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What is your Pet Peeve with certain things in DBD?

Mine rn is Wesker's Green Herb add-on being purple and not an actual green add-on, and then the Red one is green.

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  • Member Posts: 5,965

    That every teachable is tagged as “Very Rare THE TRAPPER Perk”

    It’s the ‘the’ that bothers me.

  • Member Posts: 359

    That there aren't enough offerings for bloodpoints, my biggest tho, is maps. Always get big maps when I play Pig, or the Game when I wanna be an M1.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Hunk not being his own killer, my mans deserved his own spotlight

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    How clown’s knife is called a butterfly knife despite literally being a flip knife. It even does the flip if you put a bottle away

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Claire Redfield getting 0 cosmetics or i get the same killer in 2 games in a two

  • Member Posts: 685

    A few:

    - Survivors that flashlight blind when it's very obvious and they clearly understand you are letting them go. It's like if they have one in their hands, it's simply impossible for them to resist. It's the quickest way to revert me back to an unfriendly killer. Many who simply can't resist after being told no once have found the fast way on to a hook or forced to crawl out the gates while being t-bagged by their teammates.

    - DCs on first hook for no other reason than they were downed. It doesn't matter what killer, how nice I play, nothing. I get one of these about every third game. I can understand somewhat if you are being camped/slugged/tunneled, or if it's a super oppressive killer or build, but to have a tantrum and ruin the game for four other people simply because you lost a chase is just the lowest. I'd rather face 100 clicky-boi buttdancers than 1 of these guys.

    - Survivors that waste my time by never readying up, and do the same by never leaving until the last second even though all remaining Survivors are in the same gate and healed up. It doesn't even have to be a BM thing. Even when it's them showing appreciation for letting them go, to drag it out until the last possible second just irritates me to no end. At least the ones BMing, I can give them a couple of love taps to send them on their way, but the ones who are being nice, I just feel too bad to give em a smack.

  • Member Posts: 949

    For starters, the odd time with the bloodwarden tiers. How it jumps from 30,40, to 60 instead of 40, 50, 60? I do not know. The other is the Spirit brown add-ons being like barely 5% weaker than green and yellow rarity which makes it feel like I'm being robbed, and the fact that Green Keys exists in chests.

  • Member Posts: 78

    For the first one what exactly do you mean by "letting them go?" Like if I bring a flashlight I will sometimes blind the killer even if I'm almost out simply for bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Literally letting them finish the last gens and exit the gates. Like I'm standing 8m away from the last gen they are working on. They ask for permission to work it (crouch up to the gen and look at me, start working on it after I nod to them). Gen pops they follow me to the exit gates, I open them for them and step to the side. They run in and a couple heal up. They all come out to where I'm standing and one offers a toolbox/medkit/etc. Next one comes up and shines his mf beamer in my face. I shake my head "no". He pauses. Then does it again. This is the point where I turn violent again.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Could be for points, could be just being toxic, who knows. As I said I will sometimes blind the killer even though I can easily escape just for the extra BP considering some games I'll bring a flashlight and will get almost no use out of it and want at least a little value from it.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Yeah, don't care. If the killer is being nice enough to let you finish gens and exit the gate - usually because of an early DC or suicide on hook - at their expense of dragging the game out for themselves, and the points from just hooking and sacrificing everyone, maybe if they tell you "no" when you point a beamer in their face, respect that. Maybe don't point it in their face in the first place. Seems like a reasonable and decent thing to do.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2022

    Not saying you're doing anything wrong but DC or not I genuinely would rather be steamrolled by a killer than to have one stare at me while I do generators to escape. I play Dead by Daylight to use game mechanics and strategies to escape or end up dying, if my entire game consists of holding M1 then I simply don't want to be included in that game anymore and would rather offer myself as a death than continue playing in the borefest. It's the same with farming killers, I simply would rather play competitively than sit there and have to slowly do generators and throw pallets down one at a time with no real danger involved.

    As I said you aren't doing anything wrong by letting people escape if they so choose but while I appreciate the nice gesture of killers that do do this I would much rather still have to play normally or just move on to the next game entirely. I wouldn't say its a "decent thing to do" as I brought a flashlight in to be used, after this game the addons I might have added disappear, I didn't bring it in so that I can be guilted into not getting a bit of use out of it because the killer felt bad. If they choose to tunnel me to death after I blind them then that is totally fine too, it's how I would rather it be.

