The Killers Rulebook

Ok, we have the survivors rulebook, now lets try to codify the killers one.
- No killing before two gens are done
- No camping and tunneling by default. The survivors can unlock this features if desired by simple actions detailed later
- Always go for the unhooker and let the unhooked survivors run away
- Unless the unhooked survivor bodyblocks; then they void their protection for some powerplay and are fair game to down again
- Tunneling protection can be politely renounced by any survivor by t-bagging after every vault or palette stun or by using flashlight macros
- Flashlight clicking to gain our attention are rude and shall be ignored, other survivors also want to be entertained
- Every survivor has the right to ask for a private camping session, idealy in the basement, simply by being as obnoxious and rude as possible for at least three consecutive instances
- Should you encounter original survivors in default clothes who play very unefficient and fall for every trick, scare them senseless, but also whiff a couple of times. Neophytes must be protecc
- Everything is fair game when you are down to two gens remaining
- The rule of 2 times 2: if at two gens remaining exactly two survivors remain, they may ask for mercy by taking up a penitent position and offering their items as payment. The killer is under no obligation to grant this mercy, but it is strongly encouraged
- It is strongly encouraged to give the last survivor the hatch, unless they politely renounced their protective rights earlier that match. It is allowed to assert dominance first and down the survivor in order to rollplay a legit win
- If you are within 2 pips of grading up or are pursuing a tome challenge, all other rules are void
Burn the rulebooks! They are for noobs.
And kill them, kill them all. 😍
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I don't facecamp at 5 gens and I don't hard tunnel unless they make it easy for me. Everything else is fair game.
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I actually do all of this except for rule no. 1...
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Here is a novel idea:
Stop trying to tie gameplay behind weird generator based gatekeeping!
"Why are you camping at 5 gens?!"
My objective is to kill the four of you. It doesn't unlock based on generators done.
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Why should you care though? Just play the game and go next. It's a comp game so ofc people will get mad :(. My rule of thumb is to not play like a jerk tho, I have had lots of killers 'no no no' me when i didn't do anything mean, and I have had plenty of survivors teabag until time runs out despite knowing that I'm super bad. It doesn't feel good to play As long as you aren't mean then it's a solid ggs from me <3!! Also sorry if I sounded mean in this post, I genuinely just hope people wills top holding these expectations and just play the game normally ;w;!
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Your Rulebook sounds like it was inspired by survivors.
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The first rule should be no finishing gens until first hook.
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This sounds like survivor rule book. Nice try but next time you must equip better stealth perks for your post :-D
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Honestly? I kind of like it. Would make for more overall fun games across the board.
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Why does this sound like the "Rule Book For Killers" by survivors?
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I only faced 2 killers who followed a rulebook, and it went something like this:
Didn't tunnel.
Only started killing after every one was hooked and/or when all the gens were done.
Let the last survivor go.
That being said those were some really good killers and it was pre-meta shake up patch.
Rn it's more like:
Try to be nice, but if you're getting destroyed you kinda need to kill someone asap to get any advantage.
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My rule book for me, simply, is this:
Don't go out of your way to tunnel but if the unhooker hid or ran away before you could see them, no sweat off your back for attacking the only visible survivor (the unhookee)
Everything's off the table at end game.
If you actively try to bodyblock with BT and/or OTR, do not be shocked if you're tunneled and slugged.
If a survivor DCs, don't farm but play a lot chiller and give the last survivor hatch.
If you use Boil Over and constantly run to the corner of an indoor building or some other part of the map that's almost impossible to get a hook in, you should be slugged and bled out. No questions asked.
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Mine personal killer code of conduct is short:
- I will not facecamp before the gates are powered. I will proxy camp at any point if the hook is bombed (I do not consider this to be proper camping)
- I will not hard tunnel until unless there 2 or fewer gens, and the number of remaining survs is greater than the number of remaining gens. I reserve the right to hook a surv twice consecutively at any point when circumstances make it too easy, but will then leave them alone for a good while.
- I will only BM in cases where the surv has BMed me excessively.
- I will only bleed someone out intentionally in extraordinary circumstances (extreme toxicity/exploiting)
- Once the gates are powered, there are no rules beyond #4.
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Camp-Tunnel-hitting-chasing-walking-standing idle
It doesn't matter Survivors cry no matter how you play
Camping and tunneling are blasphomy but Genrush-Tea bag-Body block- Using Broken perks are totally fine ofc it's fine
This is the reason that this game can't get back the players who left the ones who actually care about the gameplay and some fancy eye catching skins
As for myself There's no rulebook Kill at any cost this is the game's about And the Killer must kill obviously It's written on the name KILLER
So instead of making a rulebook Play like an actual killer would in the situation