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Survivor is unplayable

Hi guys, im a survivor main with 3k+ hours, i have been playing since mid 2017. During my years of gameplay survivor has had its ups and downs, but i think we can all agree that the game has been mostly survivor sided, solo queue wasnt really that bad to deal with if your team was in your skill range, swf kind of op and many perks have been nerfed such as DS, DH, COH, MOM and OOO.

Patch 6.1.0 has really changed a lot, gen speeds are slower, killers recover from stuns/cooldowns faster, now maybe it does not sound so bad on paper but these changes paired with survivor nerfs paired with good killers paired with insane slowdown builds.... Its kind of OP.

I usually play solo queue, and if i play swf i dont use any comms. I have been really trying my best but jeez the matchmaking is #########. Why am i playing with 20 hour survivors and godlike killers that watch otz on the regular?

AND dont get me started on the camping and tunneling.. I remember before the patch that killers were saying "Oh we are only tunneling because we have to!!!!!!!! Maybe if gens werent so fast we wouldnt!!!" gens arent so fast now and survivors are getting ######### on game after game, camping and tunneling left and right. IT IS UNPLAYABLE! I feel so bad for all the poor baby survivors that are getting face camped at 5 gens. Couldnt last 20 seconds ina chase because they dont know any better.

Why are these strats even a thing still? This game has existed for 6 years and no core mechanics have been changed. I also hate how the devs promote it by saying "Its a legit strategy!!!!". We can already see that survivors are quitting and if the devs dont at least fix gen times or solo queue this game will lose many more players.

Nerf the godlike slowdown perks and please give us some meaningful way to counter camping. Reassurance isnt that good since it was nerfed.. because killers couldnt deal with actually having to play to win lmao.


  • As someone who plays both sides and still has fun playing both i wouldn't agree with it being unplayable, harder sure. However yes, soloq needs a lot of QOL changes, Yes slowdown perks need a bit more of a nerf, Reassurance nerf was pointless, and DS should still be 5 secs. As for camping/tunneling i don't think it should be flat out banned, but they need to find some built in core mechanic that heavily discourages it. This is not something that should be addressed with perks as it massively limits builds on survivors.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I've seen how terrible it is at low to mid mmr and Its pretty terrible. Doesn't seem like a fair way to treat lesser experienced players. They should definitely have a better introduction to a game that they are unsure if they will continue to play. It just seems like there is a lot to adjust to in order to get acclimated into the game these days.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 686

    Its unplayable because you dont have informations, BHVR need implement improvements. its ridiculous 6 years and survivors dont know what their teammates are doing. A lot of games, recent released, have already these improvements. And its unplayable because MMR is the worst thing in the game. Every match you get beginners or casual players and high MMR killers. If BHVR do MMR still work fine, we would go wait 10,15 minutes to play. Solo survivor gameplay is terrible and BHVR dont care about it

  • 6659Leg
    6659Leg Member Posts: 102

    I aint even good at survivor and still get pretty far (because I actually do gens,the other 3 people apparently got different ideas tho) so I started packing Left behind,it's another feeling to survive when your teammates are potatoes :)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    As always its "complicated" and there is no fast and comprehensive answer to this.

    I consider myself a killer main,but I also play survivor, as most killer players do,and just managed to finally get my last pip for Iri1 survivor this morning. I play enough survivor, mostly soloQ, that I know my way around the problems of surviving and have seen my fair share of tunneling.

    Before patch 6.1 killer was in a really,really bad spot and survivor's were pretty save with the predominance of DH and other safety nets. With the way survivors greeded palettes its was entirely possible to run a killer for 4 gens and only waste 3 palettes on the way. It was abysmal.

    Then came the big, bad 6.1 patch and for a while survivor gameplay UTTERLY disintegrated and crumbled. This was mostly due to the elimination of DH, as more survivors were carried by it and had no idea how to properly loop a killer the old fashioned way and it felt like an all-you-can-kill buffet.

    I know that a lot players claim to be high MMR or a top player, so all this claims can be taken with a grain of salt,but here is my personal experience as a self-identifying higher-ish MMR killer: starting at day 1 1/2 the good survivors were already adapting as most of them knew how to loop or evade the killers notice and wisend up to the new cooldowns astoundingly quick. By the end of day 2 the shock and awe had faded and survivor's looped me like before,albeit a little less greedy at palettes and even t-bagged and BMed me again. Matches felt basically the same again as before, BUT much, much fairer. When I outplayed a survivor, they went down and the base kit hit CD made unsaved unhookings VERY unsaved, so survivors played much smarter and overall things saw much improvement and I enjoyed build variety and playable sorts of Killers.

