as an example last night I got tunneled off hook and the Killer downed me just as my DS was about to run out. I then DSed the Killer and ran them until after my OTR timer ran out and I started making injured noises (Endurance was obviously long gone before the DS). A bit after that I went down and got hooked for the second time.

    I don't know the exact time but I'd guess roughly 2 minutes from unhook to halfway through second stage which is when a gen finally popped. I unhooked myself with Deliverance so nobody even had to come to rescue but, for roughly 2 minutes with the Killer focusing on just me, no gens popped.

    We didn't lose because the Killer tunneled; we lost because people didn't do gens. In games where gens pop under this exact same scenario It's quite often a 3E or 4E.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    They can’t. This is now a killer game. I can’t imagine only 1 reason to play as solo

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2022

    That is not a good way to frame your counter point.

    If you are talking raw numbers the changes really are minimal.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I don't know how you can read what I said and this is your take but the people on this board love creating bs out of air so I'm not surprised.

    Said the 2021'er to the 2018'er. Keep creating delusions so you don't have to hear things you dislike.

    It was a joke which should have been obvious considering the followup but I find it pretty rich that you can say this when you basically accused me of posing as killer.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    But I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I'm just saying that having a killer PP does not a killer main make, and same for survivors. Sorry if you felt hostility.

  • 6659Leg
    6659Leg Member Posts: 102

    Killers weren't overbuffed,they were given help with tiny increases with breaking,M1 cooldown,and such.

    What really makes survivor "hard" is that now a lot of survivors that were being hard carried by DS and DH are now realizing they're actually dog doodoo at the game. So they're inhaling copium by the lungful because they can't cheese a chase to last longer than it should've been and now have to actually learn to loop tiles and play ball without their free get out of jail or loop extending card anymore. If you can't effectively play after the patch (where you no doubt changed your build with all the nerfs) then you can't have a say because you're literally the same person who copied a build and used it thinking you're good when you can't even loop an M1 killer.

    I used SB before the DH nerf and I still use it now,I'd rather leave the thought of a chase altogether than try to loop and get smacked down because I can't do it too well.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited September 2022

    Its not just 10% buff for killer cool down. Its also 10% nerf for survivor speed boost.

    The total for both sides applied is 16%

    I dont think if Sprint burst speed buffed from 150% to 166% sounds a little to you.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Other than the +10 seconds on each gen the only killer's that got massively affected were m1 killers. And guess what if the survivors are good m1 killers will struggle still. Thinking that killers have to be bad to not get a 4k now shows either your skill level at the game or the amount of bad teammates you get due to mmr. Genuinely a good(rarity on both sides in this game) solo team can walk over most killers in this game on a decent map. Not to mention the fact that there are way more survivor sided maps than killer ones. Survivor's really overexaggerate the current state of the game. What does solo queue need? Base game info to help them out and mmr being more consistent. People forget that survivors way of getting mmr is much less accurate compared to killers, and that leads to people who shouldn't be in your games being there.

    You are either downplaying potential survivor skill expression or overstating killer power. Are blight and nurse op? Yes but they are the killer equivalent of swf.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    So what your saying is that people camping and tunneling under the right circumstance(efficiency) causes the survivors to play efficiently? There is no such thing as gen rush.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont get what you mean. Did I say survivors play efficiently or killers camping/tunneling under the wrong circumstance or something?

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    BHVR never admits to making any poor decisions when it comes to changes, or simply writes it off as "unintended" as we saw with the random flashlight/pick up blind changes quite a while ago. So, in that regard, the answer is never.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    I play mostly with SWF. It does not suddenly make you an elite death squad of sweaty navy seals here to execute the killer.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    I think the changes are fine. Most Perks of the old Killer Meta are useles now and some second chance Perks are also kinda bad right now, but you say Killers always bring 4 slowndown Perks sometimes yes allways no. The Problem is you never know what kind of Survivor your faceing. If you play aginst four solo que or four survivors, whitch just want to play the game with fiends, for these two you probebly dont need much slowdown, but if you play aginst a swf withe two brand new parts and two overpowert Medkits you need these Perks. Dbd is all about what you bring what the other side bring and one the Survivorside I see on bothe sides always the same perks so you cant blame the Killers or Survivors bringing slowdown ore second chance.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    I wouldn’t go as far as to say killer was “overbuffed”. I think some killers like Nurse and Blight disproportionately benefitted from the buffs, for sure. I was hoping some of the stronger killers were brought more in line before buffing the rest of the cast, but that didn’t happen unfortunately.

    My problem has been with solo queue specifically. I play solo exclusively, and in my matches I’ve seen a massive increase in tunneling and camping. Like, they don’t even try to go for the unhooker at all, and the base kit BT doesn’t seem to help all that much. They all run Save the Best for Last since it got kinda buffed by extension, and I’ve been seeing A LOT of Deadlock lately too. It’s a far tougher meta for sure. Because I can’t communicate with my teammates in any meaningful way, it’s hard to try to make plays to save people or get the gens done in time. Most of my matches end with 3 people dead and a hatch escape if the killer doesn’t slug for the 4K.

