What is the reason for Billy's overheat mechanic?

Like is it for camping reasons like bubba?
Otherwise I can't think of a reason why the overheat mechanic for Billy is fair
Just put on internet that question and surely it will appear the answer but basically cuz chainsaw bros can instadown while facecamping
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Billy was very strong & very played before the overheat mechanic. Added to that, he had strong add-ons to do a 4k very fast. I was overplayed as the stats shown in the trackers characters trackers.
Hillbilly could almost instant charge his chainsaw with the good add-ons that it mades him a very strong killer. So BVHR would change that without to ask to their own community and they have introduced a new mechanic to reduce his use of his power.
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Some of devs thought that was a good idea to giving a cooldown mechanic to an already pretty counterable killer without giving him anything to compensate this useless cooldown.
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In what world is that an unnecessary tag?
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promote the new Bubba.
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Hillbilly main here. My best guess is that it's to punish people who overuse their chainsaw. If you're good at Hillbilly, you'll very very very rarely overheat ever anyways so it doesn't matter too much to me.
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It's expressed in the rules to avoid tagging the Developers:
This is also not a Q&A for the Developers, it's a discussion platform for the community; you are free to post this question in the Q&A section when this will be opened for the future Q&As.
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I love how BHVR takes so much time to remind of some stupid rules they made up on the forums, instead of taking the time answering my questions.
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Yes, the selling point (and the only point that IMO justifies the existance of such a mechanic in the first place) was to stop Hillbillies from facecamping a hook with a 99%ed chainsaw.
Everything else it does was probaply as a response to the, relatively common, newer player complaints of "Hillbilly OP" that were around at the time.
Of course he was not OP at all, the only things that needed a nerf from him were the Add Ons, but I guess BHVR got too excited and went way, WAY too far. Worst of all, they didn't communicate anything about this with us, so when they revealed it and everyone hated it, they had already put in the ressources and went with it regardless of feedback - basically a sunken cost fallacy.
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Instead to reply to the Mod, I hope you have read & found your answer in the replies here @Mister_xD
BTW you easily can found some Youtube's channels illustrating how the oldschool Billy without overheat worked to compare with the actual one. Personnally, my best inspiration about Hillbilly's Gameplay is SofaReks.
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the point is for you to play blight.
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I’ve been told that BHVR couldn’t think of addons so they added overheat to fill in the missing addons. But yea the main reason is to stop infinite rev camping
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People got good with Billy
Billy OP
Nerf Billy
Billy Nerfed
Billy has left the building
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It was done in ld times where killers needed to find an kill survs, and when bill seems powerful. Now bhvr kill survs for you. You can see killer mains arguing they need to hit gens to regress tbem. Lol
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Overheat was also added to stop Billy from being able to always have his chainsaw at 99%, whenever he wants, while he's looping a survivor. I remember Billy players keeping their chainsaws at 99% a lot, because they were waiting for curve opportunities.
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Probably because one of the devs got owned by a billy on stream and got mad about it (see also: instablind flashlights, madness lullaby skill checks)
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They hate Billy
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If you look back at the era they nerfed him, there were several clues to why he was nerfed:
1. They were in the midst of changing all the maps. Don’t know how veteran you all are but there were true ‘god windows’ back then. One per map. They made many of the maps smaller (in some cases significantly smaller).
Hillbilly without overheat had no problem because he could traverse these admittedly large, survivor sided maps without much issue. By adding overheat, Hillbilly’s couldn’t pop up after a long sprint and gun right into an M2 down.
2. Oni was released within the last year before HBs nerf. The HB vs Oni debate was an absolute joke back then. Billy had a 1.5 sec saw with his best addons with a quick cooldown to boot. Oni had to earn his ability. Now the debate makes a lot more sense since both are much better balanced.
Oni is known for Infectious Fright snow balling teams. Hillbilly could do that without earning anything and traversing anywhere without penalty.
He was king of the most unbalanced time in DBD. Survivors were full of unbalanced unfair advantages. Killers were equally ridiculous and unbalanced. Were.
Now, I personally love Hillbilly. I think his addons could do with more buffs but truth is his basekit is one of the simplest and strongest in the game. Everytime I see him C-tiered all the while I am absolutely crushing teams. Well makes me feel good.
