Blight OP?

I really don't understand how people see him as overpowered. I mean he's a good killer with good map pressure and it's fair to say some of his addons could use a nerf but I'm really confused as to how his basekit is overpowered. People tend to lump him in with the Nurse when, at least IMO, he is no where near as good as her and unlike her doesn't ignore certain game mechanics. As I said it's totally fair to say he's a strong killer with good potential but saying he needs a nerf seems a little weird to me.
It's his addons that make people say he's OP
mainly alch ring and compound 33 I think? IDK if Adren vial counts since it at least has a downside
I saw someone say Alch ring was balanced in a video once, I don't know how they came to that conclusion but I think it was a very misguided one.
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alch ring was more tolerable pre 6.1.0 now survs will gain negative distance with ti lol
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Alch Ring/C33 are the only real main offenders. Ring needs a rework, C33 would be fine if the Hinder was removed.
C21 is also bad design and should probably get a rework.
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It's always been way too overtuned.
It's a purple addon that basically removes one of Blight's biggest forms of counterplay (His rush token recharge time).
I like to imagine it like if Nurse had an addon that gave her both blinks back immediately if she successfully landed a blink attack. It's not the same but the idea is that Nurse/Blight have built in counter measures to their powers regardless if they hit or miss so an addon straight up removing it if you don't miss makes no sense to me.
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He's pretty OP, especially when you consider a number of his addons
But DBD is balanced around the lowest common denominator so he will never get nerfed; if anything he recently got buffed while clown got nerfed which is a joke
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His basekit and all add-ons except Ring/C33/C21 are perfectly fine.
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His addons get buffed seemingly for no reason sometimes
Survivor post hit speed boost helps blight massively, as does the DS nerf.
Longer gen times buff all killers by default so Blight, being one of them, also counts.
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Ok, but without addons, how is he OP?
And after reading I know not everyone thinks that his basekit is, but you seem to, so I'm just wondering.
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I will play 20 games of DBD today, and in 19 of them the killer will have addons. Probably 10+ of those will be Purple / Greens or more. Talking about these characters base-kits is utterly meaningless because it's trivial to be running addons every single game.
Adrenaline vial got buffed while flask of bleach got nerfed. The meta shakeup helped him WAY more than other killers since he was already broken strong if you are not a boosted ape. Lethal pursuer buff brought back wallhacks blight, etc etc.
There's honestly so many busted builds he can run that it's too many to list out here; and you should NEVER lose to solo Q while playing as him. If you do, you are a trashcan killer tbh
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Adren vial got two buffs recently + the loss of distance on hit has made blight incredibly strong
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It makes a huge difference. You make substantially less distance making his M2 catch up even stronger.
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Global Killer changes that make the stronger killers even stronger though
Like I agree it's weird to look at it in this way but it's true. The stronger killers got even stronger post 6.20 and the weaker ones got stronger too but not to the same degree. DS is still good at against someone like Myers or Trapper but useless against the stronger killers where you probably need it the most
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Sure, that's fine, but it's very important to talk about basekit as well because some killers the problem lies in their power, not just in the addons. I definitely think that some of his addons should be nerfed but I'm not asking about addons, I'm asking basekit.
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"substantially less distance"
2->1.8s = 12m->10.8m against one of the most mobile killers in the entire game. 1.2m is not getting you out of his range regardless.
Attack cooldown is mostly irrelevant because 99% of his hits will/should be Lethal Rush which has its own fatigue.
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Adrenaline Vial getting buffed was logical. It was an utterly awful meme add-on.
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People claim he is op because he is op.
His power ends chases quickly regardless of the survivor's experience and allows for easy map pressure at the same time.
That's op by definition.
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Mindgame better.
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Blight is perfectly balanced. I main blight, don’t use addons ever unless I’m pushing rank irid 4-1. Then back to no addons ever.
He’s got really nice potential as a killer while having a lot of counterplay.
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That's just not true though?
A decent/good survivor will probably go down eventually but the amount of time they can buy vs the amount of time a bad survivor against a blight would buy is substantial enough to show that experience and skill is important vs this killer. Blight can play around survivor resources but he cannot straight ignore them like Nurse can
Some addons make his power have less counterplay it's pretty universally agreed on but even speed addon Blights don't play perfectly.
