Off the Record must be removed



  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Your first sentence explains it all

    As i said I'm done arguing so good luck

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    As stated before. I am all for removing OtR + BT. But remove it in whole package. Revert all 6.1 buffs. I don't think it would be good for the game, but it will definitelly make the game 50% wr again instead of this killer fiesta.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Been there and done that.

    Yes it does explain everything. I am happy you finally agree to my points.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited September 2022

    "Discordance" isn't an anti genrush Perk. It is a aura reading perk. But considering that is noticing you when a gen is repaired by 2 survivors, you can call that an 'anti genrush perk'.

    Anyway, this topic is very entertaining, reading all these eternal & endless complains about 'genrush' & 'tunneling strat' is very refreshing. Thank you for this good moment @Takeda_Nobutada you will be remembered for decades.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    I'm the last person on earth who would agree with you buddy

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    I'm saying facts glad you enjoy The Facts hope you understand the game better now and eh not sure about being remembered by everyone but I'll surely make certain people remember me

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    At the beginning of the trial, Discordance is as much useful as an Divine Intervention. All the Legion's players are used to this perk and many/everyone know how it works.

    BTW I always 'try to win a game with it', sometimes I do, sometimes I fail. Who's really care ?

    So I guess we can talk together if you really need some help.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I win more games from survivors hanging around doing unnecessary bodyblocks after they are unhooked then when they just run away, hide, heal, and do gens.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    That's exactly because there are players like you that the game mechanics need to take care of this this kind of behavior.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    Your whole comment is basically "I am absolutely terrible at the game so I want to abuse a game mechanics to make up for it and get easy kills instead of learning to play killer".

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Why do you quote me? And why on that reply? Now I am confused

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Absolute cap. You are, at most, hitting a survivor in chase 3 times and that's only if they have endurance off the hook via either basekit BT or Off the Record, plus dead hard, and mettle of man.

    You want endurance removed because you want to tunnel without consequence. Yes, the killer's job is to kill but the survivor's job is to survive. How do you propose they do that if you can just freely tunnel them out of the game?

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202
    edited September 2022

    I see your "off the record must be removed" and I raise you "off the record and decisive strike should both be base kit". Just don't tunnel lol.

    (Ideal world: both perks are base kit at full value but the survivor is highlighted to show they're effected and have no collision for the duration. Tunneling dies, abusing them to bodyblock dies, everyone is happy unless they're actually just scummy).

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    actually I agree they should remove endurance from OTR and make DS really strong and the main anti tunnel perk again, old DS was an healthy perk for the game, OTR is weak against actual tunneling and annoying for killers who tries to avoid it

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    survivors don't get special treatment just because they just got unhooked.

    I'm not gonna be like "uh oh, he got unhooked and I can easily punish that, better go to the other side of the map and find another survivor." That's silly.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

    Honey it was so bad before the perk overhaul literally no one used it.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    You know sweet cheeks, I was actually getting it mixed up with lucky break.

    But looking at the original, nah I'd stick with it.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753
    edited September 2022

    The only, singular thing I would change with Off the Record, or endurance in general is that it is disabled if you become healthy. Every single endurance effect requires you to be injured or going from downed to injured to activate, it's only fair that it gets disabled if the player is fully healed to healthy state in my opinion. That would prevent awkward bodyblocks with Off the Record from heatlhy.

    Bodyblocks while injured with OtR is a waste of time and not a problem.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    That's exactly because you don't see any moral problem there that developpers need to terminate your hurry to tunnel, by making it non optimal to tunnel.

    That's also why it is heavily demanded that DS becomes baseline (and personally I thin kbaseline should be 5 seconds, and DS either makes it longer or makes it an exhaustion perk with move speed after the stun).

    If you're gonna be like "I'm going for the guy that got unhooked", the game needs to tell you No.

