Starting adept challenges on Sept 13th- any tips from the DBD community?

So this will be my first post on these forums, and hopefully not my last. I'm known as 'JohnSuitepee' in game (for some reason I accidentally registered as JohnSsuitepee on here, so it goes), and I have accumulated around 800+ hours in DBD ever since I started playing back in January of this year. (got into this game due to Sadako being announced for it) I prefer playing the killer side to survivor, although I don't have a killer main as of the moment.

Anyways, I want to go for all the Survivor and Killer adept challenges once the rank reset kicks in on the 13th of this month: (shameless plug to my channel)

I have watched the 2022 Otzdarva video about the adept challenge guides for each killer (hence why I chose to start this challenge on a rank reset so it'd be a little easier), but I was wondering if the wider DBD community had any tips or suggestions for doing adept challenges in this game that might come in handy.

I imagine the Survivor side of things is simple enough, but I'd guess for certain killers there might be some tricks that will come in handy for the adept runs that I might not know about.

Any help fully appreciated!


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited September 2022

    For killer I suggest burning maps that would be advantageous to the killer you're playing. Imagine trying for adept Trapper or Pig on maps like Eyrie of crows, Cowshed, the Game etc.

    Also welcome to the forums.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    I recommend not doing Trapper first unless you plan to bring some powerful add-ons and a good map offering (but at least Trapper has decent perks, unlike Wraith). Don't be afraid to tunnel or slug since sometimes it's necessary (don't do it too early tho, 'cause it may ruin the chaser category, resulting in not getting the adept achievement).

    Anyway, I hope I could help you and good luck!

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    Survivor adepts are pretty easy, just don't do unnecessary things like cleansing dull totems or opening chest. But it requires good teammates and a map can carry you too (that's why I get Adept David first try, since both things happened). Also good luck doing these adepts.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Don't be afraid to bring map offerings for either killer or survivor. On stealth killers bring indoor maps. On 1shot killers bring the meme addons that won't let you 1shot (eg. Speed Limiter on Bubba) cause 1shots GREATLY decrease your chaser emblem points. On killers like Plague and GF don't use the power at all, just play them like a normal M1 killer for the same reason.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    You're doing the right thing by attempting killer adepts after rank reset. Its much easier to get Merciless Killer at Ash/Bronze ranks than Gold/Iridescent.

    My biggest tip is know the emblem system which it seems you did your homework for! That should set you up well. Be wary that some killers are naturally punished by the emblem system. Plague does terrible with Malicious and/or Chaser (Malicious because survivors can heal in an instant with fountains, Chaser because if survivors stay injured they have naturally shorter chases and less time to get the needed points). Hillbilly/Bubba struggle with Chaser because their instant down abilities (less chases, less points). Victor doesn't count as a chase for Twins. There are a lot of little nuances to be aware of. For those killers though, I would suggest not being afraid to play them as an M1 killer as much as possible without actively throwing the game.

    For the actual games, you have to have a sort of internal gauge to know if you are in line to get the actual adept or not. If things are looking bad (someone dced before first hook, all gens done in 4 minutes), I think its better to focus on practicing your killer instead of more aggressive tactics of camping/tunneling. Now, I'm not advocating for farming as you aren't necessarily getting better with your chases this way but the worst result is getting a 4k with only a single pip as it raises your MMR and brings you closer to Gold/Iridescent ranks.

    If you haven't already, I would also highly recommend making a tierlist of the killers with their adept perks based on how comfortable you are with them. Personally, I'm a big fan of setup M1 killers (like Trapper, Meyers, or Ghostface) so I feel more comfortable with them than objectively better killers like Nurse or Blight. Its important to consider perks too as some killers may be weaker but with better perks (Sadako, Trickster) vs stronger killers but who have worthless perks (Huntress, Oni). Make sure to consider addons and map offerings when making your list too! Start with the killers you expect to struggle with to save your better killer options for if you have entered a higher ranking.

    Finally, I found that the time of day you play matters. This may be different now as I did all my adepts (besides Wesker, obviously) prior to the major patch changes but I tried avoiding attempting adepts in the later evening (starting around 10p my local time) as that was when I would find the sweat squads. If you are tying a hand behind your back (which is really what killer adepts are doing), you can't expect to be able to beat a team that is going full force that is at least at your level.

    Good luck on those adept runs! Keep at it and I'm sure you'll have them in no time!

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited September 2022

    Ooh, good luck!

    I would suggest doing some of the harder killer ones first, since once you leave ash ranks (and you will after a few Merciless games), the requirements for double pipping become more strict. Watch out for instadown killers and also Twins and Plague, as these killers tend to have poor Chaser emblems if they use their powers too much, and you can easily 12-hook 4k and still fail to get the adept due to this single emblem unless your monthly grade was low. Either you do this when you're ash rank or you have to refrain from using your power very much and play them like basic M1 killers (or in Myers/Ghostface's case, M1s with minimal stalking.) This also applies to Hag and Pig - you don't want to use Devour Hope or you'll never get the adept, and you don't want people to die from headpops unless they were on their death hook anyway. Exposed addons are unhelpful for the same reason - great for 4k, bad for scores.

