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So you "fixed" Wesker...

So now I'm getting sucked into his grasp while standing 5 miles away from him...great job.

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  • Member Posts: 1,390

    The ridiculously small hitbox previously covered up the ping issue that is, imo, at the heart of a lot of frustrations people have. - It's the same as with e.g. Huntress where a combination of hitboxes and pings result on hits around corners. Things tend to look more "right" from the killer pov since their perception is the one that counts. Idk how many times I have been yoinked from way behind a corner to get teleported back into the M2-line Wesker has. One or two times I got to see the killer pov and while it was a close call it was a somewhat solid hit from their perspective.

    More to the point of solving the issue would be a ping cap over the past minute that can be set individually within a range; while not everyone can have a 30ms ping all the time most people within a region will manage something under 100ms if there are actually servers in their region. That would also mean that there need to be more servers. It's ridiculous that South Africa people are on Frankfurt servers. - Going against a Wesker like that is gg next; you need to be able to see two seconds into the future to be able to do anything other than W+predrop.

  • Member Posts: 139

    The hitbox for weskers dash attack is absolutely massive. I have been sucked back in from behind cover that many times. And it isnt a ping or latency issue because I havent been hit by any curving huntress hatchets or deathslinger shots in the same circumstances.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    The difference being this is a bug and not an "aim" or "hitbox" issue, if you grabbed them, and then let go without injuring or shouldering them then it has nothing to do with hitboxes as this was an issue during PTB, Live and the latest update.

    A bug shouldn't invalidate someone's complaints about being grabbed from seemingly too far away, etc.

  • Member Posts: 918

    I really don't think this game was built for speed killers. All the killers with range and some sort of dash have desync issues between the survivor and killer from time to time. I know I've been around the corner in about 4-5 matches and got sucked back into Wesker like I was running straight or much closer. On the killer screen I probably looked straight ahead and close, but there was one game I know the Wesker couldn't believe it himself. He looked at me, looked where he got the grab, looked back at me and left me on the ground to get picked up. So yeah, the hitbox has been improved, great for some players, unfortunately grabs are going to happen that shouldn't connect far more than grabs that shouldn't miss now.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Skill issue

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    While ping can certainly contribute, its more a matter of just survivor animations in relation to their hurtbox. They bend forward when doing damn near anything, but their hurtbox stays the same. If you're aiming for their legs/butt/lower back it will always be accurate regardless of their position, which makes things like latency make it look even more silly, like you mentioned. Keep that in mind though any time you see those types of hits, especially from wesker and huntress: More often than not, you'll find that the hit did overlap with the "back" of your model, if you're justifying it off of where the model intersects with the ground rather than the few feet they're leaning forward. Latency will always extrapolate this, but you'd be surprised how reliable aiming for that area specifically can be in compensating. Its kinda like the opposite of leading a shot, you aim at where the front of their representation is so that you will hit their awkwardly placed hurtbox behind them.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    Least exaggerated dbd forum post about a killer hitbox (The concept of latency and hitboxes is impossible to understand)

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    Oh, I know from my own experience as killer. - Not for Wesker, but for Huntress. - But I also know just how much of an issue the ping is when you paly against killers who have no funky hitboxes going on. - Good old Trappy boy, e.g.: If he lands a hit from miles away - or through shack window when you've vaulted and are already in the middle of shack on your screen, or when the hit registering a good second after the animation is over that has nothing to do with hitboxes anymore. That's good old ping. And while it has to be really extreme to show with e.g. Trapper there are other killers where it doesn't have to be as extreme to make a difference when timing matters - or where hitboxes can be funky. It might be that on Frankfurt servers you get more of that; you get all of Europe, all of Africa and half of Asia. This being different continents should tell you everything you need to know when it comes to ping. At least give Africa a Server (really, they need two; one in Libya or Egypt and one in South Africa or one of the Countries slightly north of South Africa) and West-Asia (Kazakhstan?). I don't know where you are from - but just assuming you're American (since I think everyone who's on Europe, esp Frankfurt, servers is painfully aware of the issue and the East Asians tend to not be in English language forums); if you're somewhere in New York State is the ping alright when you play with someone in California? How about if you play with someone across the pond, in the UK or France? In Sao Paolo? Or in Buenos Aires? Perth in Australia?

  • Member Posts: 121

    Maybe the 'skill issue' is with the one who can't do anything to counter a killer the moment his power stops being completely shut down by just moving side to side a bit

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Well said. The game has become a snoozefest because it caters to killers at practically every level.

  • Member Posts: 178

    I had a game against wesker today where he was trying to use his power and I was standing at the end of a loop behind an object. He zoomed alongside the wall and I still got sucked into his grasp animation. Like I'm all for bug free experience but the hitbox needs to go down a bit.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Wheres the clip?

  • Member Posts: 84

    This is called Skill Issues

    It's His actual Hitbox and a little less even

    So yea Pure Skill Issues

  • Member Posts: 84

    How about we talk about survivor mains instead? Holding M1 entire game is not lazy at all right?

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    How is it lazy to complain about a bad hitbox? It was smaller than the survivor for crying out loud. Now it's fine.

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