    (Not to mention that its very hard to pip when you're being let escape because you get no healing or any of the other emblems.)

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2022

    Survivors looping the 3 gen on coal tower/azarovs until they are dead. Just kill me instead plz.

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    My biggest pet peeve with DbD is that everything in the game is half-realized. It's like they came up with so many good ideas but then told a short-staffed team to whip it up in 3 months. Then they tell them to do it again every 3 months.

    If they took a little extra time, hired a few more people and reinvested in the game rather than worrying about their income schedule this game could be so much more loveable, greater and bigger than it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    pet peeves not actual issues..... a lack of Emojis in chat.

  • Member Posts: 6,346

    Piss. Poor. Game. Optimization.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I love this game but, hey, I do have pet peeves (in no particular order)

    • Nurse staring at her feet half the match. I refuse to play her in large part because of this mechanic.
    • Survivors just sitting around doing nothing the full minute in virtually every lobby. It's really irritating how out of four other people there's almost always at least one not paying enough attention or whatever to click the Ready button.
    • Survivors not just leaving the match until I can watch them leave as the killer. I get it, sometimes a survivor is on a hook at the end and the others might be thinking about doing a rescue, or someone is injured and they want to heal for some extra points, etc. That's fine. But I swear almost every game that the gates are open or the hatch is open, even when everybody is perfectly and is literally right at the exit, instead of leaving they just sit there until I decide to come into view so I can watch them leave (usually with the customary tea bagging). Even the last survivor, if they find the hatch, often will stand at the hatch instead of just leaving until I get in view. It's like, stop wasting my time and your time, just go!! I don't need to see you leave to know you got away, you're just making it take longer for both of us to get to the next game or whatever.
    • Sore losing in aftergame chat. It doesn't happen all the time, and I've chatted with plenty of friendly opponents after a game, but boy some idiots just can't handle losing. And that's also when you hear buzzwords like "tunneling" and "camping" and such too, regardless of what actually happened in the match. I've had dumbos call me a "camper" in a game where I got 12 hooks and 32k points as Legion, had someone say I was a cheap when I got a 4k with Clown doing a random build that included Deerstalker, had someone complain about NOED when I got a 4k with 2 gens left (so NOED wouldn't have even mattered) and wasn't even using NOED in the first place. Pretty irritating meeting people like that.
    • Unclear Semi-Cooperative Victory Conditions. This is the one main flaw in DbD's basic design. Semi-cooperative games rarely work well, they often lead to people sandbagging each other or quitting mid game or throwing games once they think they personally aren't going to win, regardless of whether or not everybody else is treating it like they're on the same team. And then that's all compounded by having this clutter of things that are victory-related but not a single, clear win/loss condition for both sides, which leads to people not even agreeing on who won or lost a match or whether something is a good or bad strategy or loadout, etc. As an example of how clearly this is an issue, note that the official Dead by Daylight boardgame specifically intentionally went out of its way early in the design process to say that the survivors win or lose as a team and there is a single, clear victory condition for both sides. (The boardgame also did away with mid-game player elimination, another problematic area and the underlying source of all the tunneling complaints.) I wish the video game was designed more like the boardgame in this regard, but unfortunately we're stuck with this semi-cooperative cluster. 🤷‍♂️
    • Spies from the Shadows uses Explosion sounds instead of crow calls. The game literally has crow calls in the sound files (e.g. the crows flying away from the Pale Rose), it just seems like it would be a no-brainer to use that sound or something like it for Spies. It would make the perk both slightly better (since you could distinguish the crow calls from explosions caused by other actions) and also be more thematic. This one bugs me mainly because I just can't see a downside to doing it, it seems like an extremely simple tweak, and I'm 100% positive the devs MUST have thought of it at some point and rejected it for some reason I can't imagine. I'm baffled why they didn't just make it a crow call from the beginning.
    • No automated recording file for customer tickets. I get it, they didn't put a replay system in the game in the beginning, and now they think it is impractical to do it. And honestly as far as personal recording for fun I have no problem with that. But the issue is that this also means that when someone wants to submit a ticket or bug report or whatever they have to have already been manually recording the game on their own with third party software and then go through the hassle of sending that to customer service through another process. It makes the players reporting something have a harder time doing it, and it also I'm guessing makes things harder to Behaviour customer service since they probably get a ton of tickets with missing or incomplete or corrupted video files. It just annoys me because I know having it would have been a win-win for everybody, but it's just not in the cards at this point. 🙁
    • Map offerings. I really wish they weren't in the game. Whatever tiny benefit they give is greatly outweighed by the hassles they cause in exacerbating situations when parts of certain maps become exploitable somehow. They just allow people looking to abuse busted features to force matches into those spots, massively increasing the frequency those sorts of things would happen normally. For instance, when Boil Over was first buffed and it created sections of old RPD where it was literally impossible to hook survivors, it wouldn't have happened nearly as often if there were no offerings because people looking to abuse it wouldn't know if they were getting that map. If I could remove one thing it would probably be map offerings.
    • What is the point of the killer moris and shrouds being secret offerings? Would survivors even care if they knew I had a Green mori versus I made them start the match together? If you're going to have secret offerings there needs to be a larger variety of them and there needs to be a reason keeping them secret is useful.
    • Luck is a pointless effect. No survivor in their right mind tries to pull themselves off a hook except as a last ditch effort. It really needs a revamp.
    • Beast of Prey and Furtive Chase giving you stealth mid-chase. Who was thinking that granting stealth while you're already chasing someone is that useful? Stealth is terrific between chases, it lets you get really close to a target before they react. But once you're in a chase they already know you're there and can see you so the effect is much, much weaker. Both these perks could use a revamp to make them do something else entirely that's not making you "sneaky while chasing someone".

