I honestly hate the stun the killer x times in a single trial challenges.

The amount of times I get killers who instantly know to respect head on or respect every pallet whenever I try to do this stupid challenge is so high.
It's just so frustrating try to get all the stuns done in the single trial.
Yeah it's annoying, I usually cross fingers to find a farming killer for these kind of challenges.
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I combine Head On with Blast Mine with a ritual offering to the Holy Donkerydoo and it usually works fine.
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I can only do these challenges with farming killers, really. Especially stunning the killer 4 times in a single match.
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i did this challenge today too. poor killer
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It could be worse, you might be on a healing challenge and get Plague 3 times in a row.
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Hate this also. It also depends on the killer of its some one with some range like Nemesis, cowboy, nurse, etc. You'll never land a pallet stun on them. I got lucky with mine had a Meyers got 2 pallet, 2 head on, and a DS stun on him. Mostly just fooled around lol was fun.
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Oh, you need to stun the killer, do ya?
Nurse. Nemesis. Huntress.
Have fun.
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I did it the other night, after easily ten or twelve matches getting three and not being able to get the fourth one. Blast Mine, Decisive Strike, Head On and Windows of Opportunity did the trick for me.
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Good thing I like messing around so survivors can get their challenges done
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I hate these challenges just as much as I hate the Blinding ones. I usually get characters like Deathslinger or Pyramid Head that can just hit through pallets ;-;
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Blast mine was my go to but now I don't even want to run it. Still, I rather see that challenge than fall from a great height while in chase or hide within the killers TR without being seen for x amount of secs. Yeah, let me find somewhere to fall and stumble into the killers weapon or have to use BL.
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You forgot wesker.
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Then don't do those challenges. Problem solved.
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Yeah they really need to try harder with the survivor challenges to make them more interesting, less frustrating and much less of trying to deliberately lose. So many of them read 'throw the game'. Especially ones that are 'do this in one trial'. There's a difference between adapting your style and outright doing things that are counter productive.
Really ironic that they brought 4 stuns back when one of the comments in the masquerade from the team was specifically about this challenge and how much they just wanted to complete it. I honestly am beginning to believe that someone or multiple people at behaviour really enjoy the schadenfreude. Every complaint about solo, every camping and tunneling thread brings a smile to their face.
For killers throwing the game is fine. It's just an easy escape for survivors. For survivors you can be screwing over 3 other people.
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Doesn't even have to be in a single trial. I don't like any of the stun challenges because it can often force you to play sub-optimally or hope that the killer plays a certain way.
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It's pretty rough, yeah. Any of the archive challenges that are mostly negated by the killer you're playing against are roooough.
Imagine trying to do a challenge where you need to take protection hits while the killer is carrying a survivor, but you keep getting Starstruck Nurse or smthn 💀
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Since kicking gen perks have made their way, Bring Blast Mine. I know it's in a gutter rn because of the nerf, but since it's not alerted to killers, it should help.
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I hit 3 stuns in two separate games tonight and got screwed over by killers respecting Head On.
I'm so sick of it. They have no reason to know I'm in the locker and yet they still play the bait the Head On game. Not to mention I've been screwed over by killers not getting stunned despite being close enough to it.