Wesker with far reach

Now I might be imagining things or it might be intended behavior but I've noticed while playing against Wesker, and from some gameplay clips of him, that it seems like he has a VERY far reach at times. Like he's been able to hit me nearly around a corner and I've seen clips of him hitting people that are well through a window where it seems like other killers couldn't hit him. I don't even really have a problem with it I'd just like to know if anyone else has noticed, and if so if it's an intentional feature or just a problem with hitboxes or latency.
Do you mean the lunge or the power?
Lunge looks longer because small weapon.
Power is latency + the way survivor hitboxes work.
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Not even really his lunge, it just seems like his basic attack reaches very far sometimes, past where the animation shows it to be. I'd guess latency.
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Short weapons will make an attack look longer because they have to go further to compensate for the shorter weapon.
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Its the Freddy Fallacy all over again. Small guy with a small knife has the same hitbox as Billy holding a hammer which makes it look big.
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True true.