Did you know that killers are supposed to let survivors win? (sarcasm)

tl;dr: survivor gets mad that I slugged someone who knowingly ran to a corner without hooks and calls me toxic. Do survivors really believe that killers should just let them go?

I keep bouncing off DbD because I get tired of toxic survivors when I'm killer (and I am just plain bad at survivor). But I've been watching some content creators lately that have given me some hope that this can be a chill game with people who just want to have fun.

Boy was I wrong.

I reinstalled the game yesterday after a long hiatus. Played a few very bad and rusty games as both survivor and nurse. No problem. No after game chat. I type my ggs and move on.

But today... I had my first great game in a long time. I was Nemesis. The survivors played well, I played well, and despite some really terrible stuttering connection issues, it was a lot of fun. I got a 4k with one gen left. Pretty close. I type my ggs in chat and immediately get someone calling me toxic and unsportsmanlike.

For context: Two survivors left, a guy ran to a corner during chase. I downed him and picked him up, but there were no hooks close (the nearest one was broken from sacrifice) and he got off. I chased again and he ran right back to the same corner. So I slugged him there and went to find the other guy. That guy ran to the same corner, where I downed him. The first guy was almost bled out, so I let him die before picking up the second guy who of course still got off, but I got him in the next chase. As far as I'm concerned, if you run to a corner you know you can't be hooked from, then you are choosing to bleed out. Fine with me. Also worth noting that that first guy was looping my ass off before we got to the corner, so it's not as though I was just bullying someone for fun. I just didn't want to keep running around the map after one guy. It was like a twenty or twenty-five minute game by that point. I even had time for a phone call at one point. I was just ready to be done.

I'm not sure which survivor was complaining, but they were saying that I should have let the survivor just get away and that I was being toxic by slugging. They also thought the hook would respawn so they didn't seem to understand the game at all.

Do survivor mains really think that running to a corner without hooks means that the killer should just let you run away? Is that how entitled and toxic they have become? Because that's really sad. No one said a word when I had bad games. Maybe that one SWF in an earlier game with all flashlights was a little salty when they found out I was running Lightborn, but they were on console and couldn't chat.

Is winning at all toxic if you're killer? Is that it? Will survivors just always assume that any killer who 4Ks is toxic?


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284

    There's a difference between "just letting them go" and letting the game progress to the next stage once only one survivor is left...? Should you have hooked the next to last and then go afk until the last found hatch? No, ofc not. But do you have to slug the next to last guy to make absolutely sure you will definitely get the last guy? No, ofc not. How about people just progress the game as intended: you hook the next to last and then you go search for hatch. The survivor also searches for hatch. Whoever finds it first wins. Fair game.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685
    edited September 2022

    Nah, if a survivor purposely puts themselves in a position where they know they cannot be hooked, they should expect the slug. He did the right thing, slugged the survivor who purposely went back into a hook dead zone then went to find the other survivor.

    That survivor then ran to the dead zone. This was most likely because they knew getting the first one up was their only hope at that point, but they were downed before they had the chance. The first bled out (which was effectively their choice by going back into the dead zone originally) and the killer then hooked the last survivor (after a bit of struggle).

    If he had bled both out, without giving the last survivor a chance (a slim as it may have been) that would have been a bit over the top.

    I don't condone 4k bleed-outs, or bleeding a survivor out due to spite, giggles, or whatever, but if they intentionally try to make themselves impossible to hook, then they earned the slug as it's the only way the killer has to progress towards their objectives.

    As far as the salt...a lot people in general have a tendency to throw the blame anywhere but themselves. Killers and survivors. It's been a minute since I've gotten a salty survivor, but my typical response is to calmly and briefly explain my PoV, and if they still insist on the salt, I simply wish them luck in their next match and immediately leave the lobby.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited September 2022

    I got flamed in chat tonight because I hooked the last survivor who dropped their toolbox. If I knew they were Emily Post I would have followed protocol I guess. 🤷‍♂️

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    While I generally agree with you, I would like to add that, for me, 4k with 1 Gen left is not "a very close" match. You stomped them. Not super massively crushed them, but that's definitely a stomp, and likely not very fun from the survivor perspective.

    A close match for both sides would be 2 dead or 1 dead and one hooked by the time gates are powered and then pushing for the 3 or 4k while they try to open the gates, or perhaps they actually pull a 2 or 3 escape. That's a close match. It can go both ways at any point.

    And while I agree that survivors are not actually entitled to any form of mercy and that in your case they even purposely ebbed you into your course of action, I can also empathize with the survivors you beat into submission, which is why I usually let the last 2 go.

    Still, your position is very valid, just wanted to add my grain of sand.

  • Usernameforderek
    Usernameforderek Member Posts: 21

    Fair point. It was close up until that last gen I should say, then it steamrolled in my favor. I didn't get my first kill until 2 gens left, I think, specifically because I was juggling so as not to tunnel. Then they kinda stopped doing the objective. It felt like I was putting in effort without full on sweating.

  • JohnnyB87
    JohnnyB87 Member Posts: 96

    That is your own personal opinion. There IS NO WINNING OR LOSING in Dead By Daylight. It's literally just to get points. I main killer and survivor and know that there is no end game goal at all. Toxicity is based solely on the players that make up their own rules for the game, plain and simple. Play the game it's meant to be played, and no one would complain. There will always be complaints about camping, tunneling, slugging, gen rushing, tbagging and all the usual stuff because everyone makes up their own rules. Play for points, like the game is meant to be played currently, and no one should complain. You want to win or lose, go play trash like War Zone lol

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Who made you the decider of how the game is "meant to be played"?

  • Usernameforderek
    Usernameforderek Member Posts: 21

    I didn't slug for the 4K, to be clear. If I could have gotten him to a hook, I would have. I'd have been happy with a 3K. But there were no hooks close enough, and he knew that the second time he ran to the corner. It was slug him or let him go. The game had been going on for a long time, so I decided to slug to finish it.

  • Usernameforderek
    Usernameforderek Member Posts: 21

    By your logic, the ideal way to play the game is farming. So you'll have to forgive me if I take your opinion with a grain of salt.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't play a ton, so I'm always happy to get more bloodpoints and get new stuff. But after a certain point, they don't mean a whole lot.

  • Usernameforderek
    Usernameforderek Member Posts: 21

    Farming points is exactly as fun for me as waiting on the next match. At least I can do other stuff while in queue, though.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about slugging at the start for a five minute game. The match I am talking about had been going on for a while at that point and at the end I had three-hooked two survivors, bled one (who had been hooked at least once) and two-hooked the last survivor. I had max bloodpoints. There was nothing left to do.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Yeah I bled someone out for the first time since april today, because they wanted to crawl to a comp corner in a deadzone as the last survivor

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Yes... at this point the game has gone from bad to worse with all that happens after the match is over

    Some Survivor players think the match is over once the last Gen is done (can't tell them any different)

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75

    The toxic comments are a lot more rare for me than the good sport comments. Generally I complement killers that play well. Most of the time I get good luck wishes on my next game.

    The slugging thing in the op is kind of a dumb thing to whine about. It's not like you were stopping them from crawling around. The second guy could've easily left to find the hatch. A long shot, sure, but nobody makes a survivor stay in an unhookable corner. That was his choice.