Legion is insufferable to play against (and other things I hate about Legion)

I don't know on what planet constant mending yourself is fun. While in Frenzy, they are told where the other survivors are after a hit and they can jump over obstacles. You can't escape it. The game drags on and on, mending and mending. Legion seems to be more popular than ever, I get one one in every 5 games or so. Other things I hate about Legion.
- Their lore of being edgelord teenagers.
- The fact the name "The Legion" was wasted on edgelord teenagers.
- Chase music is garbage that sounds like it was made by edgelord teenagers.
I feel you with the mending, though I really don't think Legion needs a change. They are very good at slowing the game down but are not OP.
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Certainly do not think they are OP. The issue is it is a drawn out game defined by constantly mending.
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Those damned teens, huh? Okay, boomer.
(just kidding, I am probably one of the oldest people here)
Yeah, they're miserable to face. Almost always an escape, almost always a tedious, miserable slog to get there. The 1-2 of being weak and boring.
But I've only been playing Dead by Wesker for the past couple of weeks, so all non-Wesker killers are but fading memories.
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Legion is one of those killers where the fun for the killer was a priority and the fun in versing him was an afterthought.
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Come on, the chase music is literally the only good thing about a Legion match. I might be in miserable mending purgatory for half of my natural lifespan, but at least I get a sweet bop to listen to. Especially with Julie's/Joey's mixtape.
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the chase music is sick be quiet
besides that yeah legion are in a sad state. the buff honestly didn't do a lot, they're still severely map dependent and awful to play against. they needed a total rework
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Clearly the solution to this is to add skill checks to mending because im getting that people are fine with generators.
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Like being Joey and I never use frenzy on wounded survivors. Most of the time Iโll frenzy one person and if thereโs not a massive clump of healthy survivors near Iโll just continue to chase the first person, cancel frenzy when Iโm closer and down them.
Ive played against plenty of Legions though to know that most donโt do this and want โvalueโ from their power even if itโs not the optimal play. Honestly I wish two things for Legion.
- Feral Frenzy has another effect aside deep wound on a hit. Better yet if it doesnโt work on survivors already wounded.
- Failing this a meme add on that makes it so Feral Frenzy does not deep wound and will stop if you hit a wounded survivor.
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idk about you but whenever I'm working on a gen and I see the deep wound bar I begin to wonder
"Why do I hear a distant bass approaching?"
Being a Legion enjoyer is a weird thing
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I still feel like it was mis-advertised that they called it a rework at all. A rework is what Freddy got. Legion got an addon pass, some numbers buffs, and an additional effect to their power that's both situational and very easy for experienced survivors to deny.
Legion still sucks to play as and against because they're the same Legion that always sucked to play as and against, just with some duct tape and sweet riffs taped on. They're never going to fix the part where Legion is about as fun as a root canal until they make it so that his gameplay isn't unavoidably finding everyone, unavoidably stabbing them, and running away to do M1 killer things to the last victim while the rest of them mend.
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i don't hate Legion, but just feel some of their addons are too powerful :
- SMILEY FACE PIN (brown) 60 sec blindness after mending for a brown addon ? are you kidding me ? Solo queue is already hard enough you need to equip Kindred to have a chance, but this addon completely counters it...
- THE LEGION PIN (green) 60 sec broken after mending... This addon basically forces you to be injured the whole match since you'll never get the chance/time to heal before they hunt you again with Feral Frenzy anyway...
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i just dont like the long match times against legion.
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*Sad Legion main noises*
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heads up, at least you dont main puke-arella
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He was always the most boring killer to play against since his release at least with Nurse the game ends in 3 mins then gg go next with Legion games are just so painfully long...
I hate them and Plague the most as a For the People enjoyer.
only good thing about Legion is the chase music.
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Chase music is garbage that sounds like it was made by edgelord teenagers.
Did you mute Doom Eternal and just listen to Friends reruns?
Maybe some Beetles while playing Metal Gear Rising with the sound off?
Imagine Dragons over top of Devil May Cry V?
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The only killer that consistently makes me want to DC. Just a bad experience. You hear that music and know the game is gonna last 45 mins due to the way 90% of legions play.
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Bummed out that his "rework" wasn't so much of one. It was more like buffs to his power from before. They should change his power. Keep his power of vaulting windows and pallets, but make it for something else.
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"You can't escape it" bruh , spread out to different gens , just hold W while he is suffering from the 3 seconds cooldown , hold W if legion is chaining hits / 99% your mending all the time and just finished once you about 2 seconds left / dont be cocky while getting chase because legions is still a M1 killer when trying to go for downs so play smarter and safe, and there you go a insanely poweful counterplay for a killer that isnt really strong really , dear lord people have to learn that the only power of legion is Injure people and nothing else ๐ , no anti-loop , pretty much no map preassure , a decent medkits completly destroys legion.
however the purple addon that increases mending to 14 seconds is boring thats for sure to use and go against. but other than that base mending takes 10 seconds . jeeez people overreact for no reason
I feel the same , but seeing how freddy was reworked this scary me a bit.
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Legion is a killer that a total rework is called for.
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The problem I have with Legion is he feels like the same concept as Wraith. A killer that's only punishing in solos cause apparently the concept of doing gens is lost to people.
And also the fact that every release of a new killer, the first match is always Thana, Ruin Legion.
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Yeah I've come to the realization that Legion is only annoying to face because people play in odd ways that make him a nightmare to face
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Preach! ๐๐ป
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He should've been reworked.
I KNEW a buff wouldn't fix his core issues. He is still a ######### Killer, he's just even more awful to play against now.