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How could I possibly win with this

Member Posts: 193
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

So I am going to make a crudish map of my gen setup in Aery of Crows to describe this game I just played Gens will be numbered Killer shack will be NW where gen 1 was will mark MB gen with MB it will be number 5. Keep in mind this was a 1 toolbox crew, it was brown with no add-ons. Survivors will be S


















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  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It looks like, as usual, they can do the 1-2 middle gens and then the map is completely split. Can't do anything if that happens. This isn't even going into the strong pallets and structures that spawned.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    If I don't know where the basement is, I can't tell you how to win the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    As killer: defend 5, 6, and 7 as your critical gens, 1 and 3 if you can, don't worry about 2 and 4. Depends a little on which killer you are using.

  • Member Posts: 193
    edited September 2022

    inc full story wall of text warning apparently it's too long for one post

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    According to Google, I'm 5 feet 4 11⁄64 inches

  • Member Posts: 193

    So this is a rough idea of the gen setup starting survivor locations which I had because of Lethal Pursuer they all head for gen 4 I head there the top-most survivor teabags and is the one holding the toolbox, I hit her and they all scatter and I follow her and down her next to the topmost X she pre-dropped 2 pallets on the way there. I down her and hook her and on BBQ see that gen 5 and 6 each have someone on it. I get to gen 5 just as my teleport comes online or I would have used it before. I hit the one on gen 5 who proceeds to run into the rafters so I kick gen 5 and go to 6 faking a teleport to gen 7 in case someone hid in a locker for BBQ and whack the person there. this is the jane who I will call tank girl here on out so I kick the gen and she runs to the structure to the east of 6 and as I am kicking the gen the first rescue happens. Tank girl pre-drops the pallet and I fake come on that side and she vaults I beat her to the other side and while still in vault animation I hit her dead hard. I can chalk this up to latency easily enough. she runs off I break the pallet and she is now in a rock formation to the north with a pallet in it and I decide better to not chase her there as there is another pallet then a structure with a pallet on the way to gen 4 so I head north into the main building from the eastern door, see gen 5 is still regressing so I break the north east door, turn around to go check gen 7 and who drops down right in front of me but the first one I hit at gen 5 who I swing and hit reactionarily and she bursts off with both hit speed and balanced landing speed, vaults west window and I break the door. No blood and no scratch marks on the other side so I head to gen 7. nobody there so I head to gen 4 because I am sure that tank girl is probably there fixing it. I pass gen 6 and it's fully regressed I look at gen 5 as I pass through MB and it's fully regressed too. Keep in mind I just left gen 7 and it had no progress at all. I make it to gen 4 and gen 7 pops. and gen 4 has no progress. ######### I say to myself. I head back through main building to gen 6 just in case they went right for the closest. Both have no progress so I teleport to gen 2. No progress hit gen 1 and then half way to gen 3 from gen 1 gen 2 pops. wow I think to myself so I head east and find tank girl. Hit her about a line south and a bit east of the first hook, she runs through the pallet just to the south west of us and pre-drops it. I chase her her around it cutting her off and keep in mind she is the only one I have seen at this point. I hit her and white aura, ok I think to myself, dead hard again and look at the hud. Not deadhard, Metal of Man. She hasn't taken a single protection hit this whole game and she has this. she runs down to the west window and vaults it, keep in mind the door next to it is broken so I follow her through and wait a moment to bait her dead hard. she runs at me and credit to her fakes it then hits it pixel perfect with no dead hard animation, just the white aura and now deep wounds but I still feel cheated as I didn't know she had MoM yet I found this out after the game and still feel cheated as it worked without taking protection hits. so she decided with this hit to go around me and take the south-west stairs in main, tries to stair tech me dropping down and expecting me to drop al the way but I don't even bother dropping, I just turn around and hit her as she comes back up the stairs and hook her in basement. I expect a gen pop about this time but it doesn't come. I go to gen 6 and 4 after checking on 5 pretty sure that 1 or 3 are gonna pop and figuring I will teleport to the other one when it does, it should be noted that I am used to not seeing auras with BBQ because of gen position opposite me when repairing blocking auras. Also lockers hide auras I rarely see auras past the first couple teleports to gens using it. So I head to gen 3 then head to gen 1, teleport to gen 4 and none of them have progress. I head back towards main in time to see the rescue. I head there and see the auras of 3 survivors healing just outside main building on the south-west corner so I head out west side door and find 2 others healing tank girl, I whack them both and gen 4 pops. This means one person (Toolbox Girl) fixed a whole gen in the time it took me to walk from gen 4 through main to the SW corner of main. Tank Girl and the first healer I hit went north so I chase healer 2 who went south and around east. she runs to a rock structure with a lappet and starts trying to loop it and I figure I haven't got time for this (I didn't spend time getting looped here I just left) and try to see if I can see heal auras to the north Gen 3 pops as I am working my way through main building towards it and there is no way even with 3 of them they should have had time to get gen 4 done and even get to gen 3 AND fix it.

