We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

How do I get out of low MMR?

First off, I'd just like to say that I have around 600ish hours of survivor and a bit of killer. The problem I'm having is the fact that I'm getting really bad teammates. Most of the time when I get hooked, no one saves me and I end up dying on first hook even with kindred. I'm at a sort of at an elo hell of getting bad teammates that don't do gens, and even if I loop the killer for a long time, I eventually make some sort of mistake or bloodlust gets to me and I go down. Then, once down, I usually see my teammates doing one of three things:

Hiding (in a locker or urban evading)

Running around

Doing gens (preferable)

Now, to ask my question, how do I get out of this low MMR nightmare? I can sometimes get good teammates if I manage to escape, but if I die even once, then I go right back to ######### teammates. I usually run meta builds (dead hard, prove thyself, adrenaline, balanced landing, unbreakable, etc.), but that's purely because of my playstyle. Is there any strategies I can use to get out of this and if it's possible to stay at a mid-high MMR upon death? I have a decently high MMR on killer (finding lobbies with pretty high prestiged players) which is weird since I'm a survivor main.


  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    You gotta sweat it out.

  • Thanks. I found a pretty good solo gen build to use, as in my last game my teammates decided that they would try to befriend the killer and they all got slugged while I died on hook :)

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Bring Clairvoyance and Deliverance. You'll have to master "the way of the hatch."

  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    always other games to play

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,486

    I dunno whether this is actually a low MMR thing or just the state of the game currently. People prioritising tome challenges or leaving people to die on hook purely because it's one step closer to them getting hatch. Teamwork has really been suffering lately. It wasn't like this when I started playing a couple of years ago.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 705
    edited September 2022

    Apparently hatch does not raise your MMR but it doesn't lower it either. True having a hatch build may help if things go bad but you won't gain anything by relying on it.

    Honest truth though? With solo you'll never feel as though you get out of low MMR. Why? Two reasons. First is the way it matches people up, it's borderline random and picks from way too pick of a pool to honestly work based on skill level and second of all is lack of communication which means intent and who does what gets muddled and that costs precious time and in many cases hook states.

    The fact the game does not make kindred base kit or only tells you if the obsession is in chase but not anybody else gives SWF a massive advantage. Even if Kindred was base kit the fact there's no way to indicate to your fellow survivors you are going for the save is silly.

    A casual SWF that only calls out these two basic things (I'm in chase/I'm going for the save) makes a massive difference, especially if the two are put together so if someone is going for the save but is chased it's clear to everyone they can no longer do it. Even Kindred can't give this intel sometimes unless you are looking at the survivors movements.

    However communication goes against the 'grand design' of the 'vision' that the designers seem to have of the game of people having no communication and being isolated from each other. That's great and all but it simply doesn't fly in practice and when you buff killers to increase the kill rates that were largely deflated because of SWF, you get... well this...

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Use all of your bnp and dodge every lobby with new survs

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,140

    Not gonna lie. Just play selfish. If a decision leads to you personally getting out, do it.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2022

    You are the only one matters. Thats how u win SoloQ with highest chances.

    Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Clairvoyance, Exhaustion-Perk of your choice

    Clairvoyance = kill a totem and u see the aura of the hatch

    Wake Up = if the killer shuts the hatch down before u are there, chill a bit, walk slowly and stealthy to an exit gate, wait till the killer checked it and then open it superfast to leave (doesnt work if the killer can see both switches from a little position on the map.

    Sole Survivor = Again speed up for opening the door - stacks with Wake Up

    4th perk is mostly an exhaustion-perk (Deadhard/Lithe most likely).

    Main Rule: DO NOT GO INTO A CHASE, START STEALTHY and wait before working on a gen till the killer is in the chase with another one.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    “Lethal Pursuer grins while reading the Main Rule, as he steadily approaches…”

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,201

    Camp, slug and tunnel. Sweat hard for the 4k (3k+hatch is also OK, though) and very, very soon you'll leave the low MMR ranks way behind.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    well, u dont have 5 slots XD. Of course u could bring Distortion instead of something.

  • Friction
    Friction Member Posts: 12

    Distortion is your friend

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    you focus on other things like max BP per game. then its less frustrating.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    As SoloQ survivor there isn't really a way out of MMR hell by yourself in the forseeable future. There might be if you get your chase skills to a point where you can keep the killer busy for the entire match / long enough so they don't go for you anymore. Which is more trouble than it's worth, except if you really like chase and aspire to become a god looper.

    The thing with MMR is; to increase it you need escapes through gates and even if you're the last one standing that is a difficult thing to pull off. Wake Up! (Quentin), Sole Survivor (Laurie) and Low Profile (Ada) help with that; the first two help you open the gates quicker and Ada helps you hide from the killer (Esca-Strategy; start to open the gate but stop before the first red light shows, which is when the bar reaches the "a" in escape, leave, wait for the killer to check the gate, wait for them to leave to check the other gate, open, escape). Only time this won't work is if you are in chase when you become the last survivor or when the killer has direct line of sight of both gates / can get line of sight within less than five-ish seconds.

    The way to simply not care about MMR is to find yourself 2-3 people to swf with. Not even to sweat or to do the whole call out thing - but to have people you know won't just afk or dc, you know will at least try to save and you know will go do gens when they can. It doesn't matter how often you die then because you'll still play with the same people - just the people you go against change (if MMR is working. Which it often enough isn't anyway).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,275

    Well that's the thing. Assume someone checked their MMR one time and found out they were well above the softcap on survivor despite playing mostly solo queue. Around 1800 MMR. Turns out, no matter how high your MMR is, you're still going to get terrible teammates relative to your own skill or the killer's skill.

    There's a very big difference between how players want/expect SBMM to work and how the devs intend for it work. Players assume it's to more or less rank players and match them according to skill. The devs intend for it to loosely group players into skill brackets. Low, mid, and everyone else is high. But there's a lot of variation within those brackets. The devs seem to fear any competitive play at all (because then they might have to actually balance the game and tune hitboxes), which is why matches are still all over the place skill-wise no matter where your MMR is.

    I had a game recently where two teammates were slugged within 40 seconds of the trial start against a Huntress. I ran that same Huntress for the final two gens. Having high MMR will not save you from relatively bad teammates because the acceptable range is way too wide.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    He’s a survivor. There’re no killers in low mmr. A 5 years old children in his first match with this game can 4k against solos

  • Good news guys!!! I got out of low MMR where I finally got decent teammates. After winning a few games, died a single time and now I'm back with console players who left me to die on first hook!! SBMM has zero issues and is a perfect system without any flaws!!! :D