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Remove ability for downed survivors to see team aura. Solo Q snitches, and doesn't make sense.



  • Member Posts: 527
    edited September 2022

    It's not unavoidable. Game design should take things into account.

    In this case, to greatly discourage survivor's working with killers.... simply don't allow Survivor's to see aura's when downed, and allow option to disable spectating my gameplay (had a discord SWF troll me this way the other day). It won't eliminate it, but it would remove the temptation tremendously. Right now, Killer knows that Survivor can see aura and snitch immediately. It would be different if they both had to spend 20 minutes searching the entire map.

    problem solved.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Yes game design should account for things but that doesn't resolve everything and you must understand that. You keep glancing over the fact that the people truly in control of these situations are, well, people. I believe the proper way to go about this is to attempt to appeal to make trolling like this more enforced. As for the spectating thing, I could agree with an option to opt out of being spectated.

  • Member Posts: 495

    I mean, honestly, if someone is crawling it's not hard to get away if they're trying to tell the killer where you are at. But it has saved my ass plenty of times. Like, I'll heal and someone will try to get close but the killer is proxy camping. And I wiggle to let them know I'm ready and they'll swoop over get me up so I can Lithe away. Or, if we get a slugger, I can make sure to crawl away from the others so they can't find me. I love being able to see people when I'm down. XD

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I've been the unfortunate survivor who was hunted down by a killer and another survivor on 2 occassions. Both reported, with one being actioned and the other I have no idea. So it is infuriating.

    However, this is out of literally 100s or 1,000s of games I've played. I'm not sure where on the scale of players this happens at the regularity you say, but it's way away from mine, and I barely even hear of this happening. Either you're incredibly unlucky, or perhaps the few times this has happened has made you feel it's happened way more than it has.

    Either way, absolutely no way is hiding your aura from other survivors when dying a good idea. Being able to know where other people are has saved me and many others many more times than not.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited September 2022

    The proposed change to aura reading wouldn't affect either of these cases.

    You can still wiggle when ready to be picked up. You can still see other dying survivors and spread away from them.


    I also woud love to opt out of being spectated. Hiding my aura from Bond with a locker is negated by voice comms + spectating.

  • Member Posts: 527

    It happens to me a lot in Solo Q. Happened to me several times today. I recorded it

  • Member Posts: 139

    Run knockout if you dont like this.

    There is already limited comms and info available for solo q players, stripping more away is not constructive or healthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Big true on the "tell the killer where you are and work with the killer"

    The amount of time I've seen slugged survivors do the wiggle point is actually crazy. Its like a free tracking perk at this point. I usually tend to let the last guy go if they were good to their team mates all game. But yeah I don't get why downed survivors can see auras. Never made much sense considering they're down....

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Slugging the second to last guy to kill the last guy isn't scummy. Its been a tactic used since this game came out, and can always backfire IF the idiot on the ground isn't trolling and actually tries to get away while you hunt down the other guy. Giving him time to either get picked up by the last guy, or the last guy can get up on his own with perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    So what's your alternative - the killer is not allowed to choose who they go after? It could also be based on "If I go after X then it'll tunnel them out of the game so I'll go for Y".

    You can't just remove the killer's ability to choose.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Okay, now you're just yelling at clouds. How on earth is "I choose to go after the survivor who hasn't contributed to their team" breaking ToS? PLEASE point to the ToS rule that's breaking.

    And here the entitlement is showing "Play the game the right way..."

    Newsflash: if you're not actively cheating or breaking the clear rules listed by the devs (taking the game hostage etc) then there is no right way or wrong way to play. Nobody has to follow your personal version of the Survivor's Rulebook.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Refusing to participate in normal gameplay. You catch and down a survivor? You can hook them or (for some stupid reason) slug them for 4 minutes.

    But to then return to the slugged survivor when the 4 mins is nearly up and dribble or let them wiggle off just to rat out the last survivor is abusing game mechanics.

    Bad enough the killer can bring Hatch offerings, Whispers, No Way Out, Remember Me, use killer powers from Trapper, Hag, Demogorgon, Pyramid Head, et cetra, on top of the RNG spawning both gates close together with a hill or 2nd story balcony between them.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    "Refusing to participate in normal gameplay" is against ToS?? And btw, who defines "normal gameplay"?

    Please show where "refusing to participate in normal gameplay" is in here?

    Or if you were referring to "play the game the right way" again, you're trying to use some personal definition of "the right way" and "normal gameplay". Slugging for the 4k is not illegal! Admittedly there are usually better options but you can't force someone to play the way you want them to.

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    I am betting that the devs figured out very early on that slugged survivors need to be able to see auras to stay interested in the game and keep them in the game.

    It's bad enough that they're a slug, making them a blind slug wouldn't help anything. We already see far too many DCs from slugged survivors, if they couldn't see auras it would only make it worse.

    Also, just because something is reportable or technically against the terms of service doesn't mean that any enforcement will occur. This stuff has been going on for years with no repercussions, they don't care about this stuff. They care about real cheaters and holding the game hostage only.

    Just because you've been ratted out once 2 people are already dead and the other one is on the ground doesn't change the fact that you're already in a losing game. Calling for a significant nerf to survivors is a horrible take here. Take the L, move on and stop whining. Or make an actual good suggestion like asking BHVR to make better teams out of SoloQs.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Hatch players really are somethin else.

    Edit, guess I should contribute: Nah, those auras, I guarantee that people who actually play the game get more use out of them than hatch players fearing retribution

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Op, I think you'd rather have a perk for that. One that hides your aura from the team. I run into bond baggers more often then snitches but I don't care for hatch games so slugs get rescued.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I watched the video too, of the S.T.A.R.S members and the Artist pratting about. I just feel taking away aura reading of downed survivors will only cause a series of terrible problems and make solo q even worse.

    They could have a specific section in reporting this for a faster resolution. Some of the reports go on for ages - I have a 6 month ticket still from their reports department that has yet to be resolved!

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