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    1: Being left for dead on first hook no mater what I do for the team

    2: Arrogant survivors who go down under 30 seconds

    3: How buffs and nerfs in this game feel like their chosen ala wheel of fortune

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    The HUNK skin not having HUNK's voice.

  • Member Posts: 38

    UI is so bad. There is not a aspect of the menu that would not be improved by quality of life changes

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    The amount of loud noises you have to hear when playing killer, specially during chases. I get really annoyed when I'm trying to track a survivor's movement by sound behind the wall of a loop and suddenly a loud noise makes it impossible for me to hear them for a second or two. It happens when a survivor fails a skillcheck, vaults a window or pallet, drops a pallet, hops into a locker, gets unhooked or unhooks him/herself, completes a generator, cleanses a totem... and recently boons added even MORE loud noises, one for every time a totem is blessed.

    And even though it's worse when trying to track by sound, that's not the only thing made worse by loud noises. A high amount of them can make stressful games even worse for me sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 709

    What bothers me is there's no reason to play as a team most of the time. It does guarantee more survival time for everyone if u trade hook states, take hits, and what not. But most people just play for themselves and there's really not a clear punishment for selfishness other than wasting everyone's time by not playing the game with us. Example: Why would I risk going down to save someone from basement when I can finish this gen and escape easily? There's really not a reason outside of the fun risk from doing it and making that small chance of escape. Or, why would I take chase for this guy who's being tunneled when I can just do what I want with the killers attention occupied?

    As someone who's really altruistic as survivor, it gets frustrating. There's 3 man SWF's who want you to make an impossible unhook just so their buddy doesn't die and they get to butt dance together. I don't mind dying for someone else, but when you do this kind of stuff I really regret sacrificing myself for you. There's a lot of entitlement, from both sides, I just think it's more apparent with survivors since there's 4 of them. This entitlement ruins game's. Like someone disconnecting or suiciding on hook due to getting downed early.

  • Member Posts: 799

    i really hate spirit's passive phasing.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Not being able to pick up a downed survivor that I downed on gate.

    Seeing that as in feature on some other killers really bugs me.

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    How I seem to get a skill check right as I am letting go of a gen like 90% of the time. I'm seriously cursed.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited September 2022

    Especially on last gen consoles

    In Canada (with tax, shipping and handling fees, and having to buy PS Plus to play online) the PS5 is around $800 CAD retail

    I'm not paying $800 for a gaming console that is soon to be 2 years old, screw that

    Post edited by Tsukah on
  • Member Posts: 685

    I get that sitting on gens can be boring. If you want out, don't want to sit on gens, beckon to the killer and have them follow you to a hook, point at the hook, and we'll get you out of the match so you can move on. That's being respectful to the killer's attempt to do something nice for the survivors and show mercy. That is also the killer acknowledging and respecting that gens aren't your thing and you'd rather move on to a hopefully more fun match.

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