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You mistyped "no counterplay". When you can swing around corners, the only opportunity to juke or dodge his power is gone. It would be one thing if you had to move in a straight line and could be dodged. You cannot.
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Blighted Crow and Blighted Rat are his two best-designed and healthy add-ons. They’re non-situational, meaning you can always get value out of them. They’re strong. They don’t nullify his counterplay, they only make mindgaming more acutely important for something you aren't intended to dodge reactively in most cases anyways. And if they slam multiple times at the start to go for a higher-speed Rush, it means they have less chances to reposition and that they’ll have a longer cooldown to recharge.
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You just don’t know how to play against a blight then. It’s ok admit you’re inexperienced. There are several tiles that render most blight’s a basic m1 killer. There are also more than several loops that can not be curved or flicked. There are a bunch of maps that completely obliterate blight’s ability to rush.
people like you who claim these things on blight are the same people who have never played as him. New blights get absolutely bullied.
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I think once you have a better understanding of what Blight can/can't do then the counterplay to is becomes more clear but it's hard to know that if you play purely only survivor since a lot of Blights have different playstyles/addons that mess with timings and muscle memory
It's why the Nurse ranged addons were broken OP. If you take time to try Blight a bit and learn his limitations, putting it into practice is quite worthwhile.
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Mindgame better. If you could nullify a power by stepping to the side, that would be stupid weak. You juke it by not being in the path in the first place.
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"Mindgame better"
This isn't an helpful argument, you're not helping anyone by replying to people like this.
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Swinging around corners does not mean no counterplay, though. Sure you can't just run a corner to avoid him like how you could with Billy but when he dashes he pretty much has to go in a straight line until he gets close enough to swing, and if he can't hit off of anything then he loses his chance to swing at all.
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I get it. You love blight. I don't care. You win. Enjoy your free wins. I am not going to bother trying because it's not worth the effort. It's not fun being tagged around corners. There's a reason he's S tier with Nurse. They're basically a free win against all but the sweatiest of sweaty SWF squads.
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If the survivor thinks Blight is going to go one way, they go the other. If they think Blight is going to slide around the surface, they peel off from the surface. If they think Blight is going to go for a certain bump logic path, they don’t put themselves in that path. So on and so forth.
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He can swing around corners. This is flat out wrong. You can't just juke the hit. You need a big, open area and plenty of distance already in order to turn and avoid a hit.
But I don't expect anyone on this forum to be anything but severely biased in favor of killers. No one will be happy here until survivors spawn on hooks.
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So… Don’t be in his potential trajectory. That is what mindgaming is for. If you think Blight is going to take a certain path, don’t be in that path. Bait him into thinking you’ll take a path you won’t. Etc.
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Yeah I didn't ask for you to explain your point to me, I understood what you meant
But the people you're quoting and just going "just mindgame better lol" actually would benefit from more substantial replies. Nobody learns anything if you reply to people that way.
He is hard to face but not unbeatable, I'd recommend trying him yourself a bit- it helped me learn a lot as someone who swaps between both roles frequently
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It’s hard to believe you have 2100 hours in the game and still think it’s as simple as that. 😂
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Fair point, I’ll try and explain better from here on out. Thank you.
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What a wonderful idea. "Just don't be where the killer is". What an amazing revelation. My solution for you for gen rush teams is to just not let gens get done. What an incredible insight.
I will make sure I'm not where blight is... By not playing the boring games where he is at all. There's the counterplay. Counter by not playing.
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Listen I understand Blight can be frustrating but there are things you can do against him. If I can manage to defeat very good Blights by simply wasting enough of their time, like not even me playing super well - just playing well enough to waste enough time for my team to make progress and vice versa, you can win.
There's no need to be hostile about it, many of us are just trying to help
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Keep on dc’ing then. 2100 hours and you still can’t hold your own in game, but rather dc cause something doesn’t go your way.
Blight is one of the more fun killers to go against.