    I definitely think killers NEEDED a buff, but I also think solo queue needs one too now. Desperately.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Solo queue is always going to be skewed, because the skill level and teamqork of the average solo queue player is pretty abysmal. My matches as killer generally go one of two ways, i either get a team of randos and pretty much destroy them. Or i get an swf team of prestige 12s who have 3 gens done by the time i have one hook and i end up with zero kills. They loop me, body block hooks and get some pretty hard blinds.

    survivors are all about team work and skill at running the killer. Running a killer for a long time is extremely hard but if a survivor is good they can do it practically indefinitely. Most players can't and solo queue teams often have very bad team work. If survivors were buffed/general killer nerfed then swf teams would be impossible to beat. They need to find a way to make solo queue more viable without buffing swf too. Imo best way to do that is add in game VC for survivors.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Yeah, they did. The buffs were overkill, especially for solo players.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,078

    Again, the solution is to buff solo. The killer buffs aren't the problem.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Good question. When was the last time they made the correct decision about something? And how many years of data did it take for them to finally admit it?

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    So u basically said that all killers are OP now?

    Well, someone maybe, but not because of a patch.

    If u really think a D-Tier-Killer like Clown, Freddy or Trapper is OP, then this is fine. I personally think all killers should be at almost the same level, so Top needs nerfs, Bottom needs buffs.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    That does sound like very little, actually. If I approach someone and they take off with Sprint Burst, I break off and go after someone else and let their little perk wear off and start the cooldown. Adding 16% to that won't change anything.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    It's obvious how overbuffed killers got escpacially considering that a single survivor can now finish a gen in 45 seconds.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I also solo queue and the trials where I have a tunneling or camping killer are actually pretty rare. When the game ends in our defeat it's usually because no one is doing gens, saves are late resulting in a second stage on first hook, babyrage DC's and above all because I and my teammates suck at survivor.

    You know how I know I suck at survivor? Because I'm an Iridescent killer and I face Iri survivors.

    I know what a good survivor looks like and my brother, I'm not it. I am trying to get better though.

    So yeah, I think the killer buffs were fine. Ask yourself honestly, are things like slightly faster bloodlust and breaking times the reason you might be losing games?

    Cheers 🍻

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2022

    bit of a false equivalence, since both the previous and current times give you their intended effect: Giving you speed to avoid a second hit long enough to find a defensible position (loop/window/pallet/etc.) If you're unable to utilize that time properly, thats literally a skill issue. Its almost like there's a perk specifically designed to make sure you always know where nearby defense resources are to make split second decisions like that.

    The entire point of even getting a speed boost during the event is to "reset to neutral" so to speak. If you use it to run into a dead zone that time difference had absolutely zero impact other than how many seconds of the killer's time it wasted. If you can't make it to anything in time that 0.2 seconds sure as hell wasn't going to be the difference. Look at how much people complained about 5 seconds with their free basekit bt, and that has a haste bonus too.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 562

    If you are struggling to beat killers then that is on you. The majority of killers can be easily be beaten as survivors still have the time advantage.

    What happened was the buffs to killers made the worst aspects of DBD stronger. Anti gen perks, camping/ tunnelling. Survivors are bored and frustrated with behaviours attitude of taking away many of the things that drew survivors in the first place and now are resorting to just trolling for entertainment. Survivor is jut not fun any more, and this is exactly what I thought would happen. The middle ground survivors are quitting and what will be left is massive gap between the skill level of survivors.

    People seem to forget that the base time for gen times were chosen not just for balance but for entertainment. 80 seconds per gen was determined to be how long survivors can do gens for before losing interest. They picked the max time possible and have sat on it for years. Now they want to up it not caring that 80 seconds was chosen because any longer and people were getting bored and started throwing matches. Current DBD makes a lot of sense and behaviour needs to acknowledge that survivor is just boring.

  • RickSanchez
    RickSanchez Member Posts: 56

    I always thought deadhard was cheap, new deadhard u actually have to time it, and u dont gain such a long distance lmao

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I didnt say its a problem, I said the number isnt a little.

    But STBFL still stay with 10% cool down definitely need a nerfed to bring it back to 1.2sec cool down at 8 stacks.

  • 7Write7
    7Write7 Member Posts: 46

    Overbuffed are you kidding? I ve never seen such huge amount of killers dc-s like last 2-3 months. On mmr higher than average you cant win if you r not play ground tactics. Walking killers thrown overboard cause they literally have no chance vs team which ATTENTION just doing gens. Not speaking about good duos or triads with communication. Cause one chase with good survivor will take averagely 30-40 secs of your time. With good cooperation and gen repairing speed increasing perks killer have no chance to win and do more than 4-6 hooks.

    I lam playing since 2018, 6k hours and for last years rly cant realize one thing, WHY WHY devs cant, rly cant understand that the problem is not in perks, maps or chasing process. The problem in GENS. This game is about CHASE, CHASE KARL, it's intresting for survivor to run and it's intresting for killer to hunt, but all what devs were doing for last 2 years = totally ruining chase process. Nobody wont be mind against old dead hards, decisive strikes and intresting perks that give survivors second, third or even fourth chances, only one but, it's impossible when average time of 5 gens repair is usually no longer than 5-6 mins. That's why killers always try to have slow perks, they HAVE to tunnel or camp survivors cause THEY CANT WIN with other way, not even win, just make a match at least a little bit longer! You have 7-9 pages of perks for different tactics and u cant use anyone of them due to matches too short. And pls, dont compare match with good team who know how make two or three circles around obstacle with match with rookies who even dont know how pass a skillcheck, it;s ridiculous. Since i ve returned in game rly never seen so many dc-s from killers, who leave matches on 4th minute as usual when we finishing 3/4 th gen. Sometimes you even dont meet killer in match.... Cause... you just have not time to encounter him.

    We are slowly coming to a new age, when devs will have to enter bot killers in matches, cause the number of real people who wants play as killer started slightly being reduced.