    At this point I am certain I have been cheated out of a good game but I find toolbox girl and hit her, she runs off to gen 1 and at this point I just want her to die because there is no way she is legit. I down her in shack after she drops the pallet there and blocks her window and in the mean time the only gen that feels like a legit gen pops off as it took a while to down toolbox girl. and pick her up, the closes hook sits in between shack and gen 3 so I head there. in comes all 3 of the rest of them to body block the hook, never even got to hook toolbox girl.

    The perks. Toolbox Girl :Claudette Morell, Botany knowledge, self care, empathy, deliverance

    Tank Girl: Nea Carlson default skin, Flip Flop, Dead Hard, Metal of Man, Unbreakable

    Other survivor 1: Nea Carlson with a bright neon shirt skin running a typical pre-6.1 build. Spine chill, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable

    Other Survivor 2: Meg Thomas sporting the same pre-6.1 build

    Me, Freddy, Lethal Pursuer, A Nurser Calling, Barbecue and Chilly, Eruption. Addons Pill Bottle, Swing Chains.

    Items brought by survivors, 1 brown un-adorned toolbox

    offerings Map offering Aery of Crows x4 Survivor Pudding

    This can't be a legit game

  • Member Posts: 193

    all the comments that come before the description that were not there when I posted the description

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I am, uh, not reading all of that.

    I'm gonna need some spaces chief.

    In terms of your map lay-out posted above, Eyrie is not an easy map to play on for Killer. I'd, personally, try to hold gens 5, 6 and 7.

    The back of the main building is usually not as pallet dense as the rest of the map. I'd also do my absolute damndest to get a hook near those gens. If I can camp someone to 2nd stage before any of those gens pop, I can win.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I think that description would be a lot easier to read if you stated your killer at the beginning (we have several that can teleport) and had used the survivor character names rather than describing them. Just for.your information, the post was honestly a little difficult to read although I appreciate your map artwork. :)

    If your sense of time is absolutely correct then its possible you faced subtle cheaters that sped up gen times for them (and activated Mettle prematurely). However, it is well possible to hit frame perfect dead hard (no animation) against killers that don't wait it out. I'm not the best survivor and against some killers I managed to do so several times in a match.

    Other than not being able to rule out cheaters in this case, it sounds like you are relying a lot on a hit-and-run playstyle which can be quite difficult to pull of in the current meta. Some killers have suffered from this massively and Freddy is one of them as his basekit does a lot of stuff but none of it extremely well. Try to end chases more as you are also being perks like Eruption that will only help you when you end a chase. If you need, use some perks that help you with this, like Enduring + Spirit Fury (combined with the pools as slowdown this can be scary) or Save The Best for Last.

    Freddy is also still a good user of Pop, pair this with Eruption for more reliable slowdown. Again both perks rely on you getting downs and hooks though so you need to commit to chases..

  • Member Posts: 193

    in tha tyou would have found that I was at 7 went through the main building checking 6 and 5 on my way through to 4 and by the time I got to 4 7 was popping.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It is, theoretically, possible that they were cheating.

    I would not rely on that excuse though.

  • Member Posts: 193

    I literally had gens at 0 progress popping in the time it took me to walk through main building I had only the opportunity to kick 2 gens in the whole match which had next to no progress on them and regressed to 0. Pop would have done nothing this match. I appreciate the read though as I know wall of text can intimidate. I put as much detail as I could in there. Honestly if 1 person can do a gen in the time it takes to walk from 4 to the west side of main then there would be no way to win as killer at all. it wasn't slow methodical moving either I moved straight there to try to catch them coming out of basement but they were healing just the other side of the wall.

  • Member Posts: 157

    No Pop + Eruption alone won't do much, you will still need the downs and hooks. Through those you create pressure and force people off of gens. This is why I suggested adding some perks that help you in chase and pair well with Freddy's chase kit (both version of which are not amazing but can do the job).

    As I said if your account and timings are as it happened there is also still the chance you versed subtle cheaters. It feels like that is what you want us to say but it's difficult to do so without a video. If you feel like this happens to you a lot, then it might be worth recording tour matches and watching the back as it usually allows for some better insight into how long things really took - plus they can be used for evidence to submit to Behaviour as well.

    The issue with your text wasn't exactly the length but rather the lack of structure. Try to include some paragraphs and put the relevant information at the top of the text. That also allows you to keep your descriptions a bit shorter and more on point.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Yeah I get about 1-2 iffy matches every 3 days and I have caught a couple cheaters on video that I have submitted. One where a Jill player was outrunning my legion in power after slamming a pallet without stunning me then running around the wall with me hot on her heels just a bit slower only to vault that pallet on the way around and trigger lithe. every time I chased her she outran my power, I don't use add-on's for legion as it makes it less fun. One instance is was a Bubbuh that went off to the left past me when I was creeping up for a hook, I watched him go in one structure a ways off away from the hook, I ran up to unhook and his terror radius suddenly was back in full force as he came out of the structure the hook was at. I get determined to catch them on video sometimes it's little things possibly accountable to server latency but it happens a few days go by I forget to record every match and then it happens again. The iffy things I tend to find is where someone's hurt, running from me and I hear their pains following them around a corner and their sounds suddenly stop and their trail ends in 3 drops of blood and no trail off. another one is when I will chase people and they will consistently rubberband when I am about to hit them.

  • Member Posts: 267

    Has anyone figured out what X means?

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