    However it's nature's law that you can't have too much of a good thing and someone always got to ruin it for everyone else, namely the raise of the camping and tunneling meta.

    One fundamental problem with dbd and BHVRs patch policy is, that they apply blanket solution's over ALL levels of play. The base kit and meta changes that felt wonderful at the high level of gameplay, and that breathed new life into the game,felt utterly overtuned, even OP and oppressive at any level below that.

    Less skilled or less passionate killer players quickly wisenes up to the fact, that camping and tunneling now worked extraordinarily well and went down the road of least resistance. Why they would do so I can't tell, as this playstyle is boring as hell, but it definitely gained traction and became a thing.

    I feel it every time I play soloQ survivor, as a constant backdrop. I personally don't wouldn't it too much, if you couldn't depip from a bad game. If the killer insist on camping and tunneling, then I am back in a new game in about 2min, but it ruins the experience for the other survivors. The new 10-20s endurance after unhooking is pretty rad and helps a lot, and I would wish that you could use Reassurance 2 times and from 12m away. The 6m range is its biggest problem, ie if you really want to punish camping then let the survivors do so from 12m away. A hanging survivor serves no purpose for the team, so they don't get anything out of it.

    Another option would be to buff Cameradry and let it work on both hook stages. Two cameradries and reassurances per hook stage should make every killer go hunting instead of camping.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    The thing is, gen speeds seem faster then ever. 50 seconds is a pretty normal gen right now (with a mountain of video evidence to back it up).

    That's the reason killers are running 4 slowdown perks - because survivors usually pop 2 gens in less then a minute.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Survivors still crazy strong what do u mean

    Solo queues needs a buff yes, but they just need to add Voice Chat. and its good

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Bring offering on game, springwood, crotus or garden of joy maps you should be able to win they are super survivor sided.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,890

    Some right here, a lot wrong:

    I am also a solo player (strictly), and agree that the matchmaking has been awful lately. It may be perception, but I think something has changed with SBMM recently.

    The hit/breaking speed buffs definitely help the killer in chase, but not overwhelmingly so.

    I personally haven't seen a significant uptick in camping/tunneling. Sympathy for anyone who is, but I just haven't seen it.

    While the gen times have been buffed (or nerfed, depending on your perspective), the most powerful meta slowdown perks have been gutted. Ruin, which was the mother of all slowdown perks, is all but dead. Pop is dead. Some of the new slowdown perks are strong, but they mostly require a trigger, most often a gen kick, which mitigates them a bit because going to a gen to kick it is not efficient.

    Ruin was so powerful because it was passive. Yes, PR + DMS was resurrected, but I think that's temporary. And sure, running CoB with Overcharge and maybe Eruption is kind OP in and of itself, you're using 2-3 perk slots to achieve one overall effect, and often on only one gen at a time,

    And though it can be situational, Hyperfocus has some insane synergies and I have personally used it to absolutely chew through gens as fast as I ever have.

    And Reassurance was nerfed because of survivor abuse, not because killers were crying about it. And that's sad, because I was excited about it. It still does have value, though, and it has had impact on many of my games.

    As to the overall point, while solo is a bit harder than it was before, and buffing it should absolutely be next up on BHVR's agenda, it is very much playable.

    I've played many hundreds of solo matches since the patch, and I am getting a decent number of escapes, and still having fun. I am also enjoying the short queue times, and now all the extra BP.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I love reading this and agree with what you are saying.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Aww thank you. Your Reassurance perk worked and is highly appreciated ;D

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I was being chased through the main building on badham with the basement in the main building. A Steve randomly showed up during the chase and sandbagged me so the kilter could catch up. He then instead of body blocking the killer, let him through so he could down me and camp me in basement.

    Show me the part where I should have had the will to hit my struggle skill checks.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Im an admitted killer main. I do play survivor from time to time. I still have tons of fun playing both roles. Solo and SWF. I admit I tend to find survivor more boring and basic, but over all I have fun.

    One main reason, why? Cause I don't care if I win or lose. I do the best I can. If I lose no big deal. If I win again, no big deal. The game is too random to think I will have the same type of game everytime.

    Best advice. Just don't really care if you win or lose. I just ask that in either case you win or lose with dignity.

    Just my opinion. 😁