    If you don't understand why, that's okay. You don't need to if the game tells you no.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 524

    I think you mean Off the Record should give you two hits instead of one to make up for all the tunneling killers are doing.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469
    edited September 2022

    If the survivor is able to mend 4 times to take a hit 5 times, then good on them and bad on you. Since you can't use endurance while being in deep wound, clearly you're doing something wrong. Off the record is perfect. It's easy to avoid, you can just not tunnel them within the perks activated time, or just hit them and move on, or use stbfl if it bothers you. It does not need to be removed, it's the most balanced perk we've had in a while.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Hook sabotaging is literally a mechanic thats apart of the game. Teabagging doesn't affect gameplay, it's just a visual thing that people get mad at. Genrushing isn't really a thing, gens are literally the only survivor objective to be able to escape. And blocking for teammates is encouraged, as you get protection hits for doing so.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Plainly, there is nothing wrong with re-downing or re-hooking.

    The only problem is if your specifically being targeted for whatever reason. Maybe it's because of your name, maybe because of your character.

    Me re-hooking a Rebecca that got unhooked as I'm walking away from the hook isn't me specifically targeting her. Its me taking advantage of the situation. That's all.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Then in that case tunneling isn't a thing

    Slugging is a visual thing that people cry about

    Camping is a Mechanic of game

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    No.. that doesn't make sense. Slugging isn't just a visual thing, cause survivors have to wait on the ground for 4 minutes until they bleed out, which is a waste of time and boring. Tunneling is a thing obviously, when a survivor is targeted, and no one else is being chased or hooked except that one person... that's tunneling. And camping isn't a mechanic, it's not coded into the game, it's a playstyle from killers that they CHOOSE to do.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Ok so Killers can't tunnel-camp-slug

    They just stand still and look good and when a survivor came close to them they think if they should hit or not because that might ruin a survivor's game right?

    So with all that considered the game is survivor sided

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469
    edited September 2022

    That's not what I said at all. I think it's fine for killers to camp and tunnel to an extent when there's 2-0 gens and they have no kills. Obviously it's the killers job to kill. But the problem is when killers are doing this early game and not allowing people to actually play the game, if you kill off someone quickly they get little points and only spent a little amount of time in the match, and just isn't fair overall. But you were wanting to take away one of the very few perks survivors have to counter tunneling, even though that perk is completely balanced and fine. And I think slugging is completely fine, until you are letting the survivor bleed out, that's just uncool when you could just hook them and get it over with.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Why 2 gens? when Survivors Genrush all the game?

    This is the killers objective to kill It's written in their name KILL-ER someone who kills

    If someone tries to kill you you tell them don't tunnel me i wanna run?

    And don't bother bringing up it's a game cuz people bring reality in video games so it's pretty much a thing

    And yes I want this perk gone Because it's unhealthy It's as unhealthy As Map designs it's as unhealthy as 2nd chance perks in fact it is one of them

    Why you Take away EVERYTHING that killers has just to make survivors happy?

    80 seconds of Armor and sprint burst and then the beautiful part of the game kicks in Broken Maps

    Every single Perks is destroyed by company to make the game a living hell for killer mains

    Ruin= Gets Deactivated after a kill

    Pop goes the weasel= Got Ruined by decreasing percentage of regressing

    Thanatophobia= Again decreasing the percentage

    Noed= Survivors can see the perk from 24 meters even tho it's endgame

    What part of Surviors kit got nerfed?

    Dead hard= Sprint burst Twice the amount of Previous Dead hard you can simply escape and enjoy your 2nd chance

    DS= it's still a pain and it will always be a pain

    Off the record= 80 second armor by doing nothing So you can take a free hit for your teammates and simply revive the game

    Seriously i don't see what you're on about This Perk is broken

    Devs are taking useful perks from Killers so People like you could enjoy their game Isn't this unfair?

    This is my last comment on this topic and it's officially closed

    Accept it Or not It's a fact and you can't change it

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469
    edited September 2022

    I disagree completely. And I don't think you read the patch notes. Survivor got more nerfs in the midchapter than killer since killer got a bunch of base buffs. DS no longer works when the gates are powered and is now only a 3 second stun (Makes it no longer worth running). Iron will can't be used when exhausted and only make you 75% quiter. Off the record got nerfed after the ptb, making it no longer work when the exit gates are powered. Self care takes even longer to heal. Yes it is the killers job to kill, but bhvr still needs to put stuff in place to not make it miserable for survivors when they are tunneled and camped. Hence perks like off the record, reassureance, bt and ds.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564

    Because you know they have Off the Record.

