Point out the facecamper!

How about we start a new trdition in DBD, where if the killer is facecamping or tunnelling, we point at them to shame them in-game until the match ends?
I think this would help release our anger, plus let the killer know how we feel about them while in the match at the same time.
And other reasons.
If the killer is facecamping or tunneling and instead of doing generators to progress the game, you're standing near him pointing at him, then when you die with no escapes that's not the games fault.
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I don't think a killer who is face camping would care if you point.
Plus if I'm going to do anything, I'm going to crouch and slap their bum
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You do not even know, that facecamping is not possible. Facecamping was an issue in 2016 and got fixed.
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As a killer player, i would really appreci- Uh i mean, i think this is a great idea.
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Yeah... No. They dont care about "how we feel about(...)".
I dont think you can shame them in any shape or form by doing it.
If you are in SWF, fair game but imagine solos being useless pointing at killer instead of doing gens.
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At this point it's used as a way to describe a killer who will sit and stare at a survivor until they die, but yes ACTUAL facecamping was fixed long ago and sucked when it existed.
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Yes, I agree. It sucked. If a killer decided to facecamp the hooked survivor was dead without a chance to escape. So facecamping got fixed.
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If I camp, and you point at me I am gonna laugh at you.
Laugh and smirk that you are wasting time emoting instead of doing a generator.
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I hope this is a troll post.
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Onryo can still do it the old way due to a bug
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Sorry my controller just died and I need to plug it back in, lol
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I'll do it if it's just me and my friend left and he's on hook, like "brother, I'm bargaining for your life, give me a moment" lol
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Yes please point,that will 100% stop the Insidious Bubba 😈 😈 😈
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Yes, I know. Brings up old feelings.
In an RPD map, there is a small room with a hook hanging diagonally in the corner. At least, I've seen it on a dredge, you can bodyblock as a killer on the hook so that no survivor can hang off.
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Yes This Is A Great Idea. Stand Near The Killer And Point. Don't Run From The Killer. Lay Down On The Ground And Play Dead. The Killer Can Help You If Necessary. This Will Make The Killer Feel Bad. SO SO BAD.
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Four free kills, you say?
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I would be okay to protest by just going AFK the entire match, but that would only work if everybody is on board with it
Then the killer is forced to hook all survivors with no effort and end the match, fun right?
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👀 👀
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Felix: The killer won't leave me! Please, for god's sake help!
Nea: Quick guys! POINT!!
(Nea, Cheryl and Jake all point)
Bubba: Oi, that's rude! Stop it!
(Nea, Cheryl and Jake continue to point)
Bubba: P-please! Stop it!
Felix: It's working! Keep pointing guys!
(Nea, Cheryl and Jake point like their lives depend on it, shoving them up Bubba's nose)
Bubba: Okay! Okay! You win! (Walks away and sobs)
This will never happen.
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Survivors: Pointing at the killer.
Killer: sweating "Yes... YES... Whatever you're doing, just don't do gens so I will have time to facecamp another one."
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While making the killer get the lowest amount of BPs and actual gameplay possible in that scenario while you speed your way into a possibly more enjoyable match you say? 😛
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It kind of is though, provided the killer has an instant-down ability and you not require the killer’s face literally be phased into the hookee to fit the definition.
I had a match earlier where a bubba stood maybe a foot away from someone dying on hook and me bleeding out at his feet. There was only 1 other person up. I wasn’t really mad, more of a ‘Really? We’re doing this are we?’ vibe. He tried to hide a bit after it was just me and a Kate left while keeping LOS on me but I kept crawling to where he was obviously visible. Thankfully the Kate was smart enough to stay away, he hooked me, and Kate ended up getting hatch.
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Apart from the whole "this is a really great way to get the whole team ez 4ked" that others have covered... a lot of facecampers do what they do because they want to see survivor reactions. Acting salty is the second best way you can feed them.
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If I were bubba, that would mean that Face Camp was a complete success when it happened.
Facecamping in bubba requires almost no skill at all. But it is a surefire way to ditch the 5 generators and get one kill.
But why not fix the generators? It is up to the actions of the other three survivors to turn a chance for three to escape at the expense of one into a chance for four to be executed.
I understand this and will never commit suicide or DC when face camped by bubba. I will fix the generator when someone else is face camped.
It depends on the actions of the other three survivors whether the survivor being face camped will be the hero to get the other three out or the bait for total destruction.
If you were lost in a foggy forest, would you point the finger with a stranger at the killer in front of the hung man?
I think you are basically free to be selfish or altruistic, but I would not try to act senselessly.
However, if casual matches were implemented, I might do that.
sry my poor english
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Since when do you play DbD? Have you been playing since 2016 when there was real facecamping?
Facecamping was and is when the killer physically blocks the only point where a survivor has to stand to be able to unhook a hooked survivor. If you can't motivate the killer to move, he can force the sacrifice on the first hook, with shorter hook times than now. THIS is facecamping. It was fixed by giving the hooks a rotation, and thus multiple unhook points. So there is no more facecamping in DbD. And that is good.
As for your match: it's sad that some killers play like that. But I don't see it as a big problem. My excel sheet says that it happened to me exactly 5 times like that or similar in 127 matches in the season that ends tomorrow. That would be 3.93%. Why should I whine about it?
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I’ve been playing the last 2 months, so no - I wasn’t around when killers could body block a hook though I am aware it used to be a thing.
I think we’re just arguing semantics - to me, the scenario you’re describing I would call body blocking the hooked survivor. Face camping strikes me more as a killer sitting there, right in your face so to speak, making the only 2 possible outcomes be the hooked survivor isn’t rescued or someone trades places. (solo queue is really more of a you aren’t going to be unhooked so get comfy kind of situation) That’s the context under which I was reading op’s post.
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I mean, sure? Survivors already click and teabag if it makes you feel better. A lot use the "get over here" line where they beckon you to chase them.
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I thought we were doing this any way… I do this more so towards my teammates when they are cowards or trying to let themselves go on hook, or made a very stupid play leading them to get hooked. I also add a body shake motion of “no,” like as to say: “smh.” I wont spam it on killers, or waste gen time doing it to them, I’ll use it once then run off if I can’t trade (bubba).