Why do people think that keys are trash now?

I suppose such opinion appeared after animation for opening hatch was added? If so, why? The animation is just 2.5 seconds, just don't get caught, it's not hard if killer is patroling gates...
This is still guaranteed escape
I think people say it's trash now because of the new-ish hatch spawning mechanic's where the hatch will only spawn when the last person is remaining instead of before where it would spawn when enough generators were completed.
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Because they always ignored the addons and liked to get fraudulent escapes when there was 4/5 gens left.
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That's what I've been saying. People compare hatch and keys to how broken they were before and say, "Now they're useless." Not useless, in fact as you said, it can be free. The killer cannot patrol 2 gates AND hatch.
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People are forgetting Blood Amber is still god-awful design that needs a nerf so it can't nullify mindgaming mid-chase (make it unable to read closer than 8m, problem solved).
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The old Key Mechanic made escape trivial. In that sense if you look at how keys worked before they ARE trash compared to how they are now. You physically cant get two people to escape after completing three gens anymore but everyone else is dead. With the old key system this was not a problem.
Keys are far more fair now and people generally don't want things to be fair - they want them to favor the side they play.
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Keys are trash, and I'm okay with that.
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You are right, and that's the same kinda logic that surrounds IW now. "I don't get unconditional 100% noise reduction = trash".
I sorta get that its a bit thougher to swallow the exhaustion part, but that's the stealth part,ie you either stealth it OR you make a run for it
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100 percent. Keys are finally balanced and now everyone is trying their hardest to project them into being bad enough to need a buff.
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I could bring a stacked key or I could bring a stacked medkit.
I'd rather bring the medkit.
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I wouldn't have found it trash if they had the change just be that iron will is deactivated while afflicted with the exhausted status effect. Not this goofy 75% reduction ON TOP of the exhausted disabling it.
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I'd rather people think keys are trash than to have a bunch of teammates running selfish "I'll let you die and get the hatch" builds.
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Mhmm. They complained even before its nerf simply because Stridor Spirit existed. They won't settle for anything less than total silence that trump's everything. Probably the same reason why people hate Doctor and his static blast.
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It more about the escape mechanic than the item.
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Keys aren't completely trash, they just aren't insanely overpowered like they were before. Its just a common theme with people in this community, I'm guilty of doing it in the past myself but not in the nonsensical way most do
The biggest example is Dead Hard. Yes, the 0.5 second duration is wayyy too punishing when you consider how easily the game is impacted by a Survivor or Killer with a high ping but its still a really strong perk that gives great value. You have people calling it "trash" simply because you can't just press E for immunity AND distance as easily as before, same thing happened with keys
Blood Amber and +15 seconds is a strong combination on Skeleton keys and having unlimited aura reading on one teammate for the entire game with the Wedding Ring is also pretty cool to have without giving up a perk slot. You can still make hatch plays with it, you just can't get cheesy undeserved 2-3 man escapes with 1-2 gens left anymore
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As a new(ish) player, keys seem conceptually/functionally weird to me. Like, what does aura reading have to do with a key when there's a map item type in game?
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Maps give you aura reading for objects.
Keys give you aura reading for people.
Mainly keys have aura reading addons, because they need some other functionality besides just opening hatch.
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because if its not OP/Borderline OP
its trash
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I've never liked keys or flashlights. I wish we could trade in bulk items and add ons for other items and add ons. I would trade in all of my keys and flashlights without thinking twice about it.
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Amber plus the anal beads are quite a powerful combination. Even with the beads, you tend to blow through it fast, however.
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Except Artist 😌 And I love the feeling of power it gives me
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Lol, Typo?
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Nope. Let's be real with each other. Those are totally those kind of beads.
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Relatively speaking what they used to be, they are totally trash.
Pretty much all their residual value lies in their aura reading. From my perspective the hatch opening is a non-factor because if I were really concerned with getting a 4K, I would slug, and the key would never come into play. If I don't slug, I am essentially saying I am okay with a hatch escape.
What I wasn't okay with was 2-3 survs dipping out with a gen or gens remaining. With that off the board, keys are definitely a "yeah, whatever" thing.
Under the old system, if I saw a key or keys in lobby, it was a huge red flag, and something you had to game around. Now when I see a key in lobby, I'm glad they didn't bring something better.
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It's just not interesting mechanics after the nerf
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The key allows you to open a hatch if:
- you become the last survivor. This is even more unlikely to happen given that the killer can see you bring a key in, so they might kill you first or use franklin's demise.
- you find the closed hatch. So if you find the hatch open, then bringing a key was pointless. Finding a closed hatch is also difficult without Left Behind.
- The key still has charges. If the killer has franklin's you won't be able to use it to unlock the hatch. To remedy this you could bring built to last but at that point you are stacking a lot of stuff just so you have a chance of survival when you become the last survivor.
The key also has aura reading add-ons but they have perk equivalents that are far superior because keys do not last very long at all for some reason.
Overall the key and it's add-ons are not useful and the possibility of unlocking the hatch is far too infrequent for keys to be considered over other items.
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I will refer solely to the aura reading capabilities here.
- Unlike other items, a key has no default aura reading capabilities.
- Finding one in a chest feels like wasted potential in most scenarios. Could've been a medkit, flashlight, or even a toolbox instead.
- The only way to get usage from it is to bring good addons.
- Speaking of addons, the only good combo is Blood Amber+Prayer Beads. Others do not justify the opportunity cost.
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Keys are useless now because hatch only spawns if you are the last person alive. And by that point it automatically opens anyway, so unless by some miracle that you are in a situation where the killer hasn't found you but closed hatch, and you have a key, it will come in handy. So it is extremely situational and keys really aren't worth bringing and don't get used 99% of the time if you do bring one.
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I am playing solo often, wdym? Keys are even better then, because you don't have friends to blame you for playing ratty to escape
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They're unbelievably situational, requiring the wielder to be the last survivor in the match and for the killer to find the hatch before the survivor does and for the killer to not be near the hatch. All those conditions stacked on top of each other for a purple or iri item to do a thing. And the green key is entirely devoid of purpose of its own.
They're all dependent on add-ons, but that doesn't make keys better. The green key's mere existence is effectively a drawback, as it is possible that a chest contains a de facto useless item.
They should just be reworked with their aura reading in mind, into new items. Maybe the key can be its own mechanism once the hatch is locked.