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Why are killers still focusing slowdown vs pressure currently?

Franklins and Jolt is quite literally top tier with the current hyperfocus and provethyself meta, throw on discordance and you will be able to pressure to the point where it becomes useless for them.

At the highest MMR in my last 30 games

Atleast 2 survivors have toolboxes with hyperfocus/provethyself in each game.

If you can learn the concept of hook priority and map zoning the potential of slowdown becomes rather useless.

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  • Member Posts: 385

    Sorry, should of clarified I only play the top #########, however, I don't know why people who play Nurse/Blight/Spirit/Artist are running slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 385

    I disagree, I think a full pressure build at the highest is the best, maybe if you arent on a very top tier level you should run slowdown, but if you have the game sense down I mean slowdown is kind of useless

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Because they are conditioned to believe that is how the game is played.

  • Member Posts: 385
    edited September 2022

    I sincerely feel people take slowdown perks and just go, okay, these are the best, especially on top tier killers.

    People genuinely do not understand the game at the level that they think they do, fearmonger is genuinely the most broken perk in the game. People don't realize that you are getting the slowdown of people NEEDING to get off of the generator to shake the blindness effect, especially when you hook somebody and they don't know where it is, they are FORCED to get off the generator or risk me (90% of the time knowing what generators are being done) come to hit them with exhaustion. Pairing that with discordance and the current hyperfocus toolbox meta with franklins demise genuinely makes their builds completely useless. If you can get a discordance proc, and down 2 people (or even injure both) the game is over if you position your hooks correctly, thats not even taking my built in infectious freight slowdown (jolt) paired with fear monger make it stupid for survivors to tap the gen or I will down them without their deadhard/lithe etc if I am playing correctly, thats not also counting the time it takes for them to get the item back from franklins if they care that much and force survivors to heal them.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    One could argue that asking killers to apply pressure is equal to asking them to tunnel. Since playing only against 3 survivors applies a ton of pressure.

    So are you sure, you don´t prefer killers taking slowdown perks instead?

  • Member Posts: 385

    yes because people don't understand that tunneling is not the most effective strategy yet

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Because it works.

    It's still possible to split pressure across multiple gens and smash them out relatively quickly.

    Is also possible to out play a high mobility killer allowing gens to be completed.

    But it requires team work and that is often severely lacking. Making slow down and high mobility killers a strong combination.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Well why wouldn't you? Think of this, let's say you take Brutal Strength over Pain Resonance, common perks for their roles right? This is gonna be long but I'm gonna use some examples to show Chase vs Slowdown on an M1 killer.

    For Brutal, let's say the example is a MacMillan chase that used a long wall jungle gym, a short wall gym and a junk pallet. Let's say the long gym took 20 seconds because you won a mindgame and they dropped the pallet, then connected it with the other gym and that took 30 due to you losing a mindgame, pallet dropped then connected with junk tile that took 10 seconds, then 6 seconds after breaking to get the hit. In total if you include pallet breaks, that chase took around 71 seconds. Without Brutal, the chase could possibly take around 80 seconds due to the extra time causing extra loops, making Brutal save you 9 seconds, maybe even more. However, this wouldn't be that useful on the mobility killers such as Nurse/Blight/Oni/Wesker because they already catch up immensely fast. But back on topic to an M1 killer, those 9 seconds didn't reduce a gen, they're only 9 flat seconds across the board.

    Now, for Pain Res, using the previous chase example. Let's say there was a gen that had 50% done, then another with 45%. Once the hit happens, let's say it took you 7 seconds to get the hook, bringing both to about 56% and 51% respectively. Pain Res knocks the 56 to a 41%. Those 9 seconds are simple inferior to the ~14 seconds Pain Res will buy you on that gen, and while yes, the other may pop, you can chase someone off of it if you find it and that buys you extra time.

    TL;DR - Slowdown is global pressure, Chase is 1v1, thus, in most cases, Slowdown is the better choice (I also apologize if my math is bad or my predictions just outright suck, I rarely do breakdowns like this but I still think it's important to show that Slowdown still rules all)

  • Member Posts: 385

    I should of made it clear that I was talking about already high pressure chase killers that can keep that snowball to the point where 3 seconds into the game its over after you get a down+ whatever else if you understand high traffic areas of the map and the most likely place that people are going to run (For example, when blinking back to a hook if you are playing nurse, don't blink right too it, blink to the left side if they know you are coming from the front to cut them off.) I guess people are scared that if they lose the snowball they lose?

