Be honest. Do you profile Mikaela?

You see Mikaela load into a lobby. Do you assume she's running Boon: Circle of Healing?
And if you do, are you annoyed if she doesn't, in fact, have the boon?
"Come on, Mikaela! The team is injured and there is no boon on this map!"
No, I assume any surv can be running anything at any time, unless they are a new surv and wearing the base cosmetic.
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I think I'm gonna play Mikaela and run only Dark Theory.
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yes I would assume it because it is one of the best survivor perks in the game and there's no reason to not bring it. It's like trying to slug a Bill, why would you take that chance.
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I love running across the map to heal at a boon only to discover it's freaking shadow step or something. I don't care whether someone brings a boon or not, but if they're going to bless a totem, it better at least have CoH on it.
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Terrible perk, wouldn't matter if she's running it or not.
But for most matches with boons (and that is not many) are devoid of Mikaelas.
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Yea I assume sheโs always running COH. I donโt get upset as killer or annoyed as her teammate if she doesnโt have it up. I assume she canโt find a totem to bless. When I play her, I prioritize gens over blessing boons. I will pan my camera and take a quick look in a nook and cranny here and there when Iโm on my way to a gen, but Iโm not wasting precious time unless gens are flying.
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I always like to think that my teammates see me as a broken Mikaela because I always run Inner Strength
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COH is not a terrible perk
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I profile Mikaela's as "wastes pallets"
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That happened to me yesterday lol I ran all the way across the map for a non-COH boon
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I profile Mikaela's as "tunnel target no 1"
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Nancy mains right now:
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, honey
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I do. I assume most people do the same. I had an idea to have a full swf play as her without a single boon to try and bait shattered hope. We haven't done it yet but I can see it working. Maybe we all run flashlight too and switch to toolboxes last second. See if we can waste 2 perk slots.
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I also assume they are bad since Mikaela is the new Meg
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Mikaela will spend the entire match booning the same totem the killer already knows about until everyone is dead and wonder why the game went so horribly.
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I think @MikaelaWantsYourBoon would gasp at that characterization lol
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PTSD of the release days of CoH with survivors healing up so fast, that you couldn't possibly keep up with damaging them and even a strong 3 gen offered no recluse
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I do, i want all of boons you have. I will take all of them, no exception.
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The fact the you called the best healing perk plus a top 5 perk terrible show your lack of game knowledge.
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Do your best but even you can not stop power of magic, power of boons. They will take you down.
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As if I would ever admit that! (but you are right, her eldritch magick, stolen from The Entity, is just too stronk :V)
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Boons were a mistake. Of course I'm going to assume the character that has 2 boons and the strongest boon is using it.
The only basekit way to get around boons is to tunnel the booner out.
Same as not slugging a Bill and expecting Laurie to have DS.
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A top 5 perk? I'd love to know where your information comes from, lol.
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It's one perk that provides unlimited selfheals for the whole team increase normal healing time and only one person needs the perk for the whole team to benefit.
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Again, what is your source for "Top 5 perk", if you're going to comment on someone else's "game knowledge" and then pull random numbers from your head you better back that info up.
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Throughout my matches whenever i've been put together with a Mikaela, there are 3 patterns i've observed to be the most recurring ones in my experience.
- The Mikaela will most likely carry at least one or more boon perks.
- The Mikaela will be nothing short of a giant liability to you and your teammates because all the Mikaela will do is constantly boon totems instead of repairing or unhooking teammates
- She will alert the killer with a loud noise notifications nearby you if you should even dare to consider interacting with a dull totem regardless of if she already have a boon totem up and running or not.
My overall experience with Mikaela players as a whole have been mostly a miserable one and it has reach the point where i genuinely just feel nothing but scorn and disdain for Mikaela as a whole.
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To be honest I keep in mind that any survivor could be running one of their teachables (Bill I assume Unbreakable, Jake assume Sabo) until I have enough info on their perks. I do this as a survivor main because Solo Q.
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Oh man, that sucks. I've never had a Mikaela trigger a load noise notification to spite me. "Bad luck, old mum." lol
I might have to start maining Mikaela to counter that douchery.
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Tbh I profile most survivors.
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What are your profiles for different survivors?
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It's almost stereotyping, though there are exception obviously. Like I have never seen even a descent Laurie in my entire time playing this game. Nancys are either a toxic good player or completely terrible. Ace's always try too hard to be good but usually fail or run him for off brand iron will. Again though there are exceptions like a really good Hadie for example.
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Thats mean, I'm doing that now.
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I only profile people who wear baseball style hats.
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Because dbd has that kind of tracking. Don't think bringing up the fact that there's no website or hard info makes you right. Just have to compare the value the perk brings to what other perks give. It's widely considered by the community to be a top 5 perks and in a situation with no hard tracking on stats thats how it's determined. The community knew dh was the best survivor perk in game there was no list no chart but BHVR released the perk usage data and it was the top used perk and was something like 20% above second.
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Yes, yes, and yes.
It's been nearly a year, but I'm still convinced at least 66% of Mikaela players only ever played her because of the Boon meta.
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I have to admit, there have been times when I was annoyed because Mikaela did not, in fact, have a boon.
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I assume Mikaela is more likely than not to have a Boon simply because two of her starting perks are decent Boons. Just like I assume Bill has a decent chance of having Unbreakable because it's good and one of his starting perks. It's just common sense to think that if a perk is good, and the survivor character starts with it out of the gate, odds are better than normal they'll be using it.
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Indeed ... on the aggregate site that I am using its only the 6th most used survivor perk, with 17,39% of usage rate.
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lol ๐
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I literally lol'd at "as if I would ever admit that!" ๐
As to the PTSD part, might I suggest a stiff couch in an office suite?
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Thanks, I am always happy to provide some relief from our favorite, yet stressful, game :)
I will try to cope without that couch.... I need to save up my money for the next release and some RE skins.
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I am against racial profiling. Just because she is a white girl does not mean she will head towards the loud noises in the trial. That is just unsubstantiated drivel perpetuated by horror movie stereotypes.
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Maybe at first until I noticed more Nea's running COH on my teams than Mikaela. I've played Mikaela before though and had a killer once drop chase and target me when he saw a boon. He let me be unhooked and escape in endgame when the Zarina came along and booned an un-needed totem, then did a tbag dance, to show him she actually had it. The killer would have had 2k at least that game if he hadn't dropped chase with my injured death hook team mate mid-match just to run the map trying to find me.
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Oh well, when you put it that way--screw mental health and peace and calm and serenity lol Who needs that stuff? psssh There's a new release and RE skins!
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But she will go for the banana... just sayin'
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No I have no reason to.
Boons also don't necessarily annoy me.