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Another objective besides generators?

Gens have become tedious, chases have always been the bread and butter in what keeps the game fun to its core, evading the killer, is there a chacne we can see seperate game modes or a ranked system taken more seriously/ranked queue?

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  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited September 2022

    You can do totems and open chests. Or even do Tome challenges and sabo hooks.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Maybe just add some process to gen repair, like different minigames.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Personally, I liked how F13 had different objectives. Sure, you could boil them down to "find thing, go to another location", but it still broke up the tedium. I also liked how it had multiple win conditions that the counsellors had direct control of.

    Historically, this community has been against such things, and the devs have (in the past) said they would rather stick with gens being the only main OBJ. That could change, and I hope it does.

    As for adding a mini-game to gens, I personally wouldn't be AGAINST it, but they would need to factor in the ability to bail on it at a moments notice cuz the killer is closing in. VHS did this alright with how their crafting mini-games work.

  • Member Posts: 150

    I would like the connect wires minigame from amogus...

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Survivors can't even do the objectives they have. They have a hundred objectives to do and killer has only one. There is an issue at present time.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Its not the point, many times survivors dont have enough time for those but only Gen.

    We all want to spit that 80sec Gen into 2 different things. Alone that would nerf Gen perks itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Could make the secondary objectives directly affect the time of the primary ones.

    IE: Get "Quality Parts", bring them to the Generator, removes total time needed to complete that gen. Regression cannot restore the time removed by that part.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I think they could keep gens as the only objective and still toss up how they work a bit. Maybe different gens require different 'minigame' type objectives and some could even be left as they are now but having some that aren't would definitely help give some variety.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Survivors refused to do Ruin + Undying, which was an optional objective that asked them to find and cleanse 2-5 totems. Both perks were nerfed massively to appease these players.

    Survivors refuse to do Pinhead's box, which requires 1 survivor to go to 1 spot that's clearly highlighted once every 90 seconds. All his best addons were nerfed to appease these players.

    Pig wants survivors to deal with 4 masks per game and she gets nerfed every 3 months.

    You don't even have to hold M1 on generators now. You just click once and it does the thing for you.

    In what world would survivors EVER agree to making their gameplay more complicated than "go to gen, push button, rinse and repeat"? Any new objectives that got added would be ignored by survivors and end up resulting in a killer nerf of some kind just because.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I agree. VHS does this with the crafting stations, healing, etc. Anything that requires a "hold button to use" has some kind of minigame with it that honestly increases the amount of attention you give it, while supplying an extra "goal" that makes things faster if you get it right. It's pretty neat.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Killers don't just have one objective and Survivors don't have a hundred.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    You can try and hole the killer if you're on the right map.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Remember during the blight event? Survivors could work on flowers to get extra BP and it provided a compelling side objective.

    And since survivors weren't popping 5 gens in 4 minutes, killer builds were much more "let's try new stuff".

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Maybe chases are fun for survivors, but it's definitely makes the game stale for killers. That's one reason I dislike the game.

    As for objectives. I don't know. Can't be anymore tedious or difficult. Any kind of find the part should probably be easy to find.

    As for ranked queue. I don't know why care so much about it. Sure, your probably going to find more players taking it seriously and so possibly better games. Don't know why people want Multiversus ranked when the game is below F tier.

  • Member Posts: 513

    Other objectives are fine as long as they contribute toward progress i.e. escape - otherwise they just increase the likelihood you are all killed.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Think craft items or collectable could be good. Bonus points for survivors that find items in game. Could have an Intel system like cod in which survivors have a handful of items to find in each realm.

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