  • Member Posts: 385
  • Member Posts: 277

    Ah I get you. Well in that case, it's unfortunate but fact that Mobility killers get the best out of Slowdown because it buys them even more time than they already get to have. I don't know how it can be adjusted, nor do I think it can happen without breaking anything

    And thank you a lot <3

  • Member Posts: 359

    My favorite at the moment is BBQ, Awakened, Starstruck and the one where you vault fast from Wesker, (Cant remember the name). With Weskie's 40m terror radius, I don't really need slowdown perks

  • Member Posts: 464

    Exactly. The killer should have the option to slug, spread injuries, TUNNEL and camp the hook strategically, but apparently strategies are not allowed and the killer is punished for it and for rushing the kill. I only disagree with spirit, she nowadays is addon dependant and her recharge is awfully slow and artist, altough good, is not that good either, blight and nurse definitely are 10/10. Unfortunately killers cant and shouldnt play optimally nor strategically;

  • Member Posts: 267

    lol pressue does not exist with these stackable healing speeds

  • Member Posts: 385

    I can upload every game I play to show you your wrong (high mobility killers)

  • Member Posts: 385

    Denying sightlines and watching them while patrolling generators to pickup a chase is not proxy camping if its more then 50% of the map XD

  • Member Posts: 495

    Don´t you like Nurse´s Calling instead of Discordance for example? Given survivors always heal.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Nah, usually if you pay attention to where survivors run you can just find the area they are healing in. Wasted perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    PTS is literally only useful when a match first starts. Other than that splitting on gens is still far superior. Which is why you probably don't see people pressure over slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited September 2022

    So, why Discordance? It´s not like generators walk. They make noise, Survivors always go to repair them.

    If you had Whispers instead it would hint you better using the generator repairs noise than anything else. If your instinct is a good as you claim, that is.

  • Member Posts: 385
    edited September 2022

    Because, you don't understand how the spawn logic of the game works, its objective prioritization abusing hook locations, zoning, and how jolt acts as a early game infectious freight, I am not using it for that, I am using it for pressure. You don't understand the game at the highest level and don't understand why the synergy of this build is so broken when you aren't looking at it at such a narrow view, the discordance is to control the traffic of the map, I want people moving, not on gens

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Pressure is relative to the performance of the survivors. Slowdown is more attuned to the killer's performance.

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited September 2022

    Slowdown will always be better than just "pressure", but you need pressure for slowdown to matter a lot of the time. Unless you're a top tier killer it's very hard to get pressure simply from chase. You need to mind gens heavily, fast quick chases, and slow down the objective inbetween chase situations. The game simply isn't balanced properly so at the extreme end you need to apply tons of pressure by slugging/tunneling/proxying/forcing stages while controlling your 3 gen with slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    I'm sorry but if you think this is the strongest build you are right. "People genuinely don't understand the game at the level they think they do"

  • Member Posts: 419

    Plays Nurse

    Talks about strats and pressure as if you aren't ignoring most chase/pressure mechanics by playing Nurse

  • Member Posts: 495

    all right all right, while I love the perks in general you are saying nonsensical stuff... like even with the Nurse... she is not Rambo.

     If you can get a discordance proc, and down 2 people (or even injure both) the game is over if you position your hooks correctly,

    First of all, you don't have any means to single kill a Survivor nor you have Starstruck/

    Then... if Discordance triggers all you know is where Survivors are, so you go there and then what? At most you are going to hit two or put down one and onto the hook. And that is assuming you are super good, Survivors won't stand still they could even run Distortion, too.

    Then you speak about positioning hooks, like if you have any decision in that or the hooks would move. That's pure RNG.

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited September 2022

    haha you talk like the people pumping Bitcoin "you don't understand blah blah". That's nonsensical again.

    This game is 4vs1 there are decisions that other four players take not you. You are only a part of the whole thing and not everything is controlled by the Killer, specially if the Survivors are any good.

    the discordance is to control the traffic of the map,

    Yeah for that, you would play The Dredge and not The Nurse and move around lockers, there is that addon also that after the third jump it literally tells you where there Survivors are.

    With regards to the build, I have used it myself most likely even if randomly. Except for Discordance, I already said I like the perks... I think you have an unrealistic sense of superiority backed up by smoke or maybe cheats, who knows.

    Too much talking in any case, the average game is not as rigged.

    Post edited by TheLastHook on
  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Killers take Gen regression- cause 90 seconds (or less depending on perks and if the Survivors are grouping up) isn't enough to get 12 Hooks

    Killers take Anti-Healing- cause Medkits and COH are a thing in the game

    Killer Camp and Tunnel- cause spreading out Hooks and chases won't get the respect from Survivors (if they all escape)

    Survivors hate repairing Gens- cause it take 90 seconds to finish and it's "boring"

    Survivors hate Camping- cause it sucks the fun out of a match... for everyone

    Survivors hate Tunneling- cause is sucks to be the one chased for the whole match

    TL;DR- both sides have pros and cons to the game

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