How long do we have to beg for a Nurse change?

Like for real how long do people have to disconnect, kill themselves on first hook, creators Post Videos about it and people here demand a change to nurse before it will happen and this one killer doesn't hold the game back anymore.
People give reasons why she needs a rework. Data shows that she needs a rework
There are Tons of Videos showing how broken she is
So many people try to do the devs job and give ideas that are really good.
But still nothing is changing. Yeah sure 2 of her addons got nerfed but it's only touching the tip of the iceberg.
I think it's one of two options:
Option 1: BHVR thinks she's fine, or doesn't want the backlash from nerfing her so she won't be nerfed
Option 2: BHVR doesn't know how to nerf her enough without killing her completely so they're waiting.
Of course I don't work at BHVR so I don't know anything but those are just my guesses, and I think they're pretty reasonable. I'd say after a while of enough complaining she will get a nerf though. I think it would do the whole game good if she could be.
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Nurse doesn't need a change. I would be interested to see your data.
Range add-ons and 3 blink add-on do need a change. But those are the only problematic aspects of Nurse.
YouTube videos are going to show wins. That's a given.
Ragequitting and ruining it for your teammates is not the way to go.
Outside of her initial two batch of deserved nerfs, devs have virtually never said she is an issue, nor that she needs or is planned to receive changes. In comparison, basically every single other problematic part of DBD has been addressed either as a plan or by action. For instance, old DS? Mentioned it will need a change and then got a change. Mori being 1-hook? Addressed and changed. Old keys and hatch? Addressed and changed.
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devs don’t care. Same as soloQ buffs
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Which is clearly why devs have mentioned they're looking into ways to improve it for solo queue, such as testing out status icons in the UI to show what teammates are doing. Because they don't care.
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tbf most of the videos are cherry picked
I'd say improve solo Q first, see if that helps people deal with Nurse. Coordination vs a Nurse is needed I feel.
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Nurse already got nerfed for several times. Nurse need no more nerfes. The other killers need buffs.
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Personally, I consider the main two "issues" to be that (1) solo queue have no means of communication or knowing what teammates are doing and (2) she is extremely different from other killers both in playing as and against her, and the in-game tips/tutorial does not do anywhere near good enough of a job of explaining how to play against her to survivors.
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And where are them?? A killer main create a discussion asking if dredge would be buffed, and Mandy answer him. They buff dredge because they said they heard us. But you won’t find any response to a surv main saying something positive to us about soloQ or the massive killer sided status of this game now
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I think most Nurse players could be beaten if people had a bit more coordination and a bit more grit (as in not giving up if they get downed quickly). I know Starstruck Nurse isn't fun for anyone but the Nurse but it's not unbeatable
My stance on Nurse has shifted since Range addons aren't OP anymore. I still think she's got issues that need addressing but for the most part she's manageable by competent survivors. (not saying I'm competent mind, but I can deal with Nurse, most of the time)
The question is what do we do with casual people who don't play as much as you or I.
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The problem with nurse is that if the nurse player is skilled beyond a certain point, it literally doesn't matter if survivors are potatoes or insane gods. They will go down to two blink hits back to back (three blink hits if deadharded) unless they can also teleport(ie hack).
Nurse is the only killer where this is the case. Be good enough at her and the skill level of survivors starts to not matter.
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It's work in progress, as the devs have literally said. Devs said they are looking into ways to help combat reckless tunneling/camping and guess what the result was? Took a while for them to figure out an idea to do, but they did and now there's 10s Haste/Endurance off hook basekit so teammates feel less screwed over for not running Borrowed Time which was nearly necessity before.
That's pretty much my mindset. If the game did way better at explaining and solo queue lack of info wasn't miserable, I think it would actually help most of the issues.
Regarding your point on casual players, I personally feel like that boils more down to a matchmaking issue. Casual players exist in every game, but the game should be trying to match them against other similarly casual/less-experienced players more consistently. Regardless if Nurse or not, casual players regardless of side will be less-experienced with facing pretty much anything correctly/playing it well. But a better in-game guide for tips and tricks would also help for anyone interested, as well as improving the loading screen tips.
For instance, against Plague, a new loading screen tip could be like "If you are going to cleanse your sickness, you should do it as far away from incomplete generators and other survivors as possible. This will make Plague take a lot of time if she wants to obtain usage of her power Corrupt Purge." So people don't just willy-nilly cleanse right next to a generator that needs to be done.
Example of Nurse tips: "Be unpredictable as possible. If you consistently double back, the killer can learn and adapt. Mix it up! Break line of sight, double back without looking back, look back but don't double back, go random directions, etc. Observe how they play and adapt to it."
That is just wrong. You can see good players doing well or even beating Nurse.
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The only issue with Matchmaking is that "High mmr" is essentially non-existant due to the soft cap so a casual player will eventually end up hitting that soft cap which will lead to them being put with people wayyy above that
I think even you mentioned it on the thread about Alf's nurse streak
no idea how you could even solve that really, good luck BHVR
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Her main two issues, but not the only ones. Being able to one shot because her attack is not considered special is another issue, starstruck consistently proving this (hey, """"certain"""" killers might have gotten too much use out of AA ;)) ) and I honestly wouldn't mind if the double stun at pallets would come back (labeled as a solved bug) -> would make stunning her mid blink actually rewarding
Post edited by egg_ on0 -
Yeah, it's definitely not an easy issue to solve. Devs mentioned it in a Q&A stream too. Because of people that are way too high up, they get matched with worse players so queues don't take literally hours and so the soft cap is dynamic. However, I think that soft cap is a bit too low currently personally. I wish I could see what the inner workings are like, I'm so intensely curious.
I get why they removed the double stun for futureproofing consistency, but to be honest, I think functionally, the double stun was perfectly fine. Being able to oneshot is not an issue. Certain maps being too small and exacerbating the effects of TR are the issue, not that.
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How hubris of you to think that disconnecting and killing themselves on first hook should be rewarded.
The distance addon were change. They are back to the way they should of been. Maybe instead of giving up try to actually survive and help your team.
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This is extremely flawed logic
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"Data shows she needs a rework" which data?
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To be fair, she's much harder for survivors now with the new balancing. They could end up saying this before too long
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Where are the responses to my questions of buffing or changing Freddy and his addons?
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Most of the new base killer changes didn't affect her in any impactful manner. The only significant one really was the +10s increase to generator completion time. Bloodlust is irrelevant (slower than survivor by default + charging Blink immediately cancels build up), pallet break/wall break speed is irrelevant, 0.2s faster generator kick is basically irrelevant, generator kick doing 2.5% progress (2.25s) of damage by default by itself is pretty much irrelevant if no regression perks are actually used, attack cooldown is irrelevant because of fatigue, and post-hit recovery being 0.2s shorter doesn't matter because Nurse operates in burst-fatigue patterns instead of continuously walking behind the survivor.
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You're wrong though, range addons are still OP. The speed to the blink was just the icing, but their problem was the fact that they remove entirely one of her most important counterplays: distance.
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They're still good but not OP imo
The speed was what made them unbearable to go against. I can actually play against a range addon Nurse now
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Got nerfed 2 weeks ago. I know she is still broken, but its not like they do nothing.