    A survivor under an Endurance Buff cannot do ANYTHING except evade you. They added "Conspicuous Actions" to Endurance effects. If a survivor does anything like touching a generator, bless/cleanse a totem, heal another survivor, unhook another survivor... the Endurance effect deactivates. So a survivor wanting to maximize their Off the Record value is completely useless. It doesn't need to be removed or nerfed, it's actually in a way more useful tot he killer, as long as they are not tunneling.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    If survivors are gen-rushing too easily then you're probably taking too long in chases, as for body blocks, that survivor is doing absolutely nothing to provide any benefits for the team.

    If you don't go after the unhooked, then Off the Record does nothing and if you so happen to find them after a while and they still have endurance then they basically did nothing for the team.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    If you camp the hook (camping from 32 meters away is still camping, feigning going away when in reality you're waiting for the unhook) and then retargetting the rebecca instead of the Leon that unhooked her is called tunneling.

    Behavior admitted that this was a problem and is trying (kinda... but they're slow) to entirely remove that strategy from the game, because it obviously leads to a lot of players disconnecting on the first down because of the fear they might not get to play the game at all due to tunneling.

    This leads to other players losing shortly after.

    That's why OtR exists. So that if you use that strategy, it takes you an additional hit.

    That's why DS should be baseline, so that if you still go for that rebecca, you'd eat an additional hit AND then get DS'd, requiring to chase even longer, and in the end losing all generators.

    And honestly, we still need more mechanics that happen if you tunnel someone out of the game anyway, like giving a HUGE repair speed bonus to all other survivors if they've never been hooked.

    When behavior finally puts these mechanics in the game, you're probably going to stop playing killer. And... that's exactly the goal. You either learn to play as killer or leave the game. Everyone's winning either way.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Its as I said. I'll only call it actual "tunneling" if you are specifically targeting someone. I might specifically target someone because they blinded me at a pallet.

    The game in question I had no intention of camping or tunneling. That does not mean I won't kill a survivor if given the chance.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    Well if you hook someone then specifically target them... doesn't it count??

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    2 Survivors on a gen takes ~53s. A brown toolbox saves 8 gen seconds for the entire game. So twice per match the survivors can complete duo 1 gen in ~37s. That still leaves 3 gens and the survivors now have no items.

    The game is survivor sided at the highest end of play, which is not any match that any of us are playing in. Most tournament players only scrim against fellow tourny players. Also the matchmaking system has been revealed to essentially cover half the playerbase when at "top MMR".

    The normal matches most people play in result in killers slaughtering solo-q survivors, and having a fair match against SWFs that are actually trying to escape. Most SWFs are friends of varying skill levels just trying to goof off with their friends anyways. If the killer wants to take it serious/sweaty they can fake tunnel the weak survivor to trick the others to take protection hits and give free downs.

    Killers that camp and tunnel then lose from better survivors, are doing themselves a disservice by artificially inflating their kill count. If I play for 12 hooks then I will always get people my skill level. If I play for the "win", I will use any method to cheese and not learn how to outplay people or learn the intricacies of my killer's power in various scenarios. Losing is an important facet of learning. A loss is only a waste if you learned nothing from it. Although to be fair, a loss as killer on Garden of Joy is learning that map is a mechanical nightmare and an exercise in patience as opposed to skill.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Not really working like that. I wasn't specifically going after Rebecca that game. I was playing normally. Rebecca, unfortunately for her, found herself in an easy position to be downed. Even being unhooked mere feet away from me.

    I might feel bad that their teammate just farmed them, but who am I to deny myself another easy down.

    it was just an unfortunate situation Rebecca found herself in that isn't really either of our faults.

    She was an easy target and I was simply her opposition.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    If you hit off the record, you went out of your way to tunnel her.

    Unkless she specifically ran into you, this is tunneling.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    No u filthy tunneler

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    You basically NEVER hit OtR.

    If you camp you hit or the basekit BT or the normal BT.

    If you not camp and you hit OtR the guy tried to use it aggressively and this is better for you.

    If neither these situations happen, once you meet the guy again OtR is ended due to time or Conspicuous actions.