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Well yeah, that would've been an unavoidable sideeffect of it either way. The game can't distinguish between Billy holding his power around a loop to setup a curve and him doing it in front of a hook to camp someone, so even if they made his Overheat soley for anti camping purposes, this would still have happened.
I'm not necessarily complaining about that for this very reason - what I am complaining about is everything else it does currently: limiting his map pressure, additionally punishing him for missed chainsaw attacks and making him less efficient around high wall loops (not the overheat itself, but the stupid roar he does when sprinting now that warns players he is in sprint even if they don't see him, which was introduced in the same set of nerfs) - all of which were completely unnecessary and should never have been a thing.
BHVR went ballistic on this Killer for absolutely no reason and they have been doubling down on it for two years now. Yes, it's been two years since Billy was in a good state. That's just depressing...
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I remember hating that time where everyone on here proclaimed that 'everyone agrees Billy is the golden standard of balance' while he was blatantly OP. They all had Tinkerer and were on you in less than three seconds from anywhere on the map and with an instadown. It only took one potato teammate for the whole match to be lost. I'm getting angry again just thinking about it.
He's in a much better spot now. I recently still got destroyed by a really good Billy who knew exactly how and when to curve and it actually felt like a fun and fair match for everyone involved.
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The one thing I don't like or understand about overheat is that it is clearly intended as a punishment for overusing & misusing your chainsaw - fine, but there always was a punishment for that already built in.
You try to chainsaw a healthy survivor multiple times and mess it up = you have a healthy survivor that you could've just m1ed twice by this point in time.
But the overheat isn't what I dislike about playing billy, it's the map design mostly, the indoor maps and the random twigs made out of pure steel on newer maps (pretty abominations like garden & eyrie), the general clunky feeling of playing him, the jank, that stupid ######### roar, and the irritating knowledge while playing him that the roster has plenty of similar killers who can typically get better results for less effort.
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It even seems like the goal is to completely destroy the charge shortening add-ons, and while at it, replace most add-ons with overheating related crap.
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Well now his charge addons are as strong or stronger than the original ones to be nerfed. The flashlight one (Black Grease) is total doo doo though. Billys should never suffer a blind.
Being a 1.10 killer with tuned carberator breaks his ability to loop on most maps. So if you can’t catch survivors in a bad spot, you’ll lose horribly.
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Literally the only reason billy was good back then was because insta saw existed and not egregious hitboxes. Now you get loops that are so square or big you cant even curve them, and even if you did you'd probably get stuck on some random pixel sticking out of the wall while not even aiming anywhere near it. Don't even get me started on sliding off of survivors while in sprint.
Like his addons were fine before other than charge stacking which only needed to not exist.
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There isn't one.
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I don't know how anyone forgets the reason why
EVERY Billy player before the Overheat mechanic would run circles around the map until they found someone, then down them while turning on a dime, then run circles around the map on repeat until everyone was dead.
Fail? Camp a hook.
You didn't have to try, eventually you'd hear a gen or find a survivor.
The mechanic currently does nothing if you arent doing one of the above, its nearly impossible to overheat and people just love to whine
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i still feel like oni existing doesn't justify nerfing billy. oni is oni. billy is billy. they weren't competing, dbd isn't a team shooter.
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You'd still have to try and get the curve which back then... at least 30% of survivors were actually good and could dodge curves so its wasn't so much of a "not try" thing.
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I don't think this 'behaviour' is a good reason to remake the Hillbilly. You still can make 10 cercles around the map without being worried by the overheat. Just do not bump & do not cancel your rush. You still have 2 add-ons to increase the control of your turns & and yellow add-ons to cool more fast your overheat out of sprint.
I'm still playing Billy and make the best sprint as possible, patrolling around the gens until I found some tracks.
And a Bubba can camp more easily a hook his chainsaw in air than a Hillbilly... Has Bubba an overheat system ? I didn't played Bubba for a while so I don't know...
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If you never overheat with billy you are either an absolute God with him (hitting all your curves), or you don't know when to use your chainsaw (so a complete noob). I feel like this statement is made by the latter player
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Yea same. I been playing Billy A LOT recently, and the overheat mechanic might as well be non-existent
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Honestly, the overheat mechanic as a concept is fine. Being able to 99% indefinitely a hooked survivor was unhealthy and that's a legitimate reason to keep it. However, I would like them to make some small adjustments to it:
- Remove heat gain during rev, only during the dash
- Slight increase to the base rate (nothing massive)