Why does BHVR think that survivor being able to hide in front of the killer is good game design?

We moved away from hide and seek, didnt we? Then why do killers still play through a periscope?
Because of some perks that survivors have, I can hit a survivor and lose him\her in 1 second.
Periscope... Hmm...
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Ah the ol 'FOV Tech'
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No hiding allowed, auras and noise notifications every 10 secs.
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I don't mind survivors trying to hide. What's wrong with it?
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They shouldn't be able to hide DIRECTLY in front of you. That's not how stealth works
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Actually I'm pretty sure that is exactly how stealth works if someone is well hidden.
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Can you see your feet when looking straight ahead?
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in front of you is NOT well hidden
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I can see object that are at least one meter tall in front of me, yes
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Please add FOV sliders so i stop getting motion sick
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Stuff like this goes both ways tbh
Like this stuff is rlly annoying especially with aim dressing screwing you over half the time
The other side is trying to stealth vs Killer using insanely bright filters, like wow - that's fair and totally just because it makes the game look better.
Not saying filters are good but you have to admit they make stealthing harder for survs
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I have been advocating this for awhile now. They either need to make Shadowborn base kit or give us a damn FOV slider.... Why does this game still not have that... Shadowborn is such a waste to put in any perk slot if you want to perform as Killer even at an amateurish level...... -_-
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*Monty Pythons How Not To Be Seen flashbacks intensivy* Oof
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"b-b-b-but all the sweaty nurse and blight mains will use it1!!!11"
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Shadowborn users be like: "wdym you guys use 4 perks"
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As if they don't use Shadowborn already
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What is the logic behind the narrow field of view by default and not being able to see the survivor diagonally ahead, yet being blinded by the flash light they use from that invisible position?
I have seen developers say that flashlights can be countered by facing the wall. But even when facing the wall or catching a rocker, the survivor who is not in sight can still be hit by the flashlight.
Why does it act as if shadow bones are applied only to determine when a survivor uses flashlight, when the killer's field of view is narrow by default?
sry my poor english
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"... Mr. Dwight Fairfield... would you stand up please? ..."
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Ah I see, a man of culture. No surprises here :)
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But of course! 😄
On a total tangent, John Cleese is one of my favorite comic actors. One of my favorite tidbits from him on comedy was something he said he learned over the course of doing Monty Python. It’s that while it can be funny to watch a person doing something really silly and dumb, it’s hilarious if you watch someone doing something silly and dumb while another character is sitting there in the scene also watching it happen and clearly thinking that person is an idiot. 😄 It’s why the ministry of silly walks is ok, for instance, but Cleese getting really frustrated at Michael Palin in the Dead Parrot sketch or Cheese Shop is pure gold.
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How often is this a problem for you? Do you not try to move forward and see that you can't?
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Have you tried to walk backwards?
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Have you tried turning if off and on again?
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have you tried not running into the killer and instead doing skillful things like looping
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I actually stopped running M&A as much I used to for this reason hah. The increased FOV makes blinds happen at really weird angles. Some time ago, I got a flashy save against a Nurse by blinding the back of her head because she had Shadowborn.
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fov techs are absolutely annoying I keep getting people doing it as wesker when I wanna tentacle in cqc so I resorted to shadowborn
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I think they can't do it, because of gameplay reasons.
There has to be a set fov so neither side gets an unfair advantage.
Imagine if walking speed was random. A few percents one or the other way and you can't be certain you'll get to that pallet or be able to get that hit.
Hey, atleast there is a perk like shadowborn. There could've been none.
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Movement speed aint an accessibility option like FOV in literally every other game out there tho
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True. I could've thought about a better example. But I wasn't thinking about the fov slider as an accessibillity option, sorry.
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funny aspect is that 360 do not work because you can just walk backwards as the survivor tries to run into you, then lunge. just careful of dead hard. you can also follow the survivors movement and baby m1 so I do not even know what what the bad FOV for killer is about.
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Hiding is a base thing and survivors want to avoid being chased or hit. So its good as it is.
Also it even counts to your points or badges at the end if you are hidden near killer.
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Killers wouldn't do any better at mid or lower levels is the problem with that theory. The developers are wrong about that. All they have to do is a BASE KIT SHADOWBORN test for a week or something and watch the rates stay exactly the same. The truth is there is NO reason at all that the FOV can't be increased to at least Shadowborn levels other than laziness.
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Having it change as basekit with no option to adjust it will cause motionsickness issues in other players than it does now. There is no magic number with FoV, just values that make good starting points for console vs pc due to their likely configurations.
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Flashlight angles ?
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People don’t seem to understand. It literally does not matter if it gives an advantage. It should be implemented regardless, because it is literally a differentiator in whether some people can play without a migraine. Did doing so actually affect balance significantly? Then adjust or give compensation elsewhere. This is like telling people colorblind settings should be limited to a perk, or hard-of-hearing people should be forced to use Spine Chill.
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To be honest with how many small things that can catch up Killers large hotboxes I sometimes think I'm stuck on something and don't bother looking down.
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I also hate this -- partly because it feels bad to play against, but also because it breaks my suspension of disbelief. I'm definitely one of those players who's like, "Okay, let's roleplay the scenario and pretend we're actually running through an abandoned ski resort -- whee!" and not the kind that's like, "Even if the killer would be able to see me in real life, the FOV is broken in the game, so I'm just going to play the game mechanics and stand in this random blind spot." To me, that's not fun.
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Give us the slider then. Whatever gives the most options. Anything is better than the current state of FOV.
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Sure. I want better FOV if that means I have to run Lightborn then so be it. :D Just want a FOV slider.
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The type of stealthing we're talking about here is straight up exploitative though. It's not people hiding really well in dark areas and in corners and stuff. It's crouching in front of the killer, spinning around them, or hiding in their body after getting hit. All of those succeed because the killer fov sucks.
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That's a fair compromise.
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If they are directly in front of you and you can't see them that seems more of a you issue?
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The FOV for Killer is trash and you know it.
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Why defend garbage?