This game's end game needs a total revamp.

The endgame is a total mess.
1) When two Survivors are left, the game is open to trolling. Someone gets downed first, and then they start shaking their body on the ground to communicate to the Killer that they will "help" find the other one. This happens all the time.
2) You need to introduce more ways for the last 1 or 2 survivors to finish the remaining generators. Once the team is dead, it's completely hopeless to do generators. The killer starts patrolling, hits every generator, and if you touch the generator, he knows you touched it because it's not regressing anymore.... he knows you are in that area and you get found and die. This is fine when you have a team to unhook you, but in end game, it's over. It creates a problem where survivors see their team die, and now they are hopeless and don't even TRY to do gens anymore, and who can blame them? This game needs a rework in endgame.
Or how about start thinking of cool new things and not just generators. Why not some cool new features where a survivor has to run around the map to different "stations" to turn things on, and repair things....pull some levers, hit some buttons, until the exit gates are powered up. The Killer wouldn't know which stations need to be done, so there would be a chance... you introduce a new skill - the Killer needs to know the map and have map awareness. And the Survivor can still have a shot at escaping. This would fix a lot of the generator problems anyway.
Or maybe not using that toolbox at the start but saving it for that situation
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You're not completing a gen when there's only 2 survivors left, unless it was already almost finished, or if the other survivor is really good at looping and there's a bunch of pallets to use.
The killer will patrol the few remaining gens and will know if you touched it. No time.
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If there’s only two of you left when there’s still gens to do, the killer utterly dominated you all.
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or, you didn't get dominated, but you're a Solo Q player and this is routine experience.
Listen to yourself.
"Oh well, give up and try again"
That's bad game design, we should aim towards making game more fun and interactive and exciting.
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You are asking for it to become more favorable to the side that has essentially lost. Of course it’s extremely tough and not in your favor when the killer stomped you guys. If you don’t want replies, don’t post on a public forum. :)
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"the killer should lose when they're winning" ?
the killer is playing this game too. it's not an AI, it's not a robot. it's a player who's performed well, done their job, and are experiencing success. and you want to pull the rug out from under them because... what, you want to win?
it's a pvp game. it's on you to not take it so seriously that you'd post on a forum about how your opponent doesn't deserve to have positive outcomes as a reward for their accomplishments.
i'd be on your side if you were talking about all 4 survivors up but it's a 3gen that the killer's been patrolling from the start with their 4 gen kick perks that refuses to commit to a chase and is bleeding out the game slowly but surely. but what you're suggesting is just not fair.
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Why... were you in a 3-Gen?
Were you playing against a Killer you had "no chance" of "winning"?
Were you not prepared for the Killer you faced?
Did the Killer Camp or Tunnel the other 2 Survivors out?
End Game starts once either all of the Gens are done or the Hatch is closed... That being said what if this was flipped and the Killer only got 1-2 Hooks and you (and the other Survivors) finished all of the Gens and 99% the doors (what would you do)
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Yeah, uh
No, if there are two left with multiple gens left, either try to sneak gens in, or go next not much else you can do. Sucks if it happens tbh, but you can only play for hatch/collapse if you really want to get out
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By your logic, if the killer got dominated and didn’t get a single survivor dead or death hook when gates are powered, all survivors should become death hook so the killer is incentivized to still play and can make a comeback.
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Survivor should be disadvantaged at that point in the game, but at the same time, there still needs to be something to push the remaining Survivors to do anything other than hide beyond "we'll report you if you stall the game for too long!"
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Solo Q is hard to play, I lose most of the time. When I start grumbling at my randoms, I start thinking about what I could do better. Avoiding mistakes, helping the randoms more, etc.
And, for the record, my escape rate in solo Q this season is 28.42%. This is not a fictional value, but calculated.
And yes, Solo Q needs more love.
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I've been saying for a long time survivors need alternate ways to escape so matches are not hopeless.
The key nerf and endgame collapse was some of the worst changes ever to the game. Gens taking longer too. BHVR forgot that killers have a million ways to come back from their bad starts. But what about survivors? If a couple starts dying out fairly soon then the other two only option is to walk up to the killer and say kill me. That is not fun and neither is it fair.
The Entity should remove all aura reading abilities, tracking abilities, gen slowdowns when a single survivor has died. Allow the hatch to spawn like it used to so a key can be used, but make it so only one person can leave. The last dude can find a key too.
The game shouldn't be determined so early. Killers are too confident and survivors are hopeless.
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Finally someone who plays Solo Q and knows the terrible experience it is. Good post.
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How many posts are you gonna make about 2 survivors killing each other
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It happens at least 50% of the time in Solo Q. I have started recording it.
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It really doesn't, just because the killer slugs for the 4k, doesn't mean he's using the 3rd survivor for Intel
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This is why the game is so hard to fix for solo-q without making SWF OP and why its so hard to balance SWF without making the solo-q experience even worse than how terrible it is right now. If you're playing SWF and you end up with half of the team dead and multiple generator still needing to be repaired then you've lost, that's your teams fault. However as a solo-q sometimes you will get absolutely screwed over by your potato teammates that bomb-rush the hook, hide for the entire game, or just decide they want to DC. I don't think that punishing the killer by allowing for an easier escape is the right option though, I think making solo-q games more worthwhile whether you escape or not is better. I think there should be solo-q only bonuses that can make playing the game with randoms feel more worth it than just joining a game, dying, and wasting 10 minutes for minimal bloodpoints and de-ranking.
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I hereby announce the canon of your reply capitalizing Intel is due to the 3rd survivor being an employee for Intel and can be coerced into divulging the deep and dark secrets of that graphics chip.
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Everyone is wrong and I, as well as everyone who agrees with me, is right!!!!
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Oust yourself *