

Vhs vs dbd

Member Posts: 68
edited September 2022 in Off-topic

Anyone else think that vhs looks awesome? I think iwlt would take out dbd

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Killing or even competing with Dbd would be a longshot due to the huge gap between the time it was announced to the time when it actually became available to everyone, and even then it’s still in Early Access. The hype is long gone and so I don’t think it will become a serious competitor.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    You do know that a game doesn’t always need a competitor right?

  • Member Posts: 944

    I wish it was good but it's not, literally unplayable... Evil dead is better but epic exclusive, it's a shame because Dbd would benefit from strong competition, devs don't really need to improve the game when there is no alternative in the same genre

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    You're not on VHS forum, you're on Dead by daylight forum. -_-

  • Member Posts: 159

    VHS is unfortunately on it's last legs and it's barely even been released. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut their losses and cease development

  • Member Posts: 497

    Oh boy another (x) game will kill dbd thread, if only it didn't lose more than 60% of the playerbase like the others.

    Predator Hunting Grounds

    RE Resistence

    Friday the 13th

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    F13 only lost players because of the lawsuit. If it never happened it would most definitely compete with DBD.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Not even close.... VHS doesn't have any juice.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    VHS an example of what happens when every survivor has map pings and voice communication. Unless the killer has certain abilities active (which have short durations and long cooldowns), they have to be scared of chasing survivors, because many parts of the map can be used as ambush points, and map pings make it very easy for survivors to coordinate ambushes.

    It's also frustrating watching a killer try to chase a survivor that has a weapon, because even if there isn't an ambush, the killer often has to pause or hide while in a chase, because the survivor ran through an area where there aren't enough line of sight blockers to avoid taking damage if the survivor turns around and starts using their weapon.

    Killers can't even walk around the map without worrying about ambushes. It's just non stop miserable all the time.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Haha good joke

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Sorry Jimbo, but VHS ain't it.

    Also whenever people flock to any other game they view as a competitor to dbd with the hopes that said competitor will kill and replace it, those people just ensures the demise of said competitor of dbd or at least do more harm to it than good.

  • Member Posts: 492

    I was in the VHS closed beta before they did the long hiatus before the EA release, and at the time I would have put everything in on it being a DBD killer. Then after the EA release, I dont know what happened but it just nose dived. The Teen role is way to strong and from what I've seen in their response to that in the last update was pretty weak. I am worried about VHS because I enjoyed it during the closed beta, but I have played like 3 games since it was released in EA

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    VHS suffers from balancing around the top and too many restraints on Monsters.

    If you balance around the top and the experience is so miserable for new players they don't stay then you can't retain players.

    Monster is not fun and far more stressful than Killer in Dbd to the extent that maybe 10% of the queue actually queues for it. This has led to the huge Teen queues and essentially no MMR which decreases the retention of new players as well. If you cannot get enough of the 1 role in the 1v4 queued the game will end up in crisis.

    While I would like to play it as a side game there needs to be substantial changes to Monster and the new player experience if it is survive.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Eh. Never been a fan of its gameplay cycle. The fact that the survivors' goal is to kill the killer makes the killer experience seem really janky.

    Also, I know it's rather silly, but that the killer's camera is thrown upward every time they get a hit is so jarring to me. I get why they do it like that, but DbD's method is just so much more thematic.

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited September 2022

    It does some things well and some things not so well. Definitely not a bad game. I think it's much more balanced than DbD could ever hope to be. But at the same time, the pacing of matches can be bad because there's no time crunch for either side and stealth is extremely viable. I like that the perks and mutations aren't just wild power creep like they are in DbD. Bodes well for long term game health if it makes it that far.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    edited September 2022

    Vhs art style is good, but both teen and monster are extremely frustrating and downright unfun to play

  • Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2022

    I actually think it looks really cool. It's definitely in the early stages and has a ways to go before it gets a serious player-base. But, I honestly think it could be a damn good game. It's survivor sided taken to the extreme, but it looks fun from what I've seen.

    Only time will tell for sure.

    Post edited by JacobiusWick on
  • Member Posts: 8,600

    It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. The chases play out differently depending on what weapon the survivor has though. Some of them it's better to charge at them (Eye, RC Flyer, Shock Sphere) before they can deploy it. And others have to be kited or avoided altogether like Cursed Sword/Flamethrower/etc. Every weapon has counterplay or drawbacks which makes it a constant back and forth.

    The ambushes can be frustrating because survivors don't make much sound if any when they aren't moving. But you start to get a spidey sense about them after playing Monster for a while.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    You are kinda late unless this is sarcasm.

  • Member Posts: 301

    On this, I disagree. Competition is the best thing for the consumer. When you have to compete for players you have to make changes the community like. Or you just keep crapping out micro transactions until you have no one playing anymore.

  • Member Posts: 209

    I think we're at a point where the 'DBD killer' status is a total myth.

    Asyms are inherently imbalanced and dbd has finally hit a stride of regular small but significant changes. Every other game has a glory period of 2-3 weeks, then the meta starts to settle and it gets dull.

    I think tellingly every content creator who's openly disdainful toward DbD, tries to jump ship and take their content in a new direction whenever the get the chance (last year, hide and seek VhS, evil dead, dbd clone prop Hunt game I've forgotten the name of), but always they come back to producing mostly dbd content.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    The only thing positive about vhs is it could bring development ideas to dbd down the road i doubt it will ever destroy dbd tho i do wish we could craft weapons to use against the monster like you can in vhs.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    No competitor can kill DBD, cuz it is already 'dead' by daylight... You got the joke?

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I want DBD competitors like VHS to succeed, but right off the bat VHS has a terrible model. All I see is the killer getting stunned over and over by survivors, having to hide behind walls from the survivors, and even being killed by survivors. And that's the objective of the survivors, not just extremely hard to pull off bonus things, like it would be in Friday The 13th. That's where they went wrong.

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