    Killers like Legion and Wraith aren't the easiest to get a 4k with, but they'll have great Chaser scores no matter what you do and you can save them for later unless you're at really high MMR and getting the 4k becomes the issue.

    In general, tunneling the first person is fine and may be necessary if you're playing a weak killer versus good opponents, but you want to spread hooks otherwise. People who die on their first hook are bad for your scores.

    Early disconnects often mean the run is scuppered, but people who DC while they're on hook actually end up giving you double emblem points for their sacrifice, which is amazing for you and can cause you to get the adept even when you wouldn't have otherwise.

    If you don't think your Chaser emblem is good enough, you can alternate slugging the last two/three survivors and let them pick each other up for some bonus downs. Another thing is that if you end up downing a lot of already-injured survivors, your Chaser will be bad and you may need to do this anyway, or voluntarily give them time to reset so that you can chase people at full health. If your Chaser is good and you got more than 9 hooks, it's okay if the last guy gets hatch.

    Never hook the last guy and kick the gates open for some bonus points! I made this mistake once and lost an adept because of it - that's -28 Gatekeeper right there.

    Survivor adepts are all the same and your rank doesn't have any bearing on them, so go ham on those whenever you feel like it! Just watch out for Laurie and David, as they both have perks that are dangerous for you if you don't account for them. You'll probably want to play those two very safe.

  • JohnSsuitepee
    JohnSsuitepee Member Posts: 22

    Thanks to everyone for their kind suggestions! I will certainly be utilising some of these for when I start the Killer attempts.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Understand it's more luck than anything else but you will be forced into certain playstyles inorder to get them (tunnel etc.)

    No matter what anyone tells you, it is more to do with luck than skill. Sure skill and knowledge will help but it wont make you get them. Iv been playing since release and I still hate adepts (killer anyway survivor is easy) but the amount of times I'm punished emblem wise because my chases was too fast or the gens was too fast is kinda silly (imagine having to say, I got 11hooks, 4k too quickly so I should be punished)

    If you want any specific advice tag me, iv done adepts a few times and every killer is different but basically use the better addons and use map offerings and it will help you a bunch. Play on rank reset and aim for a 4k with 9+hooks

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    with what everyone said above the most important thing don't get titled if you don't get it within the first 1 to 4 games it'll most likely result in you playing bad if you are in a bad mood and mindset

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Turn back now. Before it's too late.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    At first: for killer adepts you need a double pip, as far as I know you don't need a 4k. SUre, a 4k gives you at least 1 more emblem points, so you can miss that point on other emblems. Just for info.

    In general, maybe take a look into the emblems on the wiki page to understand how you need to play. And tunneling the first guy out is totally fine, you dont need to spread hooks as long as 4 survivors are alive. Tunneling the second guy would be the problem, because when you only have 2 survivors left and both are not hooked yet, you might get only 1-2 hooks from possible 6, which hurts 3 of your emblems.

    As already said: insta downs hurt your chaser emblem (or was it malicious?). So for billy for example, use it as mobility only, but also if you want to slug while you have multiple survivors around, because you rely on getting the multiple hits to get enough emblem points. But slugging is generally the "counter" to missing emblem points when you use insta downs.

    Unluckily you can request help for every killer seperately, because everyone has its own addon combo to support either your perks or add missing gen control/tracking. I would suggest to run brown/yellow addons for the first few matches and get used to the killer (I guess you are not mastering every killer yet with 800 hours) and then see how you can work with the kit you are given and how to adjust for the adept. Because I guess you don't have a bunch of iri addons and the perfect map offerings on every killer available for multiple attempts. So I would give it some tries before and then use the best addons when you feel comfy.

    Regarding the best addons, every killer is unique. But you can ask here if you struggle with anyone. I read already that you should't use GF stalking at all to get enough emblem points for example. This may be true, so one of his most useful addons would be faster power recovery to get your stealth ready as soon as possible for more free surprise attacks. But on the other hand, driver's licence can be extremely nuts if you can get that to work, so combining this with "Philly" for faster stalk might also be a good option.

    Or on Myers, scratched mirror might be the way to go which now works best on RPD. But you need to practice that. You can't chase survivors. As long as they know where you are and following in a straight line, you will never catch up on that map. You need to hit&run, do a lot of surprise attacks, catch them while healing or doing totems etc. Demo has pretty strong yellow/brown addons like shred recovery after hit/miss/pallets but his best addon for adept is probably the iri arua reading, as your perks dont give you that, as well as the whistle, so you get a lot of information. For pig, you have a nice Corrupt-like addon for slow early game. Combine Video Tape with Ruleset No2 so they have to either risk their traps activated (and having 2-3 active traps in play completely stalls the gen progress) or they need to invest some time in the beginning to find the boxes without seeing their auras. Even better if you find them while doing that, so they need to go on with taht after unhook.

    Just try some basic matches with good addons which you have a lot of and see how the perks work for you, maybe you even get the adept in these matches already. Otherwise try to find the best combo after that, or ask here for tips.