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I mean, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that
But Killer is not like that for many of us. I know people will say Killer is the easiest its ever been and it's true to a certain point
If you don't wanna play Blight yourself, that's fine - maybe watch someone else play him for a bit, see if you learn anything.
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So you don't play killer.... But you just know how easy it is? Listen man I thought this way when I first started, I was a hard survivor main even back in the 2017 days when the game was most definitely survivor sided, all I can say to you is: Play killer. Don't just hop on one game, play until you get a decent rank and actually face semi-competent survivors that know how to work together. If you don't then you can't really comment on how easy someone is or isn't hard to play.
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Never once said I DC, but I don't expect you to actually understand what I wrote since you haven't paid attention to it yet.
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I think his base power is great. It just seems a couple of his addons are very strong. But I don't mind personally too much. Nurse is the killer I could complain all day about. 😅
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tbh I wonder what a world in which Blight was the strongest Killer in the game would look like
If Nurse didn't exist and Blight was the peak of Killer power level
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I have played killer. I have to do it for challenges. I do not enjoy it. It's not fun.
I can win almost every game if I want to put forth the effort as killer. I don't want to torment people, so I don't enjoy it. I play survivor with friends or solo for blood points. Once bots come out, I'll never touch a game with random people again.
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Ok once again, you play at very high ranks, you're gonna destroy. I'm not saying you've never played killer at all but if you haven't played blight past a couple games then you haven't faced good players. Going back to my example of when I started the game: My first game I loaded up as Hillbilly and absolutely demolished them, it made me think "Wow, killers have it soooo easy, how can they complain? They're just big babies!" and so I went on the forums (steam discussions) and made tons of anti-killer pro-survivor posts, and then I kept playing and as I made my way down in the ranks I realized that playing against competent people sucked. There was the pallet vacuum, old decisive, and everything like that. Of course it isn't near as bad now but the same logic still applies. If you are experienced at the game and play killer, even if you don't do it a lot, you will 90% of the time stomp people in higher ranks.
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If you have to put forth effort to win then how is that tormenting people? Like if you don't enjoy killer I 100% respect your POV but it's far from effortless.
Can it be easy sometimes? Def. Same for survivor though, sometimes matchmaking has a moment and gives you BabyMyers20 who's got 1 yellow perk
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I rarely lose and I typically play Doc or Nemesis. I've been playing for 4 years now, so I'm fairly certain my mmr is more than high enough on them both, though I wish it wasn't. It's very easy to win, but it's not fun to.
I don't play blight for the same reason I stopped playing Legion. It's agonizingly unpleasant to play against.
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Playing for challenges isn’t “playing killer”. That’s the issue and where the misunderstanding is. So many survivor mains don’t know what killer is like at higher levels and against competent players. It can be very very brutal. Even as blight. I have plenty games where I 3k & 4k. But there are also games where I struggle to get 1k against a SWF or a competent set of solo’s. It’s not a walk in the park.
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And how many times you 3-4k addonless?
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You can tunnel someone out every game. It's incredibly easy to win. It's not fun for them. It's not fun for me. So I avoid playing it at all. I really only play survivor and I go in with the expectation of everyone dying. I've played about 14-15 hours in the last three days. All survivor. I have escaped 5 times. Most were hatch. Doesn't matter if I can loop the killer 5+ minutes. The gens will not be done regardless of if they do get done, I get camped.
The game is severely slanted towards killer. It might have, years ago, been in the favor of top end survivors. It is far from it now.
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Ok, playing for multiple years doesn't mean you're going against good people though. You rank resets, not as bad as it used to, but it still can put you back down if you don't play killer enough for a long period of time. There's absolutely nothing wrong with not playing killer if you don't find it fun, but if you don't play a lot then you won't end up with great players. MMR also hasn't been around forever, back in the day it was just 20-1 and the game would try its best to put you with relevant ranks, and so not all of your years of playing are taken into account by MMR.
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During the day 11am to like 6pm can be rough. The quality of the survivor teams is tremendously higher during the day. I’d say it’s 50/50 between 2-3k. Sometimes 0-1k.
During the night 8pm-3am, I 3k+ probably 60-70% or my games. Just rough guesses. I made rank awhile ago so I don’t really try hard for a 4k.