I don't need a date just a yes or no because a ton of comments and videos summarizes how trash experience can be.
I need to try to ask, this other killer sided one was answered...
BHVR already stated they are working on testing improvements for solo queue, where the latest example they're working on is status indicators showing what other survivors are doing.
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Like the person said above there adding status effects to the hud icons to show what each survivor is doing
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I know BHVR doesn't like giving dates but it would be helpful. The info gap is a major reason for the delta between SWF and solo performance.
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Why don't we just buff the game and delete killer role?
You don't need to worry about any toxic Killer move
And just enjoy your game with a bot who can't think and doesn't have brain?
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im sorry if you feel worried devs could buff survs so you can’t 4k every game, but this is not a discussion about you. It’s about devs answering to killer but not to survs when you can find thousand of discussion about soloQ situation
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They announced a while back about giving solo q HUD icons to let survivors know what their teammates are doing, but it has been put on hold because they had to do a big balance patch, plus some of the things they had planned to release in this year's road map had been postponed so we have zero clue when it's coming.
Bhvr has a bad track record with releasing things in a timely manner, as they revealed Mori reworks nearly three years ago and they're just now releasing it this year. So with this track record I'm going to assume we won't see these HUD icons 2 years from now at the earliest. Who knows though, maybe they'll surprise me.
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I’ve heard maybe next anniversary but could be anytime.
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Or maybe they can tell us
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Can you show me this source where it's been confirmed?
I don't think this is bad if introduced but right now this thread is looking like a yt click bate vid
I edited the title of your link to my post after there was 100% conformation inorder to avoid miscommunication
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Any buff to solo will also be a buff to swf. Excellent all caps title tho.
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Holy Christ you think bug fixes are killer sided. Lost cause.
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this was answered by devs also, it was a buff. But I’m not talking about killer buffs
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The HUD-icons we saw once is not something the developers made, it’s an example from some Reddit member. The icons was not mentioned in any form in the latest road map. Therefore, sadly, my guess is it is not coming anything to help out solo q in the foreseeable future. Just some perk and balance-fixes, the 10 seconds endurance/speed helped a lot.
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And don’t you think they can say something seeing so many discussions about it?
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I would very much appreciate some statement on this issue, yes.
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OP's blatant bias and posting history is a highlight of my forum visits.
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This is the entire post with click bait
But here's a question what's a fix only for the solo player that dosent make playing killer not fun either
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Weren't you going to uninstall?
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BHVR said in January DU they will thinking for HUD action icons for solos, BUTTT, they said too those improvements could be complete forget and that was just an ideia, and we shouldnt expect that to soon. So, after 6.1 update, solo is terrible and inflated a lot the rage about solo gameplay, recently they postponed wiggle changes to 2023 spring ( 1 month ago they post about this in their twitter) instead late 2022, so, i hope soloq improvements come to january 2023 midchapter, maybe 26.5. But, i wouldnt be surprise if nothing happen about solos.
solo improvements doesnt will be buff for SWF, they communicate through voice chat or whatever already, why will help them?
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Two Way Street
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Anything that increases the escape rate of solos will also increase the escape rate of 2 SWF and 3 SWF groups, which are the majority of SWF groups.
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Doesnt matter, 4 survivors are a team, they need know what happen about their teamates, buff killers again if that solo improvements will disbalance the game, but, people doesnt know things about teammates is unfair. Icon hud its ok, i dont like voice chat, because is just call and ok, icon u need skill for knew what do. The real problem is BHVR will release together, if release that of course, the same they did with change in the 6.1.. They should release just generator and chase icons first, and add more after if necessary and not all things
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Actually I think the icons will be on the 2023 roadmap, after all they were already partially developed in January and only got put on hold to make room for all the other reworks going on in 2022.
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SWFs having voice communication is unfair for killers. Voice communication breaks core game mechanics.
They never committed to the icons. They showed a UI that someone else made, and gave it as an example of things they were looking at.
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They never commit to anything not on the roadmap until it's done.
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That wouldn't be so bad, actually. Considering that half the current player base seem like bots already.
