Tips for pinhead

I just got pinhead and I'm struggling a bit. Any device anyone?


  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Franklins and Hoarder are pretty good on him, his power is hard to get used to but trying to land the marker on the survivor will make it much easier since its almost guaranteed to hit point blank.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited September 2022

    Just don't play him. It'll make everyone happier xd

    1. Okay but, when you use his power, try to either aim a little ahead of the survivors or right on their back. It makes it easier to hit his chains IMO
    2. It's not a waste to use his power in the open, try to not use it too much in messy loops with high walls and avoid indoor-maps.
    3. Franklin's and Hoarder is a waste on him ngl.
  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited September 2022

    It's unfortunate but for the most part, your powers of the chain are absolutely useless. They are a high risk, low reward power that you almost should never use unless you are REALLY good at it (and even then...). The chains in the best case scenario is that you save a two seconds of chase time but the worst case scenario is you miss and the survivor just got even farther away from you (or a lot of times it's a wash as they break the chains so fast that it would have been the same amount of time for you to just keep walking to the survivor). If you insist on using your chain powers, try to put the spawn point of the chain on top of the survivor so you basically just launch it and it hits right away. That takes some getting used to but once you get used to it, it's the best way I've found to use his chains.

    If a survivor starts working on the box and you see their little heartbeat thingy, teleport to them only if you are doing nothing else at the time and they're far away. If they are close, walk to them as you might get able to get a hit before they see you (since they are oblivious when they hold the box) and best case scenario you get the hit AND they keep the box in their hand (if you down them with the box in their hand, it'll trigger Chain Hunt). If you use Franklin's Demise with him, that will also cause the Chain Hunt to trigger. I do not do this but I know many Pinheads will.

    Personally I find the box so hard to see and it's so quiet that I don't really bother looking for it. Play like a normal M1 killer and keep pressure on survivors like you normally would and let Chain Hunt be an additional pressure cooker. Chain Hunt is when you can really snowball things because survivors can't really do anything while it is happening.

    Hopefully something in here helps you

  • if you want i'd be willing to go into a custom with you and share some information about him :)

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    This is bad advice imo. With this you give up half your build and it's relying on RNG. A big map and this build is useless, small maps it can be good still.

    Also bad advice. Playing him as an M1 killer with a 10s slowdown? If you can't land the chains at loops, play a different character. He is labeled "very hard" for a reason. The chains are plenty to shut down most loops if you land them at the right time.

    I would reccomend running 3x slowdowns and a chase perk. He is a killer who can be very painful at loops if you don't land chains like a robot so having something like bamboozle will make your life 10x easier.

    His addons are still insane and he's got plenty of DC inducing combinations.

    This one gets the DCs flowing. You can nail people on gens with the fang from outside his terror radius which is stupid as hell; and then hysteria usually has people running around blindly trying to figure out where you are even coming from after they eat the fang hit

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited September 2022

    I respectfully disagree

    I've gotten pretty good at hitting the chains. It is very rare that I hit someone with the chain to slow them down that saved me more time than just walking like normal and smacking them. Once in a while it does pay off (especially if they're a console player who hasn't changed their bindings so they do the slow crawl over the pallet they just dropped) but more often than not, I find it is a very risky power to use that rarely is worth the risk

    But ultimately it's your call how you run your Pinhead

    NOTE: This is my playstyle based on base kit Pinhead. YMMV on this advice pending your add-ons like the add-on screenshot you posted above

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    i like to think of his power as nurse's power but you don't teleport. try to learn the box spawn rng; if you pick it up yourself, then you instantly start a chain hunt. do not always teleport to the box solver, sometimes it is a bait by a swf member.

    survivors can see where you're opening the portal to chain (your power), so keep that in mind in order to not be juked. also, it can go through walls, if you charge it up long enough.

    some loops or god pallets (gideon's) your power just can't do enough. it takes experience knowing which. just take the normal chase and break the pallet. speaking of which, you can chain survivors on the other side of a pallet before breaking it to slow them down. in the most common loops, it is in general worth it to use your power. if you do, the survivors are almost guaranteed to be hit, because then they are unable to run.

    do consider using your power on survivors who insist on holding W; it can stop them from going to an insanely safe loop, or even simply running you around the 4 corners of the map. the cooldown is so short (even without addons) that there's no real downside to this, unless you use your power even though you would've gotten a hit seconds later without it anyways.

    one final thing off the top of my head, you can use the power to scout things ahead without having to launch it, saving you some time, especially in indoor maps with lots of walls. with that said, one of the things that you can do is check a totem, and launch a chain to cancel a survivor's cleansing action. you can also try to chain a survivor who you know has sprint burst to prevent it.

    with all that said, it's important to remember that pinhead still has 0 mobility, and chain hunt isn't always going to activate. prioritize slowdown perks in your build. (you can't go wrong with corrupt intervention)

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    It's not just landing the chains, it's landing them at the right time during the loop. Similar to a clown bottle, you are trying to get them at the apex of the loop while you are at the pallet. If you randomly land a chain sure, it might not do very much.

    I don't see why you wouid ever play a killer and then not use the power. All the slowdown in the world doesn't make that worth it, you might as well play a dedicated M1 killer like Wraith instead. A good survivor team will dumpster a 115 M1 killer with no real mobility or chase power

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    It's not that you can't use the chains, it's just that I find it's rare that they are actually useful. In the situations they are useful in, I'll launch them

    For me, Pinhead's power is the Chain Hunt, not his actual chains. My goal is to make the trial last as long as I can and let the Chain Hunt whittle away at the survivors.

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    hes not insanely hard once you get used to him.

    his power isn't as worthless as people say, but it is incredibly weak without the impaling wire. it can, however, be useful in a variety of situations that don't just include loops. practice with them as much as you can and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    his portal should be placed slightly ahead of the survivor in a chase or right on top of them, but you have a little bit of freedom targeting survs who aren't in a chase. remember that their turn rate kind of sucks no matter what addons you have, and you can't whip them as well as you can other powers. also his portal can be used for surveillance between floors.

    franklin's/hoarders is good if you want to play like a sweat, I guess. I personally hate it, because it's boring and I feel like hoarder's destroys the natural game sense you should have for the box. My current build is fire up/call of brine/dark devotion/oppression. I've seen a lot of success with it.

    also, engineer's fang is legitimately worthless. the injury on first hit isn't worth it because you'll lose hits you otherwise would've landed with your normal chain power. the best addon combo I've noticed is either maggots + rat skewer for faster cooldown and better turnrate or torture pillar + lament cube because survivors won't expect the chain hunt timer to be shorter and are less likely to look for the box early, especially since they can't see it when they're further than a certain distance.

    also you will get a lot of disconnects no matter how nice you play, because people refuse to learn pinhead's counterplay.

    hopefully this helps. I love hellraiser and pinhead is one of my favorite killers.