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We shouldn't tell people that BHVR said they will do something, if they haven't actually committed to it yet. We can tell people that BHVR said it was an example of something they were discussing, but we shouldn't tell them it's on a roadmap.
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I never said the icons were on a roadmap. They do have an official roadmap for 2022 though, the perk and prestige system reworks were part of it, and unless I'm forgetting something I think the only main things left on the 2022 roadmap besides obviously a new killer and survivors in the EOY chapter are custom matches versus bots and the mori rework.
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They don't engage in survivor topics.
Expect more survivor perk nerfs. We all know this game is supposed to be a walk in the park for killer mains. It has been made abundantly clear that survivors are the red headed step child of the game.
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You literally said "Actually I think the icons will be on the 2023 roadmap".
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And? Reread what I said there and what I said above.
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It is much more accurate to tell people that icons are just an example BHVR gave, of things they are looking into, and it might not happen.
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As I expected no answer from bhvr. You’ll see the next killer discusión asking for a response from the devs.
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Why do the hyperbolic and "sarcastic " comment's always have to be that much over the top, is this because tiktok had eroded this generations ability to be tickled by normal intensity experiences?
This is the same as if you tell a story were some survivors totally dominated you and the next guy chimes in with "oh yes, we should delete all fun perks and start all survivors on hooks".
This kind of hyperbole isn't making a clever point, it's making you look way less intelligent then you probably are.
Just saying.
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The basekit BT was a pretty huge buff for survivors. Unless you want a buff for solos only. Which by default isn't possible. Simply because every buff ultimately also benefits SWF.
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I'm Not the one using a clown as profile picture
This is a forum I have the right to say my opinion If you got a problem it's not my fault you don't have the Decency to understand the current game situation
Just Saying
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I am trying really hard to empathise with you and see things form your POV, but I must be too limited in my capacity,so please help me with a few key points.
1) is soloQ players needed as a punching ball, so that a buff to soloQ players only leaves us with the option of deleting the killer role?
2) how is me throwing shade at your unrelated comment showing my indecency to acknowledge the state of the game? Criticising your way of expressing your opinion doesn't translate to me agreeing to the state of the game in any way.
3) how does my choice of a pfp, ie the killer Clown, to my comment being any less valuable or valid? Is there a ranking of pfp that factor into this? Do certain pfp have to bow down to others? Are only survivor pfp allowed to voice opinion about survivor matters and vice versa? In that light your objection makes even less sense since clown is a killer. I am honestly lost for direction here, so please help a bro out.
Or maybe we shouldn't try to bash our heads in over nothing AND maaaybe also learn a bit about debating, discussing, reasoning and he whole culture behind this.
Happy gaming, Mr Nemesis.
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Something, like icons and/or more communication, needs to be done to put solo Q and SWF on approximately the same playing field. SWF will always have an advantage over random, but right now its so massive that its like two different games. That's impossible to balance.
Or to put it another way, let's say a change made the game 25% easier for solos and 5% easier for SWF. Have survivors gotten overall stronger? Absolutely, but the playing field is now more level. Once that occurs actual balance can be looked at.
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Devs have released this. But I think they scheduled it for next year...
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Buffing soloQ will not make it any better.... It will not remove the survivors that are still hiding at the corners and not doing gens or helping people. It will not remove ragequitting survivors that dont like something about the match.
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I stand by what I said.
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This game is actually garbage. Maybe 1 escape per 10 - 20 games on average in soloq as survivor. I'm getting to a 30% of my games 4K with 5 gens in about 5m. I'm lost to an argument on how this game is enjoyable.
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I'm quite happy playing Soloq as is to be completely honest, but agree it would benefit from some buffs.
Personally I'd just love them to make Kindred basekit. A simple change, but would help coordinate players without any need for communication.
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This discussion is not about small or big buff for survs, it’s about devs saying something about the situation of soloQ. Because if a killer main ask about a buff for a killer they don’t have any problem to answer him, but I see hundred of post about the situation of soloQ and they say nothing
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They don't always answer about killer buffs. We've been asking for years for BHVR to tell us how they plan on buffing killers if they buff solo q to be closer to SWF, and we still have ZERO ideas from BHVR on this.